Sep 1/24
5:18 am

Morden Minor Ball







The name of the organization shall be known as the Morden Minor Ball Association, hereafter referred to as the MMBA.


MMBA is dedicated to the promotion of Softball and Baseball among the youthy of our community.


MMBA believes in:

  1. The need for skill development at all ages and ability levels.
  2. Promoting enjoyment of the sports or Baseball and Softball and facilitating this by development of confidence in each player that they have the skills necessary to participate in the games.
  3. Equal opportunity for all to participate.
  4. Promoting and developing sportsmanship, a sense of fair play, and respect for oneself,teammates, opposition and authority.
  5. The organization's responsibility to govern and organize a system that will result in a safe envrionment for our players.
  6. Organizational accountability to its membership and players.
  7. Education of coaches to provide qualified team leadership.


The association membership includes the following:

  1. Parents and guardians of registered players.
  2. Coaches and managers of all teams within MMBA.
  3. Executive members.
  4. Umpires.
  5. Life mebers.
  6. Past presidents.


A) The ececutive shall consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 12 members. Executive offices shall include: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate past president. Other executive members shall serve as committee chairpersons as requried.

B) Each year one-half of the executive shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of two years.

C) The appointment of the executive officers amd committee chairpersons shall be made within the executive at its first regular meeting.


any and all amendments to the constitution of the MMBA shall only be made at the Semi-annual or the Annual General Meeting (hearafter referedto as AGM). Written notice of proposed amendments must be forwarded to the secretary a minimum of seven days prior to hte date of the AGM or Semi-AGM. An amendment to the constitution shall be made by approval of two thirds of the membership present. The seven day notice period will be waived provided the proposed amendment(s) receives unanimous approval of the members in attendance.



The executive of the MMBA shall have authority to complete the following functions:

  1. Control the financial and organizational affairs of the association.
  2. Discipline, suspend, or remove for membership any executive member, coach, manager, player, or other persons associated with the association.
  3. Fill any vacancy which might occur in its membership bettween Annual General Meetings.
  4. Revise, add or delete executive or committee member's duties as required.


  1. the Annual General meeting of MMBA shall be held prior to the end of September and a Semi-Annual General meeting shall be help prior to the end of March.
  2. The President, Treasurer and each committee chairperson shall submit a written report summarizing the year's activities for the purpose of distribution at the AGM. This report shall be given verbally at the AGM. a verbal report only is requried of the President, Treasureer and each committee chairperson at the SemiAnnual General meeting.
  3. All meetings of the executive shall be at the call of the President, execept as outlined under item "4" below.
  • A quorum for executive meetings shall consist of more than half of its members.
  • The president shall call a minimum of monthly executive meetings durring the March - June preseason and playing season. Additional meetings may be necessary in the off season (January - Feburary) to complete "project work".

    4. At the request of a minimum of three executive members, the President shall call a special meeting. no subject shall be discussed or considered at a    special meeting except that specified inthe notice.


  1. MMBA membership, as listed in Artice 4, shall be eligible to vote at any general meeting.
  2. Each eligible person attending the general meeting shall have one vote.
  3. there shall be no proxy votes.


  1. A slate of candidates may be presented at the AGM by a nomination committee and/or nominations may be accepted from the floor.
  2. Voting shall be by secret ballot
  3. Candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected.
  4. In the event of a tie vote, a second vote shall be taken involving those candidates who were tied.
  5. Ballots shall be destroyed following the vottying tallying process.


Life membership is the highest honor that can be bestowed by the MMBA and should be awarded only for distinctive service. Life members may be nominated by the exective or the membership and elected at the AGM by a two thirds majority of the voting membership present. Life membership will be recorded.


  1. President: Expectiations of the president include the following:
  • Preside as chairperson at all general and executive meetings.
  • Develop agendas for all general and executive meetings.
  • Act as one of three signing officers of the MMBA.
  • Exercise the powers of the executive in case of emergency.
  • Suspend teams, players, coaches or executive members subject to ratification of the exectutive at te next meeting
  • present written and/or verbal reports at the general meetings
  • Represent MMBA at Manitoba Softball Associations and Manitoba Basevall Association meetings and ecercise voting priviledges. If unable to attend, the president shall ensure that another executive or committee member is present to represent MMBA interests if at all possible.

