Jun 11/24
12:57 pm

Bantam Fastpitch





Posted Sep 2/11 - Rep tryouts are coming up!!
Hey all players.....anyone interested in rep tryouts?  They are next week!  You should have received an email from the league about tryouts.  If you are interested in attending and didn't get the email, call Patti for details.


Posted Jun 22/11 - Black Ice vs Canadian Tire

Now THAT was a ball game!!

Black Ice caught the very strong Canadian Tire team off guard by finishing the first inning with a 1-1 tie.   Our first run was scored by Lesley thanks to a great RBI by Kiesha. 

They scored 4 in the second inning and then we held them at no runs for the next two innings.  At the end of 4 innings the score was 5-2 (with our next run being also being scored by Lesley).  

In the bottom of the 5th they bashed in 4 more runs and it looked like they had sealed our fate because time was almost out. 

Emily laid down a bunt in the top of the 6th then looked like the Road Runner racing around the bases stealing 2nd, then 3rd then home to bump our runs up to 3.  

On defense, nice catches by Sydney, Meghan and Maddy (x2).  Nice going....Lesley hurled the ball to Lily 3rd to catch the runner trying to take an extra base.  And great appearances on the mound by both pitchers.  Kudos to Megan for six strike-outs!

Final score 9 -3 for them, but what a fight we game them!!   Let's play that tough on Saturday and take two wins!!!


Posted Jun 20/11 - Black Ice vs Chilliwack #1

FINALLY..... a great ball weather night!!!

We played a good game against a tough team.  Their starting pitcher worked hard, allowing only two hits.   Our pitchers also worked hard and it was a close game until the end when Chilli blew it wide open.

We left the bases loaded in each of the last two innings.  One one or two lucky hops of the ball in our favour and it would have been a different outcome.

Nice catch in left field by Meghan.  It looked like her arm stretched a few extra inches to stop a hit that otherwise would likely have been a home run.   And nice catches by Maddy, Megan, Lily, Kiesha and Stephanie.  

Eveyone agreed that it felt like a great game.  On Wednesday, those bounces (and the score) are going to go in our favour.

See you on Wednesday.


Posted Jun 14/11 - Black Ice vs North Langley 1

This was an exciting game with lots of action at the plate and on the bases.  RC Garnett posed some challenges for both teams with the grass infield slowing down the ball.  But it was a fun game and we held the lead until the late innings.  Although we gave up the win to NL, it was a battle right to the end.

Great hitting by Megan and Emily (both 3 for 4), Sydney (2 for 3), Carly and Stephanie.   Some good near-hits by others and credit for moving batters around the bases and/or recording RBIs.

Kudos to Megan for throwing a rocket from centre field to get a runner out at home.  And great infield catches by Sydney, Lily, Emily, Lisa.

Here we go into playoffs.....



Posted Jun 7/11 - Black Ice vs Aldergrove CU

The game summary below says it all about this game.......we had the lead for most of the game and we could have taken the win.  Regardless of the outcome, Black Ice played an amazing game and should be proud of the performance.    

Great hits tonight by Emily, Lesley (2), Maddy, Carly, Sydney and Stephanie.  Heads-up at-bats by all others drawing walks where they were deserved and swinging the bat hard where there was a KO.  Smart base running and SLIDING by all. 

This team is showing steady improvement and will give every team a run for their money in the play-off round in a couple of weeks!

Game Summary:
End of 1st:  4 - 1 Black Ice
End of 2nd:  5 - 2 Black Ice
End of 3rd:  7 - 2 Black Ice
End of 4th:  9 - 6 Black Ice
End of 5th:  9 - 9 Tie
End of 6th:  11 - 10 Aldergrove CU


Posted Jun 5/11 - Tsawwassen Tourney

Game 1 vs Richmond Attitude
The last time we faced this team we were at the "top of our game" at the end of last season when then beat us in the Provincials.   We surprised them on Saturday by giving them a run for their money right until the last batter in the bottom of the last inning when they took the lead by one lonely run.  Every single Black Ice batter had a good appearance at the plate and made the Richmond players work hard for the win.  The pitching staff did an outstanding job and were backed up by solid defense in the field. 

Our performance in this game was particularly good considering that the Attitude went on to win the tourney! 

Congrats in this game to the MVP ... Kiesha

Game 2 vs North Delta Lightning
The Lightning was a tough team with good pitching and great hitting.  Our hitters managed to load the bases in 3 of the 5 innings but we just couldn't blast the needed runs in. 

Congrats in this game to the MVP ... Kiesha (again!!)

Game 3 vs Tsawwassen Blaze
It was late in the day when we got to our third game.  Everyone was a bit tired and needing a post-lunch siesta.  But regardless, we got pumped up and took the field.  Megan had an outstanding game, striking out 9 Blaze players in 5 innings.  The defense backed up the pitcher and together, didn't allow the Blaze to score a single run.  At bats, we were on fire, scoring 10 runs in all.   Fantastic game!

Congrats in this game to the MVP ... Megan.

Game 4 vs. Squamish Eagles
We started out strong, with a score of 5-4 Eagles at the bottom of the 2nd.  We ran out of gas after that, though, and Squamish took the win.  

Congrats in this game to the MVP ... Olivia.



Posted Jun 1/11 - Black Ice vs NL 1

Game summary as follows:

End of 1st:  3 - 0 Black Ice
End of 2nd:  3 - 3 Tie
End of 3rd: 7 - 3 Black Ice
End of 4th:  7 - 6 Black Ice
End of 5th:  11 - 10 Black Ice
End of 6th - 11 - 11 Tie

What an exciting game!!

Both teams had good pitching, hitting and defense.   Every Black Ice player got on base...either through hard hits or smart thinking at the plate.  Some amazing hitting from our first year players as well as our veterans.  Most notable was a few players breaking out of a slump in a BIG way!!!

Our defense was also outstanding tonight.  The coaches are moving players around and finding that we have a versatile bunch of girls.

The NL team has just come off of winning their playoffs to qualify for Districts, so the fact that we held the lead until the last inning is something this team should be proud of!!  It puts us in a very good position to play well in the upcoming tourney this weekend!


Posted May 30/11 - Black Ice vs NL 2

It was a beautiful night for a ball game and what a game it was!!  We came out strong in the 1st inning, holding NL to no runs and scoring 4 of our own.  NL came back and tied it up in the 2nd.  The final score was 11-9 with a lot of back and forth scoring and good plays on both sides.

It was a good outing for Carly, Megan and Emily on the mound.  Carly had an impressive 3-up 3-down inning and allowed only one run over 2 innings while fielding a grounder to make the out at 1st, a line drive and pop-up caught and a couple of strike-outs.  Megan was throwing hard and came up with a spectacular stretch to catch a pop-up and racked up 4 strike-outs over 2 innings.  Emily was working hard as well with a quick-thinking toss to the catcher to save a runner trying to score from 3rd when a batter bunted.

Other notable plays included Syd starting things off with a good catch at short.  Maddy stopped a grounder at 2nd to make the out at 1st and stopped a hard-hit grounder that made it out to right field.  She followed that up with a wicked throw to the infield to hold the runner at 1st.

Hits by Emily, Zee, Sydney, Kiesha, Stephanie, Erin and Meghan helped contribute to the 9 runs scored.


