Jul 27/24
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Tampa Bay Patriots




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Posted Jun 4/15 - Thank you for a great 2015

From Gene Allen, President, Brother and Believer in you!

Tampa Bay Patriot’s,

Another season’s over and what a successful and interesting one it’s been! When I sat here over 10 months ago, I would never have thought that we’d have such rotten luck. We’ve had our share of successes but we’ve also had our share of problems too – notably when we go into the FFA playoff rounds we lost our #1 running back to injury, and 2 starters to the higher gods of football (The Pro’s).
Our Offense struggled throughout the first part of the season but as their confidence grew and by the second half of the season, we started to come together as a team, players stepped up for the missing or hurt ones, leaders emerged and vaulted this team into the playoffs. I can’t say enough about our defense from the opening snap of the season to the last tick on the clock in the final game, you all played as if you had been playing together all your lives.
Although we all feel disappointed in the outcome of this season it’s important to remember that we’ll need to be every bit as good and better next year. The Championship team escaped our wrath by 1 point this season in 3 games. One of the great things about this sport is that there’s always room for improvement, we can all work on doing something just a little better this year. When everyone does that, the results will be amazing – and if there’s one thing I know about each and every one of you, it’s that there isn’t anyone who wouldn’t give his all for this TEAM.
I couldn’t possibly end without saying “Thank You” to our Head Coach and my Partner Hurley Tarver and to Coaches Nayib Achecar, and Chris Cook. I really do appreciate all that you do for us – and we couldn’t be the Patriot’s without you. I also want to say “Thanks” to all of you players for turning up for practices, come rain or shine. There’s an old saying that “it matters not if you win or lose, but how you play the game” The biggest Bullshit I have ever heard, believe me winning matters and after losing, coming back bigger , better and stronger makes you a winner because you never quit and that is what makes you a winner and that's why you are a Tampa Bay Patriot!!
It’s an honor and a privilege to be associated with such a great group of guys who play the game that I love so well.

Thank you for another Great Ride Looking forward to the next one!



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