Jul 16/24
7:38 pm

Freeman Reflectors





In the spring of 2007, the Freeman Baseball Association started a High School baseball team with students from Freeman Public and Freeman Academy. From day one, nicknames were thrown around. Flying Bobcats or Bobbers (Flyers and Bobcats are the nicknames from the two schools) were a couple of them, but nothing really stuck-that is, until the day of their first game.

The team was scheduled to play in Lennox on that historic day. The players went out to left field to begin their stretching and pre-game warm up. While out there, one of the players found a royal blue driveway reflector. It was one of those reflectors that people put at the end of their driveway to mark the entrance.

The players thought it had to be fate that they find this item (with their team color) on the day of their first game. From that day forward, they were known as the Freeman Reflectors, a name they carried over into the legion season. If you attend a high school or legion game now, look for the Reflector. It is sure to be some place very close to the dugout or bats.


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