Posted May 25/11 - Black Ice vs Ball Park Sports
I hear it was a soggy one.....with fielders and base runners splashing through puddles by the end of the game.  I also hear it was a close one, with Black Ice in the lead at the top of the last inning.....but giving it up to Ball Park in the bottom.  Great job!!!


Posted May 18/11 - Black Ice vs Abbotsford 1

The team from Abby had a strong pitching roster but we kept them on their toes with runners on base every inning.  Keep up the hard work girls, those hits that are going to the other team's players right now are going to blast through to the gaps soon!!  And look out for Stephanie....she's stealing home and sliding in to score!!!

Our defense worked hard with some great plays at 1st by Emily and Megan, at short by Sydney and on the mound by Emily and Carly.  Maddy was all lined up for a great play to 1st until the demon spirits ripped her glove off her hand.  It was a sight to see!!!

It was great to see Lisa back in the dugout.....although not ready to play yet.....she'll be back with us SOON!!

We're on for the tournament June 3/4/5.  Get ready to play a lot of ball!!



Posted May 16/11 - Black Ice vs NL 3

Lots of good appearances at the plate and some good base running.  We just couldn't quite clear the bases.  But out hitting is improving and we'll be racking up the runs in the upcomnig games.

We had some excellent effort on defense and again....that's coming together. 

Most notable event of the evening was the incident at 2nd base and Lisa-Anne being rushed of to Emergency.  Hang in there Lisa-Anne.....we need to back in the line-up soon!!



Posted May 14/11 - Practice report

Great turnout today.  The weather was "iffy" but the pitching practice was good.  The pitchers are making good progress and the catchers worked hard for them.

Batting practice was impressive.  Everyone looked good out there....hitting the ball hard.  "Hit the ball" has to be our motto from here on out.  And when you do....swing like to you mean it!!  Watch the ball all the way, make good contact out if front of the plate and follow through.  That's all there is to it (ha ha.....that's a lot!!).

Everyone keep your fingers crossed that we can get two games in this week!



Posted May 9/11 - Black Ice vs Abby Diamonds

The trek to Abbotsford was a bit of an adventure and playing under the lights was very cool!!

The Abby Diamonds were a tough team with three good pitchers.   But every one of our players made some good contact at the plate.  Our hits are going to find the gaps very soon!

Our defense is also improving with every game.  Players are looking sharp, working hard to make plays and backing up one another. 

We're continuing to improve with every game and we know what to work on in practice.

Kudos to our pitchers who are getting out there on the mound and working hard for the team.  You're doing a great job!!


Posted May 5/11 - Black Ice vs Chaos

Great game against "the team to beat"!!

They came out strong in the first inning, scoring 4 runs.  After that we held them to 2 runs in the 2nd, 1 run in the 3rd and NO runs in the 4th!  They had a 2-out rally in the 5th but we held them to NO runs again in the 6th.  Chaos is a strong team with great bats and holding them like we did was AMAZING!!!

Great pitching by Megan and Carly was backed up by some great defense all around.  Every player in the line-up did something great in the game.  Fly balls caught by Megan, Erin, Maddy, Carly, Kiesha and Boo.  Outs on the bases by Carly, Megan, Kiesha and Maddy.  And near-outs by Erin and Stephanie....stopping grounders that would have ended up as extra-base hits if they got past the infield.

On the plate, we had hits by Brina, Kiesha, Erin and Megan.  We were patient. swinging at the strikes and leaving balls.  Whether we got on base with walks or hits, we beat a path around the bases and scored 5 runs.

What a great first league game! 



Posted May 2/11 - Rainout
Rainout again.  The season will start soon, we hope.....


Posted May 1/11 - Icebreaker Summary
Game 1 vs Kaos

We played a solid game with hits by Erin, Megan, Emily, Kiesha and Lisa.  This opponent is clearly the strongest team in our division, with a very solid pitching roster so we did well, keeping them on their toes throughout the game.

Game 2 vs Sluggers

Another solid game with excellent defense in the first two innings.  We learned some valuable lessons in the third about when to "eat" the ball....just getting it back to the pitcher when things go sideways. 

Game 3 vs Bandits

Our bats went to sleep in this game, likely because of the significant change in pace with their pitcher having a slower delivery.  We'll work on being able to adjust to the different speeds and styles of the pitchers we face! 


The whole purpose of the Icebreaker is for teams to get out and play some ball and have some fun.  Mistakes are part of the game and we need to learn from them, but not worry about them!!   We have the makings of a great team and the coaches know that we'll see improvement with every practice and game.  Well done, BLACK ICE!!!

Kudos to Erin, Lisa-Anne and Meghan Connorton for taking up this game for the first time this year.   Without you, we wouldn't have had a team!!   You're all doing SO well already....and the season has only just begun!!


Posted Apr 28/11 - Friday night / Saturday morning

Optional batting practice Friday at the cages.....6:00.

Icebreaker Saturday....3 games....woo hoo!!!


Posted Apr 27/11 - Where is the sun????

Another wet day....another rained out game.  RATS!!!

Waiting on confirmation of batting cages Friday. 

ICE BREAKER on Saturday!!  Three games....can't wait!!


Posted Apr 26/11 - Rain, rain go away!!

So sad to have a rain-out on our first game night!  Everyone keep their fingers crossed for better weather on Wednesday.

You may have noticed that there hasn't been any music on the site lately.  There was a problem with the provider that I think has been solved now. 

Players are welcome to request music and I'll use it if I can find it!!  Send a message via email or post on the Black Ice FB group.

See you Wednesday!!


Posted Apr 24/11 - April 23 - Practice update
It was a beautiful day for a practice.  Good turnout with most of the team at the park and others away with family commitments.

First game Monday at Noel Booth.  We're ready!



Posted Apr 21/11 - April 21 - Practice update
At practice last night someone said....I miss Joan!!  No one misses Joan more than I do, but the comment was a funny one because it was about Paul's warm-up / shape-up routine!  He's tough, but the players will benefit from it (honestly!!).

Another great hour spent with Kylie and Rob.  Their experience and expertise will prove to be a HUGE help to our pitchers.  Kiesha, Megan, Carly and Emily will be looking pretty good on the mound thanks to their hard work and Kylie's help.

And many thanks to Rob Scott for being the catchers' backup catcher last night.   The time he saved retrieving balls for the catchers was a direct benefit to he pitchers....more time means more pitches!

Practice on Saturday from 10 to noon for those who can make it. 


Posted Apr 20/11 - April 19 / 20 Practice Update

Things are really coming together on the field with both new & returning players.  

One more practice with our pitching coach on Wednesday.  And then one last practice on the weekend to fine tune and prep for our FIRST GAME on Monday.

It's going to be a great season!!!


Posted Apr 17/11 - Practice update
Great workout today, girls.  Amazing hitting and great pitching by Carly and Emily.

Welcome to Lisa and Erin.....we are happy to report that our roster is now complete!!

Practice on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  Tuesday on diamond at 6:00 (please arrive at 5:45) and Wednesday at the batting cage....followed by an hour with our pitching instructor.

See you Tuesday.


Posted Apr 13/11 - Practice update

Good performances at the batting cage on Sunday and a good workout on Monday!

Practice is on -- rain or shine -- on Wednesday....same place, same time.   The pitching instructor arrives at 7:00 for a one hour session.

See you there!


