league play will start in june we are currently looking for teams for the upcomming season all rules will be posted and every player must be AT LEAST 16 years old and have a league id card that will be shown at the start of every game THIS IS AN ADULT LEAGUE the league has signed its first team the sog,lady tigers head coach and owner tom green is knew to womens kickball but plans on having a team that will compete for the championship in its first year so be on the look out for the tigers in the upcomming season all teams interested in joining the league should email us at unitedfwkbl10@yahoo.com
Owner Of The Lake City Stars
The Lake City Grizzlies are a third year team out of Columbia County once known as the Lake city Stars found aname to fit their attitude, because even though they are small they will fight every week and make it through their first year, now with a group of new players and several older players the stars look forward to making their first season one to remember so be on the look out in 2010 as the enters enter a new league they plan on making their mark so look out U.F.W.K.B.L WE ARE COMING