Jun 13/24
5:56 am

Duncan Tigers




Date: Wed, Jul 28/04, 6:15pm
Location: Surauxman Nanaimo
Duncan Tigers 06020201093
Nanaimo 03120118115
Game Notes: Tigers WIN. Matt Hohnsbehn and Nick Windebank do an arm wrestle after the game to determine who gets the Pitching Victory and Hohnsbehn wins on the scorer's decision. Windy says not fair because his arm is worn out. Big Win #1 for Matty. But Nick Windebank is the MVP of the game, gutting it out for five big pitching innings. Chris Kline comes in and nails the Save in the seventh. Tigers bring some bats to the game. Chris Kline goes three for five, and Curtis Wood adds two hits. Ryan Kline gets 2 RBIs, and Chris Kline, Emlyn Eager, Windebank, Johnston, Peruzzo, Kits and Hohnsbehn all get one RBI each. Nice, lots of RBIS. Nick Peruzzo is on base all four times. Another bad baserunning error- we wont mention any names because we won the game, but we GOT TO STOP GIVING AWAY OUTS ON THE BASES. That will kill us in the tournament. We have got to stop the bonehead baserunning. After six games, Emlyn continues to lead the hitters with 6 hits and 5 walks. Defense is pretty good, except for two sequences, one where Woody and Matty make errors, and another schmozzle from right field where Marshall ends up throwing the ball away. But Marshall has a very strong game behind the plate, throwing out three basestealers, actually four but the ump gives Nanaimo the first one, and despite the fact that Windy never ever throws over to first to hold the runners. Well we are definetly going to forgive Nick Windebank on this one because he throws 104 PITCHES!!! No use wasting throws to first when you got 104 pitches to throw home. Gutsy effort - by far the most anyone has thrown all year, and Windebank gives the pitching staff the rest it needs going into the weekend tournament. Then Chris Kline comes in and nails the save in the seventh. Beautiful. With Chris Kline and Nick Windebank pitching tonight, Tigers have now used ten different pitchers in their first six games.
Offensive Notes: Ryan Kits leads after six games with seven runs scored, while Oggy leads in RBIS with five. Nick Peruzzo and Emlyn Eager have four.


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