Posted Apr 7/11 - The new season....
Hey Black Ice....the team is looking good!   Welcome to Meghan and welcome back to Sydney.  Glad to have you both on the team.

Great practice tonight.  I will be away for Sunday's practice but Paul and Sandy will take care of things. 

Batting cages next.....be thinking....I'm gonna HIT the BALL!

See you Monday.


Posted Mar 21/11 - First practice next weekend!!

First practice next Sunday, March 27 at Noel Booth South West diamond (if it's available...otherwise whichever diamond is free).

Calendar to be updated soon....




Posted Jan 4/11 - 2011 Season Registration SOON!!!
Early registration for the 2011 season will be at Willowbrook Mall near the Sportchek entrance on January 22 & 23!!  Players who bring a new player to register will get a free t-shirt (while quantities last)!!!

Hope to see all of last year's 1996 players back for 1st year Bantam!  Wish we could also play with our 1997 friends, but we'll see you around the park on your Peewee teams! 

Remember to make a note in the "comments" section of the registration form that you want to play on the "same team as last year"....or include the names of your friends from the Black Ice team.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the ball field soon....no matter what team or division you're playing on!!


Posted Nov 5/10 - November 2010

Clinics in Cloverdale starting in October.....and in Langley starting in January.  See email for details!!

Registration in early January.  Looking forward to seeing everyone on the ball field already!!



Posted Oct 15/10 - October 2010


Posted Jul 21/10 - HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!


Looking forward to the next ball season already!  See you in the early spring....if not sooner! 



Posted Jul 17/10 - PARTY TIME!!
The weather is great.....just perfect for an outdoor party.  Time to celebrate!!

This season will be a "keeper" memory for every player and parent....1st in season standings, 1st in league playoffs, 1st in playdowns, 2nd in districts and 9th out of 16 in Provincials.  BLACK ICE ROCKED THE BALL PARK IN 2010.

Details of time and location for the party are on your email.

Let's get the party started!!



Nice work, team.....going 2-and-2 in the round robin portion of the tournament.  There were many amazing plays and hits.....and lots of fun all around.  Too bad we were squeezed out of a playoff spot by just one base touched (with 3 teams tied for the spot).

We finished 9th out of 16 in Quesnel.....or in other words....in the top 10 in the entire Province!!!

Parents and players alike should be proud of the team's performance in Quesnel and throughout the season. 


Posted Jul 7/10 - Time to go and PLAY BALL!!

Congratulations again to each and every player in your success this season.  You have all worked hard and improved in HUGE ways since we got together in March.  Now, you are one of the top 16 teams in the Province!!  Earning a spot in the Provincials is something you will always be able to put on your player resume....regardless of the outcome of this weekend.  Your coaches and parents are SO proud of you!

Here's wishing everyone a safe trip to the far north!!

Please remember....get a good sleep tonight and tomorrow night.  Don't take any risks with activities today and tomorrow.....avoid sunburn, injury and fatigue.  Stay hydrated....starting yesterday.  Drink LOTS of water between now and the end of the weekend.  And save all of your energy for the ball field!!

Please call or text me if you will be arriving late for any reason.



Posted Jul 2/10 - ROAD TRIP!!!!
 Practice time.....getting ready for our road trip!!!


Posted Jun 29/10 - Calendar has been updated
Welcome to Breanne Davies who is our pick-up for Quesnel.  Most of you will remember her from the game we played at RC Garnett (when Karley and Maddy played with the NL team).  She was #2....the catcher.  Thanks, Breanne for agreeing to come along with us!!

The calendar has been updated with info re practices.  These practices are mandatory for all players who are coming to Quesnel.


Posted Jun 27/10 - Black Ice is GOLDEN!!!
 Hey team --

That was one AMAZING weekend of ball.  Once again our pitchers were FANTASTIC!!!   How lucky we are to have the one-two-punch of Karley and Magena on the mound.  And NEVER forget that those pitchers need their GREAT catcher behind the plate to make it all work.   AND.....that pitching can't win a game alone.  We backed our pitchers up with some AWESOME defense.  AND our hitters were also FANTASTIC.  Most notable was Carly J with WICKED doubles, triples and a home run.   And let's not forget that MANY other batters who moved runners around the bases.

Each and every Black Ice player had a memorable moment this weekend....at the plate, or on defense, or running the bases.  TOO MANY GREAT THINGS for this coach to remember (especially without the score sheets which had to be handed in to the tournament folks).   We KNOW that EVERY PLAYER had at least one good hit this weekend.  That's how a team wins GOLD!!

Basically, from the coaches' point of view, it boils down to this.......you supported one another in defense and in offense.....you lived the "all for one and one for all" attitude that we asked you to live.  You didn't give up even when things were tense.  You kept finding a hit to keep the inning alive. 


Many thanks, once again to....
Connie for being our VERY dedicated score keeper
Cathy for being Doctor on Call (how great is that???)
Mike, Ken, Steve and others for helping out with warm-ups
Greg for the photo-shooting
The Carson family for the impromptu after-party (woo hoo!!!!)
AND MY BEST BUDDY JOAN.....great season!!!!!



Posted Jun 26/10 - 1st Place in the Round Robin
 Hey team --

We finished in first place in the round robin portion of the playoffs.  So our game is on the North Centre diamond.  We play the Blue Jays...or maybe they have changed their team name??

The Blitz plays the Babes at the same time.

See everyone at 10:00!!  Be ready for 2 action-packed games!!!



Posted Jun 24/10 - Random team stuff #10
The game is cancelled tonight.  A bit of a let-down, but the NL team has a bunch of Gr. 7's and they are all off to do grad stuff tonight.   Understandable.

There will be a practice instead....same place....5:30 to 7:30.   Good time for some fine-tuning, with the playoffs happening this weekend!

Speaking of playoffs....we'll see everyone at 10:00 on Saturday.  Our first game is on the South Centre diamond.  That's the one across from the pond.

Plan on heading over to the skills competition after the game.   There are some great prizes to be had!!


Posted Jun 23/10 - Random team stuff #9

We're in the news again!! 

Check it out by clicking here.... Langley Times

BLACK ICE rocks!!


Posted Jun 22/10 - Black Ice vs NL 1 (Pink Pirannahs)
That was a fun time!  Too bad NL didn't have a full team but at least the ones that were there were keen to play.   Thanks to Karley and Maddy for playing on their team so that we could make a game of it.   And great for our team to have a "live game" practice hitting off of one of our pitchers!

Last game of the regular season coming up on Thursday!  Wow....did this season every fly by fast. 

Looks like the weekend will be action packed, with 5 games plus skills competition and hopefully some time to socialize in between.

Plan on practicing next week in preparation for Provincials.....probably Tuesday / Thursday....details to be confirmed.


Posted Jun 21/10 - Random team stuff #8

Check your email for the year-end wind-up tournament draw.  Start times each day are good....not too early.  BUT.....we will play 5 games in 2 days so, please....you know the routine....get a good rest each night.  Eat a healthy breakfast and bring / get a healthy lunch.

Time for the BLACK ICE to crank it up into tournament mode!!!


Posted Jun 17/10 - Black Ice vs NL Red Bulls
A re-match against the Red Bulls!!

The NL coach was telling the story of how the umps in Mission called a game when they shouldn't have....taking the opportunity to go to Provincials from them.  He says it should have been us and them.  So frustrating for them.

