Jul 17/24
9:01 am

Western Lower Mainland Mosquito








** For anything not covered below please see:
A. Baseball Canada Official Rules of Baseball
B. B.C. Minor Baseball Association Handbook
Regular season game scores: e-mail to WLM 11U interlock coordinator ASAP.
Any game changes, please cc e-mail to WLM 11U interlock coordinator with dates and times.
Scores and schedule can be found on WLM 11U website:

1. It is the coaches’ responsibility to check the out of bounds area of each field with the umpire prior to the start of a game.

2. Nine (9) players only on the field during a game.

(a) All weeknight games start no later than 5:30 pm in April and 6:00 pm for the rest of the season.
(b) Teams will be allowed to play with eight players during the regular season without forfeiting. During playoffs: If a team cannot field eight (8) eligible players by the start of the 3rd inning, then that team forfeits the game. During regular season: When fielding eight (8) players for the entire duration of a game, the 9th batter is considered an out unless coaches agree not to have the auto out and the umpire acknowledges such a change prior to the start of the game.
(c) Eligible players must be listed on the official batting lineup. Team coaches are to exchange rosters and provide a copy to the umpire prior to the start of the game. Standard format of batting lineup – please see appendix A.

(a) In the event a game should be cancelled due to weather, the home team will notify the opposing team’s coach/manager at least THREE hours prior to the start of the game. In April, please try to discuss cancelling the game BEFORE 2:30PM. In May and June, games should be cancelled BEFORE 3PM.
(b) It is the home team’s responsibility to contact umpire scheduler and cancel umpires.
(c) Games should be rescheduled ASAP, preferably the next day if weather and field availability permits, but definitely well before playoffs begin.

6 innings shall be played unless:
(a) The mercy rule comes into effect: if there is a 10 run difference at the end of 5 innings (or 4 ½ if the home team is ahead) then the game is over.
(b) The game needs to be called due to weather, darkness, serious injury, etc.
(c) The umpire deems the game ended using his/her discretion.

(a) No new inning can begin after 2 hours from the start of the game. At or just before the 2 hour mark, the umpire will call final/last inning and no new inning can start.
(b) Whatever max runs inning it is when the final inning call is made, is the maximum allowable runs for that inning. For example, if it’s the 5th inning at the 2 hour mark, then the max runs is 4 and the game is over after that inning. The bottom half of the 4th or 5th inning is played out until either max runs or 3 outs is reached, even if the home team is ahead. Only in the 6th inning, if the home team is ahead or takes the lead, then the game is over.
(c) Score at the end of a game is final, as long as 4 complete innings have been played.
(d) Only the 6th inning has a max 10 runs per team in the regular season. During playoffs: Unlimited runs are permitted in the 6th inning, although the mercy rule still applies.

(a) If a player arrives late to a game, he/she shall be eligible to play regardless of when he/she arrives if the player(s) is/are listed on the batting lineup card. If the team has 9 players at the game, the player who arrives late and missed his/her first at bat is considered “skipped”, he/she is not counted as an out. Only if the late player is the 9th batter, should he/she be considered an out. Late players should be moved towards the bottom of the batting order if he/she hasn’t arrived 15 minutes before the game. Please use the late player card with some discretion: if, by the 3rd inning the player still hasn’t arrived, you should consider that player as being absent and he/she should subsequently be deleted from the lineup card and the opposing team and umpire notified.

(a) The batter is out.
(b) The ball is still alive with less than 3 out and base runners may advance at their own risk.

Unless the base runner is in danger of making contact with the defensive player catching the ball, infield fly rule will not be called.

Unlimited Bunting is allowed. Players will not be called out if they bunt after 2 strikes.

