Sep 20/24
5:52 pm

New West Red Sox



New Westminster

Member of the Lower Mainland Baseball Association

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Posted May 17/10 - Late Comeback Not Good Enough To Beat Mounties

A game featuring two of the LMBA's .500 teams, ended in heart break Sunday night as the Good guys failed to mount a strong enough come back against a team they needed to beat.  Kyle Labine took the mound for the good guys, but early inning trouble led to a 3 run first inning and a eventual 7 run lead by the end of the 5th.  Labine pitched really well but could not shut down the Mounties offence giving up only 5 earned runs.  With a shortened staff the Red Sox went 9 up and 9 down in the first 3 innings, prompting their coach to say a few words of inspiration going into the 4th, and with that the Guys in Red woke up a little bit and battled hard the next 4 innings, cashing in 4 and giving the Mounties Defence some much needed work.  Jordan Peever came into the 6th and once again proved to every one why he is on the red sox staff, shutting down the Mounties defence, and not allowing a run in his last 3 innings pitched.  Other Notables in the game were Adam Nordby who was solid in the outfield, definetly saving the Sox from being scored on a few times.  Josh Karls who was injured but still showed up to the game to keep score, and acquire a new Nick name (Hot Karl), was a huge help on the bench.  Both teams defence and pitching did very well, keeping the game tight for most of the match.  All in all it was a very well played game, and with the exception of a bat flying into the backstop on account of lack of pine tar and self control, a pretty uneventful one.  The Red Sox now have a week off before they head across town to face the Jerks of Maple Ridge, a game which promises not to dissapoint.


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