It was good game with lots action on the field by both teams.  Once again we were short players due to exam prep, but we still put a good line-up on the field.   The Red Bulls took the win on this one, but it was close!!

Best hits of the night from Maddy and Lesley.   Good work on 2nd by both Maddy and Stephanie.

See everyone at practice on Saturday.  We'll be fine-tuning our skills in the outfield and on the bases as well as batting practice with "live" pitching. 


Posted Jun 15/10 - Black Ice vs. Blitz
Short game report tonight.....the last one was long enough!!

Good game, team.  Nice to see Megan and Britt on the mound and other players moving around in different positions.   It seemed like spirits were still high from the weekend......very nice!!

No batting cages tomorrow....the Grade 8's are studying for exams and the coaches have other commitments.  Plan on a practice Saturday, though.

See you Thursday.


Posted Jun 15/10 - Black Ice 2nd in Districts!!

The Black Ice players really took their game to a new level this past weekend.  The coaches haven’t seen ball this good all season….in league or tournaments….from any team.   What an accomplishment….winning Playdowns and placing 2nd in Districts to gain a spot in Provincials.   WAY TO GO, BLACK ICE!!

The coaches are very proud of the focus and effort by each and every player throughout this qualification process.  You really played like a team….always looking for another out….never giving up when things got tough….going up to the plate and putting the bat on the ball.   You definitely earned your spot in the Provincials.

Much credit goes to our pitchers and catchers whose positions are the most physically demanding.   And how lucky we are that we have so much depth on our roster, that have more that one player who can step into each positions....like Jaden taking over the catching duties when Kiesha got hurt.


Game 1 vs Mission Rampage


This was a close game right from the start.  Each team scored 2 runs in the 1st inning and it was a fight to the finish from there.  Karley started the game, pitching the first 3 innings and Magena came in on relief on the 4th.  Between them they faces 28 batters, striking out 14.  The team rallied behind the pitchers, taking care of those batters who managed to make contact with the ball and not allowing the Rampage to score again in the remaining innings.  The Black Ice scored two more times (thank you, Carly) to record the win.  At that point in time the coaches thought that this may have been the best game the team has played all year.  Little did they know  what excitement lay ahead!!  Final score 4-2 for Black Ice.


Game 2 vs North Langley Red Bulls

Black Ice came on strong right of the gate, with a double from Lily followed by a couple of walks to load the bases.  Then Lesley smashed a double, sending in three runs.  Next up was Kiesha with a nice single, sending in the 5th run.  Unfortunately there was run limit in the early innings, otherwise we may have scored a few more that inning!! 

Magena took the mound that game and lasted the entire 5 innings, facing 25 batters and striking out 8.  Once again, the Black Ice defense was smokin’ hot, allowing only 3 runs to score during entire game.


Black Ice batters scored 2 more “insurance” runs in the later innings.  Final score 7-3 for Black Ice.


The team now advances, undefeated, into the finals.


Game 3 vs. Mission Rampage


The inning-by-inning score in this game tells the story….

End of the 1st                2 – 1  Rampage

End of  the 2nd              3 – 3  Tie

End of the 3rd                5 – 3  Rampage

End of the 4th                5 – 3  Rampage

End of the 5th                10 – 5  Black Ice

End of the 6th                12 - 8  Black Ice

End of the 7th                12 - 12  Tie

Tie ball game….international rules apply

End of the 8th                12  - 12 Tie

End of the 9th                14 – 14 Tie

End of the 10th              18 – 14 Rampage


The coaches, fans and players all agree….THAT was the most exciting and action-packed game EVER!!!


Game 4 vs Mission Rampage  

Since we came into the final game undefeated, the Rampage had to beat us twice to take 1st place, so another game started at 3:30 pm.

Again, we started off strong, taking the lead in the 1st inning.  At the bottom of the 2nd inning the score was 4-2 for Black Ice.  In the 3rd inning the Rampage gained a 2 run lead and the score remained 6-4 through the bottom of the 4th.   In the top of the 5th the Black Ice scored 2 runs, making the score a tie.  Sadly, the Rampage batters dominated in the bottom of the 5th, scoring 8 runs in all when the game was called on the mercy rule. 



The Mission players were tough to beat.   They had some very strong batters in their line-up and a pitcher who seemed to have an endless reserve of energy!!   They were a really nice bunch of girls, though, and we look forward to seeing them in Quesnel.


The experience our team gained this weekend can only serve to make the us stronger.  We're better prepared for Provincials, having faced tough teams, than we would be if we had sailed through Districts undefeated.




Posted Jun 14/10 - Districts

WOW!  That was a wild ride!!

The Black Ice players were AMAZING.   I am guessing that every player would say that they have not been in....or even seen....such an exciting game as the 10 inning 3-hour game we played against Mission on Sunday morning.   And the rest of the games were also great.

Family stuff to do last night (like dinner, laundry, sleep!!) so full tournament report is coming soon....

See everyone Tuesday and stay tuned for a full report.   Also, check email later for some info / questions about Quesnel.



Posted Jun 10/10 - Black Ice vs Babes
An exciting game!   Black Ice was short-handed again....darn those year-end school commitments!!   But no worries....9 were in attendance and they took the field and played a great game.

Yours truly was not in attendance....darn those work commitments.....but checking the score book, it looks like it was a tight game in the first couple of innings with a score of 3-1 for Black Ice at bottom of the 2nd.  

Black Ice touched the plate 3 more times in the bottom of the 3rd, making the score 6-1.  But the Babes weren't giving up....they scored 4 in the top of the 4th.  Black Ice came to bat and scored one more in the bottom, making the score 7-5.  

The Babes scored one more run in the top of the 5th, then the ump called the game before our girls got a chance to bat, so final score...7-5 for Black Ice.  Well done!!

    Did you see the news??  Check your Langley Times today for a great article about the BLACK ICE!!!  Or....go to the newspaper's website:

Langley Times 

Click on "sports" and scroll down to find the picture and article (click on "read").  Very cool....

 See everyone at 10:00 am in Mission.  Remember.....get a good sleep....have a good  breakfast.....bring a healthy lunch.  And then let's PLAY BALL!!


Posted Jun 9/10 - Districts in Mission

See below for directions to the Mission Fairgrounds park (from the Mission Minor Softball Assocation website).  I'll leave the it to each family to get directions from Google / Mapquest since the ones I sent for the other tourney in Mission weren't great!!

Traveling along the Lougheed Highway, on the west side of Mission, turn north (up the hill) at the Cedar Connector. Follow the connector until you get to Seventh Avenue, turn right (east). Follow Seventh Avenue until you get to Grand street, turn left (north). You will see Fairgrounds Diamond "B" on the left at Mission Secondary School and Fairgrounds Diamond "A" on the right in the Leisure Centre Complex.


Posted Jun 8/10 - Black Ice vs. Envision CU
Nice game again, Black Ice....and a fun game with the Envision team.   They are a nice bunch of girls and we always have fun playing against them.

Lots of good stuff tonight....including an "everybody bunts" inning.  Good practice as we head into Districts.  Nice bunts by Lesley, Brittany, Jaden and Stephanie.    Some great hits again tonight....singles by Megan, Emily, Kiesha (2),  Jayden, Lesley (2), Karley, Jaden and Stephanie.   AND....a double by Megan.  AND....a big, big HOME RUN by Kiesha.  