(a) Leadoffs are not permitted at the 11U (mosquito) division. If there is a lead off i.e. a player’s foot is not touching the base before the ball crosses home plate, the ball is dead and a no pitch shall be called. The runner will be declared out.
(b) When the pitcher is in contact with the pitching rubber, with the ball in their possession, preparatory to the act of pitching, all base runners shall return to their bases and cannot leave until the pitched ball crosses the plate.
(c) Note: When a runner is making a legitimate attempt to advance to the next base, the pitcher cannot return to the mound and stand in a position preparatory to pitching for the purpose of having the runner return to their previous base. The intent of this rule is to eliminate the game of “chicken” played by base runners at this level.
(d) If the catcher has possession of the ball after the pitch and stands on home plate, any runner between 3rd
base and home plate, who stops advancing* must return to 3rd base. *Stops advancing in this case, meaning the player is no longer moving in a forward motion towards home plate. Any pause or stoppage in running is considered no longer advancing. If a runner does not return to 3rd base and the catcher does not make a play or does not throw the ball back to his pitcher, the umpire may call time. If the catcher chooses to make a play on a runner returning to 3rd base the ball is alive and in play. The runner may advance.

(a) A base runner may not advance until the ball has crossed home plate.
(b) A base can be stolen on a passed ball or any throwing error. Once the pitcher has possession of the ball and is standing on the pitching rubber, all runners must return to their bases.
(c) No stealing 2nd base on a walk. The walked batter must remain on 1st base until a pitch is thrown to the next batter.
(d) During the month of April, there is no stealing home on passed balls or wild pitches.

(a) A runner must slide into base to avoid contact with other players defending the base. A runner may be called out for failing to avoid contact or making a dangerous play.

(a) A base runner may slide into base feet first. Head first slides are illegal. However, a player may dive back to the base to avoid being tagged on a pick play.

15. SCORING (2-2-4-4-4-10/open)
(a) The first two innings will be limited to two (2) runs per inning
(b) Four (4) runs per inning in the 3rd , 4th and 5th innings
(c) The 6th inning has a 10 run scoring limit. During playoffs: the 6th inning is open with no scoring limit, although the mercy rule still applies.
(d) If a game is called during an incomplete inning, the score reverts back to the end of the last completed inning unless: the home team has tied up, taken the lead or scored more runs in the inning than the visitors.
(e) The home team is responsible for reporting the score on game day. Please report the score to the interlock convenor.
(f) At the end of a game, scorekeepers from both teams should confer and agree to the final score and pitch counts.
(g) Coaches shall have their pitch count logs and scorebooks readily available at the start of each game and must present them if requested. Failure to do so may result in a forfeit during playoffs.

(a) Pitches thrown in warm up, bullpen or ruled no-pitch by umpire are NOT counted
(b) A 1st year* player must pitch the first inning. *Year meaning birth year, not years of playing.
(c) Once the game has started, pitchers are limited to 5 warm up pitches on the mound, thrown to the catcher or substitute catcher.
(d) Balks may be called by the umpire for educational purposes, but the pitcher will not be penalized. Runners do not advance on a balk and it will be considered a no pitch.
(e) Coaches may approach the mound to speak with a pitcher twice. The 2nd meeting must be to make a pitching change.
(f) A pitcher will be substituted if 2 batters are hit by a pitched ball in one inning.
(g) A pitcher will be substituted if 3 batters are hit by a pitched ball in one game.
(h) It is highly discouraged to have any player throw the maximum allowable pitches (75). Please remember these are young children who shouldn’t have to deal with injuries or fatigue at this level of play. Also, teams are encouraged to develop as many pitchers as possible.
1 - 25 pitches = no rest
26 - 40 pitches = 2 nights rest
41 - 55 pitches = 3 nights rest
56 - 65 pitches = 4 nights rest
66 - 75 pitches = 5 nights rest
75 pitches MAX FOR A DAY One night rest includes the night of the game. For example: If the game was played on Tuesday and a pitcher pitched 30 pitches, then that pitcher is allowed to pitch again on Thursday (Tuesday night and Wednesday night being 2 nights rest). Tournament/exhibition games are included.

