Sep 1/24
2:55 am

Portland Rockets




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To the Rockets, Pudman, and Fans,

Well this is Chris Tillery and have some bad news. Saturday during our 1st game I hyper extended my knee hitting 1st base after a sac bunt. It sure felt like a pain like I have never felt before. Pudman helped me up and was attempting to walk me back to the dugout but I pushed him away so I could try to walk under my own power. It was hard but I did it. I went to the hospital and got x-rays which were negative, but I was still in major pain so I actually got a pain shot. I came back to see our Rockets win the 2nd game of the day. I was up walking (with a little limp) and felt pretty good telling everyone I was going to be back for this weekends games.
I woke up Sunday not able to walk, it was the pain meds talking on Saturday. Monday morning I got an MRI done on my knee and sat and waited for the results which I received today (Tuesday). My worst pain was on the back left side on my knee, and that's where my news was coming from. The doctor told me I did some damage, and I had partial tears in different places, but nothing that required surgery. I have 3 partial tears and a bruised bone. Great news that I didn't have to have surgery, but bad news.... I'm out for 3 months. It should be about 6 weeks to heal, and 3 months total to get back in to baseball and full activity. I am gonna be on crutches and in knee braces for awhile till everything is fully healed.
I just want to say thank you to all my teammates, Pudman, and all of Portland thank you for an amazing summer and season. For the Rockets and all the returning guys for accepting me and letting me come to the team. I am going to miss all the guys and the fans. Sitting at the hospital I was thinking about was the team. I kept saying we had to get back to the 2nd game so I could watch them win. I kept telling the doctor that we had to make sure I was ready to play by this weekend, that can't happen now. This has been the best summer I have ever had, and this is a HUGE buzz kill to end it. I will be at the games this weekend still yelling and making sure everyone hears me out of the dugout, you may not see me dancing and jumping around, but I will still be there.
Now I am just going to work twice as hard to get ready for my school season, and I am really looking forward to coming back to good ol Portland and play with the Rockets next summer. This has definitely been an experience that I will never forget, but I sure didn't want it to end like this.

Thanks again everyone, See you next season, Cause I will be back, Chris Tillery #2


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