Keep up the good work at the plate, Black Ice!!

Another good performance by the defense as well.  In particular, a nice job at 2nd base, Stephanie!

Great performances on the mound by Karley, Carley and Megan. 

No batting practice this week.....the team needs some R&R!!


Posted Jun 6/10 - District Playdowns - Final Results
 My, oh my.....SO much to say....

The Black Ice players pulled together as a team in a BIG way this weekend.  The pitchers were ON....the defense was HOT....the offense was HUGE.   The coaches couldn't have dreamed of a better outcome!!!   The team seemed to draw on what they have learned from every past practice and game and put it all to work at just the right point in time.

After 3 games....42 runs scored by the Black ice.   Only 9 runs scored by the opposing teams. 

The Black Ice pitchers were the talk of the tournament....striking out 20+ batters over 13 innings.  And when the pitchers weren't striking out batters, the rest of the team was backing them up.....making outs at 1st....catching pop-ups....throwing runners out as they tried to steal an extra base. 

At the plate, the BI players were unstoppable.....SO many base hits....SO many RBIs.    The thing that the coaches noticed most was that even when a batter didn't get on base, their turn at the plate resulted in an RBI or stolen base.   We've talked about it all year....being aggressive at the plate and on the bases.....and the BI players LIVED it this weekend.  WOW!!!!

The parents must have been SO PROUD of their daughters this weekend.  The coaches sure were!!  The players looked and played like WINNERS!!!  

The coaches are SO thankful for the help of parents....
- Connie for score keeping
- Mike, Ken, Steve and Paul for help with warm-up
- Mike and Ken for coaching 1st base in Joan's absence
- Diana and Greg for capturing our performance in pictures!

And last but DEFINITELY not least.....my good friend JOAN for being my coaching partner despite not having a daughter on the team.  Now, THAT is a big contribution!!!

We're looking forward to DISTRICTS next weekend in Mission.   We're going to keep the momentum going as we look ahead to PROVINCIALS!!

See you at the game on Tuesday!


Posted Jun 5/10 - District Playdowns - Noel Booth
 Great first day....two wins gives us a ticket to the finals.   Full tournament report after Sunday's games.

DANGER.....Black Ice....

See you at noon Sunday.


Posted Jun 4/10 - Black Ice vs NL 3 (Blaze)
Thankfully, the rain stayed away long enough to get the game in!!

A word about the warm-up before getting into the game report.   The coaches saw some great efforts by all players during the warm-up.  Everyone was stopping grounders and buning them into the coach's glove.  The gloves and arms are looking STRONG.

Another tight game at the start with no runs on the score board after the top of the 2nd inning.  When Black Ice went up to bat in the bottom of the 2nd, the action began.   Black Ice scored 4 in the bottom of the 2nd and another 4 in the bottom of the 4th before the ump called the game at 8:00.  Too bad....we were pumped to play more innings!!

Great to see four different pitchers on the mound last night, throwing some great pitches and striking out a whole bunch of NL batters.  Nice defense by the BI players when NL did get a hold of some pitches.  Way to go, holding the NL team to only 4 runs in the game.   And nice offense as well, particularly key RBIs by Magena, Carly, Megan, Lesley and Stephanie.  Also, some well timed slides by Maddy, Emily and others.

The team is looking strong heading into the Playdowns.  Let's keep up the energy level and win some games!!

See you at the park by 10:00 a.m.   Two players who still have birth certificates outstanding, please don't forget them or you won't be able to play!!


Posted Jun 2/10 - Random team stuff #7

Batting practice tonight as shown on the calendar.   We'll try to do some stuff outside of the cages, weather permitting.  We want to keep the momentum up as we head into the weekend Playdowns!!

Reminder for Thursday:  If you haven't already done so, bring a copy of your proof of age and sign the form for the Playdowns.   See Marjorie or Maureen for the hand-in and signing.    Each player must have this stuff completed in order to be eligible to play on the weekend!

Update from last night's AMAZING game below....


Posted Jun 2/10 - Black Ice vs NL 4

Holy hit-fest, Batman!!!  

The coaches arrived at the park worried about having only 8 healthy players plus one player returning from an injury.   With four players away at a band concert, we figured it would be an interesting game (little did we know!).   One player, who shall remain nameless (LA) ditched band in favour of softball (we don't recommend this, but we did love it!) so we were able to assign our injured player to light duty and play with a full line-up.

It was a very tense game in the first three innings!!   Despite some great hits.....including a triple by Kiesha and a double by Lily.....the NL team shut us out.   Our pitchers did their usual stellar job, striking out 10 batters and allowing only two runs over three innings.   At the bottom of the 3rd the score was 2-0 for NL.

The real excitement started in the 4th inning.  At bat, Black Ice was a force to be reckoned with.   A couple of batters got on base with walks and then the hit-fest started.....singles by Stephanie, Brittany, Magena (2 RBIs!!) and Lesley.   We racked up 3 runs in the top of the inning and then shut out the NL team with two unassisted outs at 1st base by JayLo followed by Karley scooping a hard-hit grounder at shortstop and burning to to JayLo for a 3-up-3-down inning.  Fantastic play, JayLo.  At the bottom of the 4th the score was 3-2 for BI.

In the top of the 5th Black Ice was at it again.....singles by Lily, Jayden and Magena along a couple of walks and we scored 4 runs....with the help of Karley and Jaden's RBIs.   In the bottom of 4th Brittany stepped onto the mound and gave it all she had....delivering some beautiful strikes.  At the bottom of the 5th the score was 7-6 for BI.

In the top of the 6th Maddy laid down a textbook bunt and ran it out to get on base.   Then, while Lily was attempting to steal home, Maddy screamed around the bases to 3rd.  On the next pitch, she tore up the base path to home, sliding in under the tag to score.  WOW!!   In the bottom of the inning, we held NL to 1 more run.   Nice unassisted out at 2nd, Lesley!   Final score was 8-7 for Black Ice.

The coaches say that was the most exciting game of the season.  Not only was it a close one (way more fun than a blow-out)....but we saw excellent skills in both offense and defense by every single player.  The bunting, stealing, sliding, fielding....it was all SO GOOD!!!   And all that, with a short-handed roster.  We wonder....was it the desire for ice cream or the fear of push-ups that fired you up???   Great game, Black Ice!!




Posted May 31/10 - SSWR Tournament
Rain, rain, go away......NOT!!

The weather was damp but spirits were high!  The girls had a great time and when offered the chance to bail out on Sunday's game, each and every one put their hand up in favour of playing.  Great decision, team!!

Game 1 against Cloverdale Inferno on Friday night was a close one.  Black Ice was swinging their bats and putting the ball in play.  Cloverdale kept the pressure on, though, and managed to pull off the 5-3 win.   Honorable mention to Emily with 3 unassisted outs at 1st.  Congrats to Magena for MVP of this game.

Game 2 against Ridge Meadows Heat was bright and early on Saturday morning amongst the puddles.  Again, Black Ice put the pressure on, loading the bases in all three innings.  The score was 6-5 Heat at the end of the 2nd.  The Heat held us in the top of the 3rd and scored 4 in the bottom, giving them the win.  Honorable mention in this game to both Meghan and Jaden for tough play behind plate.  Congrats to Karley for MVP of this game.

