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Park River Red Machine Hockey



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Posted Feb 5/11 - Feb 5/11

GPR HOCKEY, N.D.-------

February 5, 2011

With only 2 weeks or so left in the race to the North Dakota Bantam and Pee Wee States tournament titles, all 4 GPR teams are not where they need to be.

With Grafton hosting the Pee Wee B1 State, the GPR Pee Wee B's are trying to stop the slide. At the beginning of the season the GPR Pee Wee B's were thought to be following the path set by the 2009-2010 team, but 1st year coach Gus Thompson cleared the slate and rallied the troops. The GPR Pee Wee B's went on a winning tear and solidified themselves as a State title contender. Recent 1 goal losses and the loss of Forward Jelinek have but the brakes on the run.

GPR Pee Wee B's need to move up 1 spot as they sit in 4th place. With 4 tough league games upcoming, the Pee Wee B's travel to GF to play the Mustangs today, then get Langdon at home on Sunday, a team they thought they should have beaten in Langdon. They host the GF Thunder at Chris Midgarden Arena next Sunday where the cold home sheet should play to GPR. The away game in Mayville the 19th is one I'm sure Coach Thompson has set his sights on most of the year after the Pee Wee B's let one get away at the Centennial when Mayville scored to tie it with less than 2 minutes, and won it with seconds left. 


It is hard to believe that the GPR Pee Wee A's are still in the running. Sitting in 5th place in the North, the Pee Wee A's are one loss from A2. This weekend games vs Minot Saturday at the Centennial and the GF Seawolves on Sunday should spell out the rest of the season. The Minot game is a test to see which team has improved after the early season game in Minot where GPR Pee Wee A's lost a one goal game. A win vs Minot will keep the fire going for a day at least. Sunday will be a heavy lift when GPR Pee Wee A's will attempt to stop the best player in the state, if not region, Matt Christian of the Seawolves. 

A lot of things can still happen since GPR Pee Wee A's beat the Golden Eagles last week 4-1 at the Centennial. Then the Golden Eagles went to Devils Lake and again tied 3-3. Thursdays game at Chris Midgarden against Devils Lake will be the most important game of the year if the A's can split this weekend. A win in GF vs the Golden Eagles next week and the light might get a bit brighter. GPR Pee Wee A's, a 10-16 team on life support, but still a chance.





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