Sep 1/24
3:10 am

Edmonton Cardinals
PeeWee AAA





Edmonton Cardinals Unwritten Rules (by Jon Lee):
Note: This is not a complete listing.

1) Always hustle on the field. It does not take any talent or athletic ability to hustle.
2) Hats should be worn low and centered on the head. Hair should not be showing on the forehead.
3) Baseball pants should be worn all the way down or just under the knees. Halfway near the shins is not acceptable.
4) Respect your coaches, teammates, opposition and umpires.
5) Gum should always be thrown out into garbage cans not on the field.
6) Hair should be cut short. Any hair exposed while wearing a hat should be 1cm or less.
7) Do not touch your coach's fungo (specifically the SSKs) unless asked. Be aware of its location so you don't step on it.
8) If you arrive to practices or games late, hustle in. Walking in shows that you do not care.
9) Tuck in your shirt and wear a belt.
10) Execute what you are told by your coaches on the field.
11) Shine your shoes.
12) No one wears your team-issued gear but you.
13) Ask questions. You need to know what to do and why.
14) When you are on a team trip, look and act appropriately. You are representing the entire organization. Act maturely and remember that you are here to play baseball, not vacation. Players should be groomed appropriately. Ask yourself, if you were to meet the President, would you look acceptable?

Baseball's Unwritten Rules (from Baseball Digest in 1986)

1) Never put the tying or go-ahead run on base.
2) Play for the tie at home, go for the victory on the road.
3) Don't hit and run with an 0-2 count.
4) Don't play the infield in early in the game.
5) Never make the first or third out at third.
6) Never steal when you're two or more runs down.
7) Don't steal when you're well ahead.
8) Don't steal third with two outs.
9) Don't bunt for a hit when you need a sacrifice.
10) Never throw behind the runner.
11) Left and right fielders concede everything to center fielder.
12) Never give up a home run on an 0-2 count.
13) Never let the score influence the way you manage.
14) Don't go against the percentages.
15) Take a strike when your club is behind in a ballgame.
16) Leadoff hitter must be a base stealer. Designated hitter must be a power hitter.
17) Never give an intentional walk if first base is occupied.
18) With runners in scoring position and first base open, walk the number eight hitter to get to the pitcher.
19) In rundown situations, always run the runner back toward the base from which he came.
20) If you play for one run, that's all you'll get.
21) Don't bunt with a power hitter up.
22) Don't take the bat out of your best hitter's hands by sacrificing in front of him.
23) Only use your bullpen stopper in late-inning situations.
24) Don't use your stopper in a tie game - only when you're ahead.
25) Hit behind the runner at first.
26) If one of your players gets knocked down by a pitch, retaliate.
27) Hit the ball where it's pitched.
28) A manager should remain detached from his players.
29) Never mention a no-hitter while it's in progress.
30) With a right-hander on the mound, don't walk a right-handed hitter to pitch to a left-handed hitter.


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