(a) A pitcher is permitted to exceed the max limit for a day to finish pitching to a batter.
e.g. Pitcher starts batter at 70 pitches and finishes at 77. The pitcher must be removed, 75 pitches are
recorded, and 5 nights rest are required.
This does not mean a pitcher who starts a batter at 38 pitches and finishes at 42 gets his/her final pitch
count to be 40. In this example, the pitcher finishes at 42 pitches and must have 3 nights rest.
(b) A player cannot pitch on four (4) consecutive days.
(c) A player may pitch on 3 consecutive days if his/her combined counts for the previous 2 days do not exceed the “no rest” limits.

(a) Players must be called up from 9U (Tadpole) in accordance with the BC Minor Baseball Rulebook (max of 5 regular games and 1 tournament). Coordinators are to keep track of player call-ups to ensure the maximum number of games is enforced.
(b) Teams are NOT allowed to borrow players from other 11U or older teams.
(c) Players may not be borrowed for the purpose of improving the overall skill level of the team, but only to field a team of 9-10 players.
(d) Borrowed players cannot pitch.
(e) Borrowed players must wear their own team jersey.
(f) Borrowed players must bat last and be marked on the batting lineup as “borrowed” or “call up”

(a) All players must sit out once before another player sits out twice.
(b) All players in attendance must play at least three complete defensive innings of a 6 inning game or at least two complete defensive innings of a 4 or 5 inning game.
(c) No player may sit off for two consecutive innings.
(d) All players must play the infield for a minimum of 1 inning and the outfield for a minimum of 1 inning per game.
(e) It is recommended that all players get a chance to play as many different positions as possible

19. UMPIRES see Rule 13.11.2
Once the rosters have been submitted to the umpire, they are in charge of the field. Their decision is final. Coaches may not challenge the umpire’s decision on the field. Coaches may inquire the umpire’s interpretation of a rule in a calm and polite manner but the umpire’s final interpretation of the rule will stand. Note:
- There will be no attempt to help the umpire or teach the umpire!
- Any form of intimidation towards the umpire is not acceptable!
- No audience member is permitted to sit directly behind the plate umpire unless he/she is a parent/guardian of one of the umpires.
Coaches, players and audience should not indicate in any way, their assessment of a play on the field such as hand/facial gestures or verbal comments like out, safe, strike, or ball.
Umpires may be young and inexperienced. If they are intimidated, they may not choose to become more experienced umpires. Remember…good decisions come from making use of experience and practice. Experience comes through making decisions, which are not always the correct ones.
Violation of conduct by coaches or players will be reviewed, and may result in suspension or expulsion as determined by your local association.
A coach or player who has been suspended cannot coach/play the next game (or until the suspension is lifted).

Playoff format: two pools of 4 teams each, seeded according to total points during regular season. If a tie exists in points, the higher seeded team will be based on best runs for/against during the regular season. Pool A consists of teams seeded 1st, 4th, 5th and 8th. Pool B will have teams seeded 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th. Each team will play the other teams in their pool once (3 round robin games). Semi-finals consist of winner of Pool A vs 2nd place of Pool B and winner of Pool B vs 2nd place of Pool A.
All scores and pitch counts are to be e-mailed to Margaret by either team as soon as the game is over.
All games are to be rescheduled for the next day, if possible, but definitely before June 13th.
Rule 5. End of Game applies in playoffs.
All regular season interlock rules apply except that:
There are no time limits.
The 6th inning plus any extra innings are open (no run limits).
In the event of a tie, play as many innings as possible until the umpires call the game due to darkness.
Tiebreaker rules: the first tie-breaker is head-to-head during playoffs. The 2nd tie-breaker is head-to-head in regular season. The 3rd tie-breaker is team with the best record (most points) during the regular season. If the teams are still tied, a coin toss will determine the winner.
* Regular season points/standings aren’t considered unless there is a tie-breaker in playoffs.


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