   2.  Secretary: The secretary's duties shall include the following:

  • Keep an accurate record of the proceedingd of the general and executive meetings and circulate there to executive and committee members.
  • Notify ecevutive members of the time and place of meetings
  • Submit notice of Agm and Semi-Annual General meetings and registration to the local newspaper and radio stations a minimum of two weeks prior to the event.
  • Assist with other responsibilities or duties as designated by the executive

3. Treasurer: The treasurer's duties shall include the following:

  • Keep a written, accurate record of all money received and disbursed.
  • Act as on of therr signing officers of the MMBA.
  • Prepare an annual budget proposal for presentation to the executive.
  • Present a report and duly audited statement of the operations of the association at each ogeneral meeting.
  • Assist with other responsibilities or duties as designated by the executive.

4. Committee Chairpersons:

  • Registration
  • Concession
  • Coaching - Softball, Baseball, T/Toss Ball
  • Incentive/Volunteer Coordination
  • Fundraising
  • Equipment/Uniforms

       Terms of reference for each committee chairperson outlined below.



  • Promotion of the MMBA, its mission statement and philosophy.
  • Attendance at all executive meetings.
  • Presentation of verbal reports at executive meetings.
  • Organization of registration night.
  • Preparation of an appropriate registration form.
  • Financial responsibility at registration night in cooperation with Treasurer.
  • Preparation of submission of written report for AGM and verbal report for Semi-Annual general meeting.
  • Determination of appropriate registration fees in cinsulation with executive members.
  • Ensure registration with affiliater leagues.
  • Assist with other responsibilities as designated by the executive.


  • Promotion of the MMBA, it's mission statement and philosophy.
  • Attendance at all executive meetings.
  • Presentation of verbal reports at executive meetings.
  • Communitcation with Parks and Recreation Department regarding use of the concession booth.
  • Create a schedule of league games and tournament dates.
  • Organize schedule for concession organization and work together with Incentive Chairperson to contact volunteers.
  • Maintain an accurate statement of all goods purchased and sold.
  • Submit all revenue and invoices or receipts to the Treasurer.
  • Retain a list of goods purchased, amounts and sources as a yearly record.
  • Prepare and submit a written yearly report for the AGM and a verbal repot for the Semi-annual general meeting.
  • Assist the other responsibilities as designated by the executive.

3. COACHING CHAIRPERSO(S) Baseball, Softball and T/Toss Ball

  • Promotion of the MMBA, it's mission statement, and philosophy.
  • Attend all executive meetings.
  • Presentation of a verbal report at executive meetings.
  • Recruit coaches for all age categories applicable.
  • Act as an observer/evaluator of coaches.
  • Promote continuing education of coaches by informing all coaches of available clinics and organzie clinics when necessary.
  • Preparation of league scheduales (or ensuring the appropriate information is supplied to the leagues and those preparing the schedules).
  • Attendence at league and association meetings to represent the intrests of MMBA or arranging for the delegate to attend and fulfill these duties.
  • Preparation and submission of written yearly report for the AGM and verbal report for the Semi-annual general meeting.
  • Assist with other responsibilities as designated by the executive.


  • Promotion of MMBA, it's mission statement, and philosophy.
  • Attendance at executive meetings.
  • Present verbal repors at executive meetings.
  • Attend registration night and recruit volunteers.
  • all requests for volunteers to be channeled through incentive chairperson.
  • Contact volunteers for various activities as requried - concession shifts included.
  • Documentation of which volunteers have completed their incentive responsibilities.
  • Upon completion of season, submit to the Treasurer a list of those who have not completed their volunteer commitment to ensure their bonds are cashed.
  • Preparation  and submission of a written year end report for the AGM and verbal report for the Semi-annual general meeting.
  • Assist with other duties as designated by the executive.


  • Promotion of MMBA, it's mission statement, and philosophy.
  • Attending at executive meetings.
  • Presentation of verbal reports for executive meetings.
  • Generation of potential fundraising activities.
  • Organization of fundraising activities and tasks pertaining to running the of same.
  • Organization sponsorship drives as requried.
  • Preparation and submission of a written year end report for the AGM and a verbal report for the Semil-annual meeting.
  • Assistance with other responsibilities as designated by the executive.


  • Promotion of MMBA, it's mission statement, and philosophy
  • attendance at executive meetings.
  • Presentation of verbal reports at executive meetings.
  • Maintenance and updating itemized list of all MMBA equpiment and uniforms.
  • Distribution and collection of all equipment and uniforms pre and post season.
  • Purchase of new equipment and uniforms subject to executive approbal.
  • Ensuring repair and/or replacement of damaged equipment prior to the following season.
  • Proper identification of all equipment bags including itemized list of contents.
  • Preparation of a current equipment wish list.
  • Preparation and submission of an equipment budget in addition to a yearly written report for the AGM and a verbal report for the Semi-annual general meeting.
  • Assistance with other responsibilities as designated by the executive.

Reviewed and revised April 2013




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