Jun 7/24
7:37 am

Old Town Tigers




Date: Wed, Jun 3/09, 6:00pm
Location: Sprinker
BAD BOYS 0000004484
Mis Tres Amigos 103100X583
Game Notes: With solid fielding and a mix of contact and power hitting Mis Tres Amigos took the early lead. Mis Tres Amigos bid at a blowout was thwarted by a triple play in the third. Russell Breedlove snared a linedrive at second and fired to first in time for two outs. The runner on third, who may or may not have tagged up, broke for home. As he did, Brian Airey fired home where the runner had already crossed the plate. Josh Hoke, being the alert catcher that he is, knew that the runner couldn't have touched the plate because he had blocked it so well that he tripped the runner over the plate. As Hoke tagged the runner the Bad Boys had earned their first triple play. The damage had been done though. Mis Tres Amigos led 4-0. Airey would finish on the mound for the second consecutive game. Once again he held the opposition down, allowing one single and one unearned run over the final three innings to give the Bad Boys a chance. After sleepwalking the first 6 innings the Bad Boys offense erupted in the 7th. At first, things looked glim when Bad Boy secondbaseman Russell Breedlove broke for third on a passed ball that caromed directly back to the catcher. The throw beat him, the tag beat him, and as the thirdbaseman fired an errant around the horn throw the call of "SAFE" gave the Bad Boys new life as Breedlove sauntered home with a smile. 5-1. The rally had started. Thomas immediately tripled. Acree smashed a double over the leftfielder's head and scored Thomas. 5-2. Aukland smashed a liner that the shortstop snagged for the first out. Grenon walked and was lifted for Aukland as a courtesy runner. Following a wild pitch, Steve Sloboda had two runners in scoring position with a full count. Sloboda then looped a single in to left plating two. 5-4. The veteran that he is, Sloboda didn't stop at one. As the throw home came in late, Sloboda represented the tying run on second with one out. Matt Lowery followed, and worked the count to 3-1. That's when Mis Tres Amigos' closer brought out his secret weapon. Two Jeff Nelsonesque sliders and Lowery had struck out. Two down. The Bad Boys chance at tying the game then came down to Mark Stewart's at bat. Stewart would not see a straight pitch. The first slider had Stewart waving like he was in a parade. Then another slider, called strike two. Slider number three, and Stewart was left swinging like a rusty gate. That's right. The Bad Boys come up one run short and their record is evened at 1-1.


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