Jun 2/24
4:21 pm

Vancouver Voodoos




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Posted Jun 12/11 - "sitting on the dock of the bay..."

Hoping that Abby will have a big breakfast today and bring it to the park - or we start arranging the post season party.

I'm afraid someone stole our bats and some gloves on Saturday afternoon and a hard hitting Chilliwack squad made things interesting to the last game of the pool playoffs, beating the Voodooo on their home turf, 7-2.  That loss costs  the Voodoos any control of their playoff destiny.

We left the bases loaded twice, the Abby game OF fielding woes continued, a couple of times we didn't lay it out and we didn't score on a tough read on a fly to RF late in the game.  We had at least 10 men aboard but only counted two and therein lies the rub.  Tip of the hat to a wasted fine 4 1/3 inning outing by Espy going his full 85 while giving up just the one unearned run of 4 on the board.

If Abby can hold serve in at least a +8 run win, we will play the Expos who are Group A #1 as Group B #2 in a semi-final game. The game would be at 6:00 PM and likely be Monday night as the AAA boys have Hillcrest for 3 games in a row starting Tuesday.  It could be Friday except that the league has the final scheduled for Thursday at the home fo the coin flip winner.

Cross your fingers and toes...


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