Sep 1/24
5:41 am

Tampa Bay Patriots




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Posted Jun 4/15 - 2016 Registration Begins!



2015-2016 Season

  1. 2015-2016 league fee’s $225.00
  2. Combine/tryout fee’s $35 (If you make the team it goes towards your league fee)
  3. FFA requires that initial roster to be turned in by November 1st.
  4. Veterans in good financial standing have first choice to selecting the same jersey number that they wore last season unless they want to change for the 2016 season.  However,  half of the total fees owed must be paid by Sept. 1st 2015 in order to keep your jersey number. If not, the players number will go to the first full paid player who requests it.
  5. All new players must be paid in full or have paid half of their total league fee’s by Sept. 1st 2015.  Fully paid players have first choice for the number requested unless a veteran player is current with their payment and already owns that number.
  6. All former players that owe money from 2014-2015 season must pay their balance and new combine fee at 1 of the 4 combine dates set between the months of  July-August.

No exceptions.

  1. The Tampa Bay Patriots are an elite group of athletes that compete at an extraordinary level, contending with top accolades at most positions and overall rankings.  Each season we’re only getting better…Bring you’re A Game to the tryouts YOUR OVERALL PERFORMANCE (talent, experience, punctuality, attitude, consistency making it to practices/games, work ethic, etc.) EARNS YOUR position! We will compete this season with a 54 Man Roster and 5 Developmental Players.  We will have 1 roster cut date at the end of our pre-season.
  2. The Tampa Bay Patriots have a zero tolerance for violence policy.  Any violence or threat towards owners, coaches, teammates or referees will result in immediate suspension and/or termination from the team.  Defending on the severity of your act prosecution will be pursued as well as a petition to the FFA for a minimum 3 year suspension from the league.
  3. Our OTA’S will start September 5th.  We will have approximately 15 practices before our regular season begins.   All players must have all equipment by Sept. 31st. OTA’s in October will be in full pads.  Bring all equipment to every practice.
  4. The Tampa Bay Patriots is all about each of your growth and development and wants to provide avenues of success for your life endeavors.  In doing so we plan on extending our networks so that more resources are available to you from our community.  Our visibility and leadership in our community increases the respect and eye for each of your profession as minor league football players and creates more resources for us to grow our team.  We will have a sign up sheet in which each of our events will be listed.  On that sheet each player must commit to a rotation at at least 2 events during the season.  It’s important for you to understand that our credibility and name is on the line for these events, so you being dependable and present is imperative.  Missing an event without prior communication and confirmation will result in an infraction of some sort.
  5. We look forward to having a season that’s intolerable to losses in any capacity!  The Tampa Bay Patriots is not a team that tolerates a miss practices and show up on game day attitude, we have a team full of committed players and leaders that’s hungry to take that championship that “barely” slipped away from us this year back in the 2016 season.  Come ready to Win!      



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