Jun 2/24
1:22 pm

Vancouver Voodoos




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Posted Apr 20/11 - Regular season starts tomorrow...

Well, after 3 games played, we have had two tough 1 run losses against good squads.  Both of which we let back in the game after coming back ourselves to take late leads.  Well, Christmas is over for the rest of the league.

We have now pitched 10 of our 13 players in 3 games whereas the last two games against the Reds and Royals, we saw our opponents use only 1 SP and 1 closer and they just edged us out.  Tomorrow we will start using a rotation and look to establish positional regularity to allow us to practice with focused groups to hone skill sets and team defense.  It's time to do that Voodoo Thang!!

Tonight's game was notable for some pretty darn good pitching, some bats waking up, some missed signs, a couple of mental errors and another really bad K to BB ratio - 13Ks to 2 BBs.  5 of the 13 Ks were looking.  The weird stat is losing a game where you make one error while the other team makes 5!

Let's get after North Delta tomorrow night and get on track fellas, it's time to show the league what we can do!



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