Jun 1/24
6:16 am

Captain Jack's Softball
Prior Lake, MN



Prior Lake

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Posted May 7/10 - Jack's jump out at 2-0

Jack’s started off the season strong with strong victories over C.L.A.C. (last year’s Lonsdale Merchants) and a piss-pounding of Crossroads…  Web Gems included a great diving (yes I said diving) stop by Burrill at third base and a subsequent inability to roll over to throw the ball along with some Chewbacca style noises, some great catches by Nick Meath in the outfield and a 5-4-3 Triple Play (Burrill to Turnlund to Martinson) that turned out to be a blown call on the 3rd out by the ump.  Overall, the infield played well, the outfield played well and the team hit very well… a great way to start the season.



Highlights also included Ben Niedfeldts and Dean Turnlund’s return to action in convincing fashion…



On the negative side, we’re already half way into our allotted softballs for the season and accumulated approximately 6 or 7 home run outs.  I think Z and Burrill’s piss rockets might have just landed…



Z - Marty asked me to ask you how many home runs you’ve hit this year…



The other question of the evening was if going forward Hollywood should be referred to as “Pretty”, or should we just stick with “Hollywood”?



Next Thursday we play at 6:30 against South Metro (Kopas’s team) and 8:50 against Bryan Rock.  I’m aware that Nick Meath will miss the early game and Vang has other obligations.  Otherwise, please let me know if you will not be able to make next week’s games so I can get in touch with Kim, John and/or Jeff if needed.



Ferny – I don’t remember if you’re back in town next week or not, so let me know…






“I wear my emotions of my sleeves…when I wear sleeves.  Sleeves are for pussies”

Softball Guy


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