Jul 17/24
6:28 am

Dousman Frogs





Post-Game Court Fines and Awards

Fielding Fines

Fielding error = .25

3 or more errors = dollar bonus


Hitting Fines

 Going 0-5 = dollar

Looking K = dollar, .25 for every runner in scring position

3 K’s = 3 dollars

4 or more K’s = 5 dollars

Swinging 3-0 without getting a hit = 2 dollars


Pitching Fines

Giving up an 0-2 hit = dollar

2 Wild Pitch = dollar

More walks and hbp than innings pitched = dollar each

Walking bases loaded = 5 dollars


Miscellaneous Fines


Missing a sign = 3 dollars

Idiotic activity (A.K.A. The Jake Rule) = determined by team

Losing by 10 = 5 dollar team fine

Spilling beer = determined by amount spilt

Holding multiple beers = dollar

Not opening a beer immediately after receiving one = .50

Every F-word after initial freebee (2 free F-bombs for double headers) = dollar

Baserunning blunder = determined by team

Late for bp = dollar every 5 min (unless you call, with a legit excuse)

Eating on the bench = dollar per item

Uniform infraction = dollar each minimum (team decided)

No call, no show = 10 dollars




Post-Game Awards

"JUG" goes to voted player based on idiocy.  Player fills water jug for next game.

"Hats for Bat" goes to best hitting player of the game.

"Bomb Case" Player that hits there seasons first HR buys a case of beer. 

(Any additional HR and team buys a case. (All beers are to be consumed as a team)) 

"Mustache Cooler"  goes to pitcher with 9 or more K's in a game.  Team buys a case.

"Hat-Trick" goes to player (batter) with 3 K's.  Player owes 3 dollars

"The Golden Sombraro" goes to player (batter) with 4 or more K's.  Player owes 5 dollars

"Shitty BF"  Goes to any player that brings a new girlfriend to court without properly introducing them to the team before court closes.

"Magz Rule"  Goes to any pitcher that ends an inning in three pitches.  A case will be provided by the team.

"D-Bag"  Any player that ends an inning by swinging at the third pitch of any inning.  Owes team a case.

"The Pacifier"  Any player that racks up 5 dollars worth of F-bombs in one court session will have to wear the Frogs F-bomb pacifier for the entire next games court session.








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