Jun 2/24
2:09 pm

Vancouver Voodoos




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Posted Jun 13/11 - "Hello darkness, my old friend..."

Is the way I feel everytime I have to say goodbye to a great group of young people.  It's always followed by the "sounds of silence"...but just until the next group of kids steps up and away we go again...8^)

Still, you fellas were  somehow different from other teams I've been involved were the most accepting group I've ever been around.  No bullying, bickering, no out-sized egos, you had each other's backs and you consistently picked each other up with big plays following mistakes.   You were a great team. 

Tom A., we always missed your leadership and skills when you couldn't play but you also made it so much more fun when you were there.  Isaac, there is a career with the Navy Seals awaiting you, kid.   JK defined dignity against adversity. JT always plays bigger than his build but just like his over-sized heart.  Nick kept it loose and it was fun getting caught up in his comet's wake for a few months.  Definite fighter pilot.  Keegan's smile on a 3 run blast will last a long time with me, a "tank" they tell me.  Rory, the players called you a tank, well if that's the case, you would be the "Abrams", man.  The best.  Jeff shakes off his latest round of broken bones early in the season to bring us his much needed skills.  We were 1-2 when he joined us....hmmmm.  Sam's arm showed that next year's hitters better come thru the zone quick or it's not on.  Robert displayed power beyond his years with consistent drives to all parts of the field and always looking to improve.  Garde's versatility was on display every game along with his desire to win.  Espy was arguably the league's most effective pitcher and led our squad in most categories and when he got a hold of the ball it was always extra bases.

The voyage from the Grade 7 boy playing AA who's head was at my shoulder playing with Grade 9 brutes (that team clubbed 24 homers, our boys hit 6) to the young man that looks me in the eye 3 years later, was bumpy in terms of baseball.  Whatever circumstances found him playing ball this year, whether there were hitters whiffing a second after the ball was by them, ducking in the sand when the curve hit Isaac's unmoving glove, making the consistent throws across the diamond, the delayed steals standing up along with the face first slides trying to stretch out the extra base, always taking the lead runner or having the other team's backs to our fence when he was AB, Jason displayed a dominating but undemonstrative presence anytime he was on the field.  Good to see you back, kid!

We'll need to gather uniforms and I'm looking to have a wrap-up party, email will follow.




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