Game 3 against SSWR Canadiens...back in the rain on Sunday afternoon.  This was the most exciting game of the three....with a back-and-forth score until the top of the 4th when the Ice girls scored 4.  The Canadiens put the pressure on in the bottom of the 5th, scoring 2 but the Ice held them there.  There was some great playing in this game, including a textbook relay from Carly in the outfield, saving one run....and when Georgia retrieved an overthrow and burned it home to Jaden, who applied the tag and saved another run....and also to Karley who pounded one out to right centre for a double.  Final score 5-4 for Black Ice.   Congrats to Jaden on the MVP for this game.

We loved the SSWR coach's comments at the end of the game....saying he thought our team had the coolest name ever!  He also thought our helmet decals were awesome.   I think kudos go to Kiesha on that....as I recall the team name was her idea.

We missed both Megan and Kiesha....hope you're with us this weekend for the playdowns.


Posted May 31/10 - Random team stuff #6

Tournament update coming soon....

May 27 game update below.

Games this week as usual on Tue / Thu. 

Practice on Wed.  Please plan to attend the practice so we can work though our "to do" list.   We need to work on some important fielding stuff before we head into the District playdowns this weekend.  Time and location TBA.



Posted May 27/10 - Black Ice vs NL 1

Delayed report....

Both teams came to the game short-handed as far as players are concerned, but Black Ice came out on top of the score, winning 12-9.

At the plate Black Ice had singles by Jaden, Magena (3!!), Karley, Jayden (2!!), Stephanie and Emily.  And one amazing triple by Megan.  Wow!!  Many bases touched by those and other players as we took advantage of all opportunities to get on base and steal around.

On defense, Magena and Karley posted and impressive five strike-outs each.  Helping them out was Stephanie who caught a fly to get the out in three different positions! 

Great game!


Posted May 20/10 - Black Ice vs. Blitz
This was a close one in the early innings!! 

We started out strong with Magena on the mound facing only 7 batters in 2 innings and allowing no runs.  At the end of the 2nd we had a 2-0 lead.

The Blitz took the lead in the top of the 3rd by swinging the bat and tearing up the bases.  They held on to the lead in the bottom of inning by playing some good defense.  

By the the end of the 5th the score was 7 - 3 for the Blitz.  We were still in the game at that point, with a chance to tie the game by holding them in the top of the inning and scoring 4 in the bottom.   But....the Blitz played tough and held us to our 3 runs.   They scored 4 more in the top of the 6th with some good connections at the plate.   Then they shut us down 1-2-3 in the bottom of the 6th.  

Final score Blitz 11 and Black Ice 3.   We'll be gunning for them next time!!

Nice to see our friends Ally, Jade, Cassidy and Leslie!

Practice on Saturday.  See you there!!


Posted May 18/10 - Black Ice vs. Babes
Another exciting game tonight....keep 'em coming girls!!

It was great to see our friends Georgia, Cara and Mary on the opposing team.  We're loving that we have friends on all of the teams.....it's making this season seem even more fun than in the past.

The Black Ice scored 4 runs in the top of the 1st and held the Babes to 2 in the bottom.   It was ditto in the 2nd inning.....4 in the top for us and 2 in the bottom for them.  Neither side scored any runs in the 3rd.   The Babes closed the gap in the 4th, topping our 3 runs with 4 of their own.   Both teams scored 4 in the 5th inning.  There was a lot of aggressive base running by both teams.   The coaches love that!!   Final score, Black Ice 15 and Babes 12.   They gave us a real run for our money, but once again....Black Ice played hard right to the end.

Hard work on the mound by Karley M, Magena and Carly J resulted in a total of 11 strike-outs over 5 innings.  Impressive!!  

Some great hits tonight by....Lily, Lesley, Jaden, Karley and Carly (nice  double, Super C!!).    Just about every batter managed to get on base by having the discipline to leave the balls and swing at the strikes.

A couple of injuries....Lily managed to come back into the line-up after a rough slide into home.  Maddy, on the other hand, took one for the team (as they say) and finished the game on the bench.  We hope you're doing ok Maddy!!

Our team is getting stronger every time out.  But we're not losing track of the fact that other teams are also working hard to improve.  We don't underestimate them.....we're going to keep adding to our practice 'to do" list and fine tuning our game!! 

REMINDER:  Batting practice tomorrow from 6:00 to 7:00 at the cages.  Please advise the coach via email or phone call if you cannot attend.


Posted May 14/10 - Random team stuff #5

A few things to note....

Practice Saturday at Noel Booth SW from 10:00 to noon.   Patti is out of town and Joan can't make it so Sandy will be running the show....hopefully with some help from others....Mike, Ken, Steve, Paul, anyone??  Please advise Patti today or tonight via email or phone call if you can't make it to practice.

SSWR tournament confirmed......we're "in".   The response from the team was "yes" from all but Megan.  We'll miss you, Zee!!   No details yet re game times.  That info is usually available a few days before the tournament.   The entry fee is $225.  We had $20 left over from the team contributions to the Richomond tournament so that leaves $205.....a cost of $17 per player.  Please bring the money to Tuesday's game. 

Richmond tournament update....the winners were:  Richomond Attitude, Fleetwood Fury, Richmond Panthers and Newton Nitro.   The top 2 teams were the ones we faced in Games 1 & 2 on Saturday.  It was obvious when we played them that they were contenders.   Good job, Black Ice....we played well against some very tough teams.

Update from the May 13 game is below....



Posted May 13/10 - Black Ice vs. Blue Jays

Another exciting game!  The Blue Jays were definitely there to play ball.   It was a nail-biter!!  Thank goodness for L'Oreal...otherwise the coaches would be showing a few new grey hairs today!!

The Black Ice line-up had players in some different positions.....Karley and Magena both caught an inning....Carly J. had her season debut on the mound.   Maddy played an inning at 3rd.  Well done, girls....rising to the challenge and doing very well at it!

In the 1st inning the Blue Jays were aggressive at the plate and on the bases...more so than the Black Ice.  The score at the end of the 1st was 2-0 for the Jays.   By the end of the 2nd the score was tied 3-3 and remained there at the end of the 3rd.   At the end of the 4th the score was tied 4-4.  YIKES!!

Karley stepped back on the mound in the top of the 5th and stopped the Jays from scoring more runs.  The real excitement started in the bottom of the 5th with Jaden C. getting on base with a walk, stealing around to 3rd and then stealing home, giving Black Ice the lead.   Great slide into home JayJay!!  Then Brittany had her first hit of the season.  Way to go Britt!!  And what a hit it was.....blasting out of the infield.   The cheering from players and fans could be heard for miles!!

Who knew we could get to a 6th inning.....??  The excitement continued in the top of the 6th with Karley back on the mound.  First batter was a K.  Second batter hit a hard grounder to Jayden P. at 3rd.  JayLo scooped it up and burned it to 1st for the out.   Great execution, JayLo.  Karley took care of the 4th batter by snagging a ball hit back to the mound and making the out at 1st.  And the final out....another K.  WOW!!

Black Ice was home team, so there was no need to take our last bats.  Final score....5-4 for us.

Once again....Black Ice players didn't give up.....and your efforts paid off.   Nice job.  



Posted May 12/10 - Photo night & Bat-a-thon $ hand-in

Photo night tonight.....James Hill at 5:55.  Please arrive 10 minutes early so we can assemble as a team.

Bring your Bat-a-thon forms and money to hand in.

