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Neighborhood of Youth Coaches





Posted Apr 17/15 - Self Doubt ?

As challenges or tasks confront you, taking them on as opportunities for growth spurs excitment instead of doubt. Doing what you can do now eliminates procastination and promotes production. Productivity enhances self-esteem and generates lasting achievement ,Rising up to meet challenges is a gift to yourself.


Posted Apr 14/15 - Question your choice ?

As a head coach one of the choices you will have to make is building a staff ,this can be tricky because if you add one coach who is not a good fit your season will be a long one, because that coach can bring down your entire staff.


Posted Feb 23/15 - Pluzzling Information

A recruiter made the statement that some college coaches in Texas have whispered that they would rather go outside the state to recruit potential athletes ,giving this quote as the reason [ They haven't been over coached] and offer more of a blank slate to mode, now the problem with this if this is how some of those coaches really feel .


Posted Jan 26/15 - The Side Line Parent/Coach

If you have attended a youth or even a junior high school game you have had to witness the side line parent/coach while well meaning but completely out of line ,here is the thing if the kid has a knowledgeable coach who has worked on certain technique and skills development in practice the parent doesn't have too yell or even walk the stands to yell things at his kid that may be completly out of line with what the game plan if there was one to carry out. This type of parent at the youth level goes alone with in some cases poor coaching and while their may be a chuckle the same can be said at the middle junior high school level as well . There will always be a parent who is guilty of this act so I'm not here to state that the answer is ! I'm just stating the fact it will continue to happen where there is poor coaching.


Posted Jul 17/14 - Coach

Many coaches have situations where those around them will question why or what is going on more so when there are stressful situations happening those are the moment's you will see the person not the title go into action, the first reaction should be to make sure emotionally you seek out the potential factual answers.


Posted May 15/14 - Judging the book by its cover

We all have been guilty of this at one time or another and have said to ourselves I will never do that again an article in a newspaper I read made for this interesting peak at this thought and should suggest to you the coach to not be so hasty in pre-judging players before they have had the opportunity to show you what they may have to offer.


Posted May 12/14 - Buzz Words

The now completed NFL draft introduced its latest this game can't be played by everyone dog and pony show did you notice certain words being used?


Posted Apr 11/14 - The magic NFL Wonderlic

Median score by profession


Posted Mar 27/14 - 45 Million Dollars

The NFL just handed out 45 million dollars to USA football over the next five years,USA football claims it wants to become the certification arm of high school coaches around the U.S. alone with all of youth football, while a noble thought lets talk facts the first glaring one is while yes the high school association has at least in words given USA football some blessing this is key (some) I can't see a day without a big incentive the organization asking high school coaches to be certified by an outside organization maybe overseas but not in the U.S. without a payoff of some kind . You ever had a conversation with a junior high coach now try that same conversation with a high school coach it will take some greasing of the palm for certification to be considered . And could take it at the youth level as well while USA football has some youth coaches on board their are many not interested and one has to wonder why the NFL wants to control football from top to bottom while growing television audience has continued the in stadium fan is lowering the game is turning into a television event with only big games being considered events by paying fans at the gate,make no mistake USA football is a elephant in the room its just not the biggest one especially at the youth level and won't become at the high school level without some business agreement but with 45 million I'm sure something can be worked out [right].


Posted Mar 24/14 - The Mock Draft



Posted Feb 11/14 - Friday Night Tykes

The Esquire Network show Friday Night Tykes takes the audience on a journey through the TYFA youth football league if you have yet to watch this show take a moment when you have nothing else on the agenda to do so I'm not going to judge the show that's for you to decide if you should watch a segment, I will discuss my observation's first using my experience as a TV broadcaster and then as a coach .


Posted Jan 30/14 - Discipline and Focus

As many coaches at any level can tell you either of these lacking within a team can cause problems and a long and not so fun season.


Posted Jan 24/14 - First Time coaches

While watching a game it occured to me that the first time or year coach has a lot to learn on the fly,most first time coaches come into the youth sports arena thinking it can't be that difficult they learn very quickly that coaching is a little more than x's and o's a first time coach yes should take their lumps but should also get some education first on how to relate and interact with the parents then players.


Posted Nov 5/13 - Are you a sore loser?

We have all heard the term but have you ever questioned yourself as being one after a tough situation.


Posted Nov 1/13 - Parents behaving badly

Two local youth organizations imploded before the leagues playoffs, the problem one say's the other had a player that may have been a year to old.


Posted Oct 28/13 - Youth organization changes policy

A local youth program has issued an not all participates receive a ribbon policy for it's football program which will carry over to it's baseball and other sports, this follows that 91-0 high school football game.


Posted Oct 23/13 - Competition

The following is some of what a Texas high school coach said after a parent filed a wait on it [bullying compliant] against this coaches school after they put a beatdown on them final score 91-0 .


Posted Sep 18/13 - Coaches certification ?

It's all the rage currently in youth football the question is how real is it !


Posted Aug 20/13 - Coaches Impact

Wins and losses aren't the biggest impact you as a coach of youth sports can make , think about this in a few years these very same young people will become the people who will affect the very community they enjoy today as kids.


Posted Aug 8/13 - No membership Fee

The Neighborhood of Youth Coaches is not a membership organization we are not interested in fees you buying anything us sending you anything etc.


Posted Jul 24/13 - Numbers falling

The days of a 30 man roster are mostly done with youth football the cost has driven parents to wait until 7th grade to allow the kids to suit up for football, most teams are now fielding a game roster of 17 to 20 players .


Posted Jul 18/13 - Heat Alert

The rules for Independant schools districts are if the temperture is too high no outside practice allowed .


Posted Jul 14/13 - The Neighborhood of Youth Coaches

Welcome to the neighborhood coaches share your knowledge and practice information get to know other coaches in your area or other cities .


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