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Posted Nov 14/09 - 2009-10 Team Theme: HOLD THE ROPE
Team slogan for 2009-10 Campaign: "HOLD THE ROPE"
Here's why we chose this as our team's motivational quote and our team theme for 2009-10.
Every year a professional football team wins the Super Bowl.  Every year a college football team wins the National Championship.  Every year the best high school team in Class 5A on down wins the state crown. All these teams have one thing in common.  No matter how tough it became throughout their season, they did one thing -  they held the rope!
What is holding the rope? It's being accountable and responsible for yourself and loyal and trustworthy to your teammates.

You don't have to be the best team on the field or court to win the game.  If you play with poise and do what your coaches ask you, and most of all - hold the rope - you will be successful.  
Imagine that you are hanging from the edge of a cliff with a drop of 20,000 feet.  The thing between you and a fall to your death is a rope, with the person of your choice on the other end.  Who do you know that has the guts to pull you to  safety?  Who will hold the rope?  Who do you know that is going to let the rope burn her hand, withstand the burning pain and watch the blood drip from her hands for you?
If you can name two people, that's not good enough, because those two people might not be around.  The next time your team is together, look around you and ask yourself, who could I trust to hold the rope?  Who is going to let their hands bleed for me?  When you can look at every member on your team and say to yourself that they would hold the rope, you are destined to win a lot of games.  You see, the team that holds the rope when the going gets tough, are winners.  When you are down by 14 points, late in the 4th quarter, don't give up.  Yell at your teammates to hold the rope, let it burn but don't let go.
Every year there are winners and losers in all sports.  Every year the winners hold the rope.  You don't have to be the best team on the field or court to win the game.  If you play with poise and do what your coaches ask you, and most of all - hold the rope - you will be successful.  

No matter what sport you play, in order to win, you have to have a commitment to your team.  If you are supposed to run three times a week, do it.  If you have to lift weights three times per week, do it.  Once you start letting up at practice or start missing your workouts, you've killed the team because you didn't hold the rope.
Don't let your team down.  You've got to hold the rope!  You must do everything possible, both on and off the court, to make sure that your teammates KNOW that they can count on YOU to "HOLD THE ROPE".


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