DON'T BE LATE!!!   They won't stop the show while we wait for late arrivals.  If you're late, chances are you won't be in the team photo.  That would be sad....

Note re the photo order forms:

Every player receives a Memory Mate package for FREE.   That package includes an individual 5 x 7 player photo plus a team photo.   You don't need to complete the photo order form unless you want to purchase additional items.

If you do want to order additional items, please have the form complete and ready to hand in before you arrive.  If you have lost the form and need a new one, they should be available at James Hill.

Update re last night game is below....


Posted May 12/10 - Black Ice vs. NL 3

What an exciting game!!

The Black Ice batters were careful to watch the balls and strikes.  Every batter got on base at least twice.  The NL pitchers weren't "on" so there were a lot of walks....but.....we took the walks when we should have and hit the ball when we could....and ran out the dropped 3rd strike every time.

GREAT hit by Lesley after she fouled off 5 or 6.  Way to stay focussed and win the battle at the plate, Lesley!  Also, singles by Kiesha, Carly, Jaden and Lilian helped to move the runners around the bases and score runs.   Heads-up base running all around including Lesley's brave break-away to home and Emily's diving slide back to 3rd when caught in a hot box. 

On defense, Karley racked up 9 strike-outs.  WOW!!  And what an AMAZING catch by Maddy at 2nd base, robbing a batter of a hit that might have been a double and would have allowed an RBI for the NL team.   Then there was that fabulous play at 1st on a dropped 3rd strike.  The ball got by Emily, but she scrambled out into right field to retieve it.  Karley took off like a shot to 1st, calling for the ball and making the out.  Nice play girls!!   Just goes to show you....never give up....and always look for another opportunity to make a play.  Honorable mention to Stephanie, who made a fantastic throw in from left field.  The ball was a second shy of reaching the catcher in time to make the out, but it was on target. 

Apologies if any other great plays haven't been noted here.  There was so much action and so many good plays....it's hard to remember them all!!


Posted May 10/10 - Richmond Tournament

It was perfect tournament weather....sunny but not too hot.  The early start time on Sunday was a bit nasty, though.  We'll all need a couple of days to catch up on our sleep after the 5:00 wake-up call!!

The coaches thought the team played hard and learned a lot over the two days.   Tournaments can be the best "practice"....getting live game experience that we know will benefit the players in our league play.   It was also another great opportunity to just spend some "bonding" time together in between games.   We have some stuff to put on our practice "to do" list, but all in all, it was a good weekend.   

Congrats to the MVPs -- Karley, Lilian, Madelynne and Magena.  You all worked hard for your awards....and deserve them!!

Onward to the next tournament at the end of the month!! 


Posted May 6/10 - Black Ice vs. NL 4

Hey TEAM.....we have the technology to keep in touch and share info using text, email, cell phone....but it's no substitute for being there....

Great game (apparently!!!).....looking forward to hearing the details.

See you bright and early Saturday!!


Posted May 6/10 - Random team stuff #4

Have a good game tonight!  Coach Patti is not at the game but Coach Joan is there to run the show....hopefully with help from parents to warm up the team and coach first base!! 

Consider tonight a warm-up for the tournament.  Play hard in the field.  Focus at the plate....leave the bad pitches and take the good ones!!  Heads-up base running....steal lots....tag up on fly balls.....you know the routine!!

Reminder:  Wednesday is photo night.  Date and time are noted on the calendar.  Please arrive 10 minutes early so we can assemble for the photographers.  You received order forms at the Icebreaker.   If you can't find yours, there will be extras at the photo shoot. 

Reminder:  Bring your Bat-a-thon forms and money to photo night!  Hopefully eveyone was able to raise at least $25.


Posted May 5/10 - Batting cages tonight

The batting cages are booked from 6:00 to 7:00 tonight.   Please arrive promptly so that we can get going quickly and give each player the maximum number of turns at bat.   We want our sticks to be HOT for the tournament.....so this is our WARM-UP!!

Updates regarding the tournament and last night's game below....



Posted May 5/10 - Tournament News

The tournament info has been posted on the calendar and/or schedule.  For directions, go to the schedule and click on the park name (London Park). 

Please bring healthy foods to munch on between games.   We need plenty of "fuel" to keep us playing hard, but don't want to be weighed down by greasy burgers and fries from the concession!!

Plan on getting lots of rest both nights before playing, but especially on Saturday night since we will be playing 3 or more games that day!!

Woo hoo!!  We love tournaments!!

Update on last night's game below....




Posted May 4/10 - Black Ice vs. NL 1 Pink Pirannhas

It seemed more like November than May, with dark clouds overhead and a monsoon in the second inning.   But bad weather didn't stop us....it just made us work harder to stay warm!!

The Player of the Game section on the upper right tells a good part of the story....the pitching was strong with Magena and Karley each striking our 6 batters.  Kudos to Megan for her first appearance on the mound since last season.  She threw some great pitches and even struck out two batters!! 

On the offensive side, there were singles by Megan, Kiesha (2), Lily, Magena, Lesley and Jaden (2).  Every player is getting better at making good choices at the plate, leaving the balls and swinging at the strikes!! 

Great game....and a good warm-up for the weekend tournament.




Posted May 1/10 - Saturday practice cancelled
It's too cold and wet out this morning. 

Confirmed:  Rescheduled for Sunday from 3:00 - 4:30.

Tuesday's game is in Walnut Grove.   Go to the schedule and click on the park name for directions.


Posted Apr 29/10 - What?? No game?

Disappointing...no game tonight.  Apparently the other team didn't have the correct schedule and that's why they didn't show. 

Sounds like the team had a good practice and a lot fun, at least.

We'll see everyone bright and early on Saturday!!  Click on the calendar tab for details.


Posted Apr 27/10 - Black Ice vs. Blitz

Apologies for the late update....Tuesday was a busy night with family returning from the band trip in Edmonton!

The rain started shortly after we arrived and continued on through the start of the game.  Karley was pushing off in a deep puddle on the mound! 

The Blitz were on their game right away, shutting us down in the top of the 1st and scoring 4 runs in the bottom.  But by the end of the 3rd, the score was 8-7 (for the Blitz) with Black Ice getting some good hits and running the bases aggressively to close the gap in the score.

The game was tense as Black Ice took the lead in the top of the 4th with a score of 11-8.  Good job on the RBI's by Lily and Keisha.  But the Blitz weren't ready to go home yet and managed to score 3 runs in the bottom of the 4th making the final score an 11-11 tie. 

Great game all around!  And apologies to the team for the coach losing her mind in the 2nd inning, calling the players in with only 2 out.  The run that scored on that bone-headed call could have been the difference between a loss and a tie.  LAPs for her after the next game!!


Posted Apr 27/10 - Random team stuff #3
Batting cage booking confirmed for Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:00.

See you at the game tonight.  Watch here for updates in case of rain.


Posted Apr 25/10 - Practice report

Good practice this afternoon, team!!

The catchers were "working the corners" with the pitchers.....and the pitchers were hitting the target!!  Our seasoned pitchers are getting stronger every day, and we are lucky to have others waiting in the wings....working on their strike zone, getting "game ready". 

We're also looking good with the throws to 2nd base....we're gonna pick off those runners!!

Good work in the batting practice, too.....hard to get by our pitchers.  Not so hard to hit off of the coach....no mercy there!!!

