May 9/24
7:13 pm

Miami Storms





Even if youīre out of position, freeze at the moment of your opposing hitterīs impact of the ball. Youīll make far more mistakes by being caught in transition than you ever will if you are set and ready to react.

So freeze first, react second. Donīt get caught moving.

Essentials of Passing
Take pride in your passing. Itīs very important, and absolutely critical for a successful offense.If you donīt think itīs true, think about these ideas:

How well could a baseball team play if the pitcher was forced to pitch from second base?

How successful would a football team be if the quarterback had to start every play by standing back an extra 20 yards?

Both of those situations are comparable to what bad passing does to a setterīs chances of running an efficient offense. So do your best on every single pass, and youīll see your teamīs success rate increase.

Play Defense First
Setters need to remember: youīre a defensive player first, a setter second. Itīs so easy to keep cheating up toward the setting area and to forget to get into position to play defense. That leaves a hole, and forces your teammates to find ways to fill it. That leaves holes where THEYīRE supposed to be. So stay home, play defense and THEN set.

Serving More Aces
Another player who should get a serve right away is a player who just enters the game. That player hasnīt had time to get into the flow of the game, isnīt quite warmed up, and is going to have the adreneline flowing and liable to be a little nervous and slightly uptight. Hit them while all that is in your favor. Even if theyīre a good passer, theyīll often miss one or two at the very beginning of their rotation.

Another way to score more aces is to be on the look out for a player who looks overly frustrated, upset, tired or injured. Any of those signs should be a flag for your serve. That player isnīt in the game as much as they should, so hit them and see if they can pull it together.

The 3 Rīs of Digging
Whenever youīre playing defense, itīs wise to remember these 3 "Rīs:"

Ready, Read, and React.

Get down, be ready for anything. Read the set, the hitterīs body language, approach and armswing. Then react, based on what youīve learned from the information youīve gathered.

Ready, Read, and React.

Practice your "3 Rīs" and become a great defensive player.

Stay Back!
If your team plays a center back defense, itīs important for you to condition yourself to stay back. Itīs so easy to keep creeping forward as the volley progresses, but you have to force yourself to play back, guarding against the long tip and ready to pick up a carrom off a block. You canīt do that if youīre 10ī from the back line, so stay back, and when you look around and notice youīve shifted forward, hustle back quickly and stay alert.



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