We'll see everyone for the game on Tuesday. 


Posted Apr 24/10 - Mark your calendars!!
The cheque is in the mail for the May 7-9 tournament!!

The fee is $275 (not $225 as noted earlier).  So far, the response is...
11 are "yes"
1 is "no"
1 is out of town....but most likely a "yes"

So...$275 / 12 = $23 per player.


Posted Apr 23/10 - Random team stuff #2

Please check your email and reply ASAP to the questions there about practice and tournie dates.

Practice is a "go" as noted in the email for this Sunday.  For future weeks, we want to move practice to Saturday from 10-noon.  Please email the coach if that's a problem for you.

Some details re last night's game added to the earlier post.

Mike is our field set-up guy.   He looked lonely out there all on his own last night!!  His job would  be easier (and he'd clear off the diamond sooner, giving us more warm-up space) if had help from others!!   If other parents could lend a hand by getting bases in and out of the equipment box, or holding the tape measure while he puts down the lines....it would be great!!  For the record, that's the coaches asking, not Mile.


Posted Apr 22/10 - Black Ice vs. Baseball Babes

To say this was an action-packed game would be an understatement! 

Black Ice was impressive in the top of the 1st with a double play.  The first batter walked, then managed to steal around to 3rd.  The next batter hit the ball back to the mound.  Karley snapped it up and threw it home to stop the runner trying to score.  While that was happening, the batter was attempting to advance to 2nd.  But Kiesha, with another heads-up play, threw her out at 2nd.  Fantastic start to the game!

Another double play....in the 4th inning...Jaden's arm seemed to stretch out an extra few inches to catch a ball that should have made its way past shortstop to the outfield.  She quickly fired the ball to Magena at 3rd before the runner could get back and tag up.  It was a beauty!! 

At the end of the 2nd inning the score was 2-2.  From there it was back and forth...with both teams hitting the ball well and running the bases aggressively.  

In the end, the Babes punched in more runs than Black Ice to take the game.

We'll get 'em next time, Black Ice!!


Posted Apr 20/10 - Black Ice vs. Blue Jays

Great game tonight Black Ice!!  The bats were on fire with Megan, Emily, Kiesha, Jaden, Karley and Stephanie all getting solid singles and Magena bashing a towering triple!!  Heads up base running all round and GREAT sliding.  An impressive 13 runs in all for the Black Ice.

On the defensive side of the game....Magena pitched two innings and served up four K's (strike-outs), allowing only three runs to score.  Karley hurled one inning and served up three K's with none scoring.  Brittany had her season's second appearance on the mound for the final inning....she's looking good.

The highlight of the game HAD to be Maddy in right field, stopping a hard-hit grounder that screeched through the infield and throwing out the runner at first base.  AMAZING!!!


Posted Apr 18/10 - Random team stuff #1
With all due respect and gratitude to the ladies that did score keeping in Mission....welcome back Connie!!  You are the BEST score keeper.  Because you are So meticulous, the web updates can include specific details on how the game went.  That's very important because the coaches' memories aren't that good any more!!  So thanks, Connie.

An FYI for the parents and players regarding the LFA teams we will play:

Envision CU's team name is Blue Jays
Ball Park Sports' team name is Blitz
Aldergrove CU's name is Baseball Babes

We won't change the team names on our website now...it's all set.




Posted Apr 18/10 - LFA Icebreaker - Day 2
 Day 2 of the Icebreaker and the Black Ice came ready to play the Baseball Babes! 

1st Inning:  Black Ice was home team so took the field with Jayden making her 2010 pitching debut.  She thew some great pitches, but the Babes managed to get in 4 runs in the top of the inning.  In the bottom of the inning, Black Ice found their bats....with Megan, Emily and Kiesha all racking up singles and Lesley drawing a walk.  All four scored.  The score at the end of 1:  tied.


2nd Inning:  Karley was on the mound.  She struck out two and Kiesha took care of the third out, tagging a runer at the plate trying to steal home on a passed ball.  In the bottom of the inning, our batters didn't let up.  Jaden and Stephanie came up with singles and Magena smashed a double.  Karley, Jayden and Britt all drew walks.  Carly had a nice hit but was put out at 1st (nice RBI, though).  The score:  8-5 for Black Ice.

3rd inning:  Brittany's turn to make her 2010 pitching debut.  Britt threw some great pitches.  The babes scored some runs, but the ump called "time" before the Black Ice took their bats.  Since we were home team, the score reverted back to the score at the end of the prior inning.  Disappointing....we wanted our last bats!  Final score:  8-5 for Black Ice. 

Well done team!!  It looks like we're ready for the start of the season!



Posted Apr 17/10 - LFA Icebreaker - Day 1


The coaches have a social engagement tonight, so the report must be brief!! 

Good first day of the Icebreaker with one tie and one win.  Both games were squeakers with Megan saving the day in the first game with a steal home (great slide!) and Kiesha saving the day in the second game cashing in the runners on base with a beauty of a TRIPLE!!  


Much more to be said, but time is short!!   Everyone....get a good sleep tonight and arrive at 8:00....pumped up for another WIN!!




Posted Apr 12/10 - Mission Icebreaker


Sunday, April 11

Day 2, Game 1.....it was a nail-biter!!!  End of the 1st inning and the score was 2-0 for Ambition.  End of the 2nd....5-2 for Black Ice.  End of 3rd....7-5 for Ambition.  Then the Black Ice players dug in their heels.....Carly hit a double with Karley and Lilian on base to score 2 runs.  Jayden was patient at the plate and drew a walk.  The score was tied with Carly stealing to advance to 3rd base. Then Stephanie saved the day with a single to score Carly from 3rd!!  Final score...8-7 for Black Ice.  Amazing!!!

Game 2....not the result we wanted.  It was our one and only loss with a score of 6-4.  The Mission team had great sticks and managed to pull out the win.  Black Ice did struggle back to close the gap in the score but the clock ran out.  Good game!!

Overall result....3 wins and 1 loss.  Kudos to the pitching and catching staff....you gals must be tired and sore tonight!!  And to all of the players....such a good effort.  Each and every player had at least one GREAT moment during the weekend.  What an amazing start of the season we have had.   The coaches see good things in this team's future!!  Rest and ice your sore muscles tonight!!

Thanks to all of the parents who made the weekend a success by helping with coaching, organizing and score keeping....Ken, Mike, Paul, Maureen, Marjorie, Rosalind...and others who I may have not mentioned.  Thanks!


Saturday, April 10

Holy cow...what great first day of the ball season!!  The Mission ball park was hard to find and the weather was chilly, but the results were HOT!!!

The dynamic duo of Karley and Magena impressed players and parents alike with some very strong pitching.  Each pitcher threw a whole bunch of strikes.  And any time they were down on the count, they struggled back to save the inning.  They showed amazing confidence and improvement in their skills....including impressive fielding from the mound.

Also....good effort behind the plate from Kiesha and Jaden.  Great outs at 1st base from Emily and Leslie.  Great plays at 2nd from Stephanie and Maddy.   Great hits from many....including Jayden P., Maddy, Kiesha, Magena, Emily and others.  And Jaden C. laid down a textbook bunt with bases loaded.....great squeeze play J.J.!!  Great focus and leadership from Carly and Lilian.  And....all around....great heads-up base running!!

See you bright and early tomorrow for DAY 2....can't wait!!!


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