Jun 30/24
11:14 am

2012 Canadian
Little League Championship






2012 Canadian Little League Championship

Frequently Asked Questions…


Q: Is there an admission charge for the games?

A:  No, there is no admission to any of the games. All games are free.

Q:  What type of seating is there?

A:  There is bleacher seating around home plate and on the first and third base     lines. There will also be areas around the outside of the diamond where people can sit on lawn chairs or of the grass.

Q: Is there reserved seating?

A: No, all seats are available on a first come, first served basis.

Q: Is there seating for wheelchairs?

A:  The park is fully accessible to wheelchairs and people with special needs. There will be areas set aside for these fans to watch the games.

Q: Can I get something to eat or drink at the games?

A: Yes, there will be food vendors on site for the duration of the tournament.

Q: Are there washrooms available at the games?

A: Yes, there will be plenty of portable washrooms at the diamond, and one inside the main building area. 

Q: Is there parking? 

A:  Yes, parking is available on-site, and there will be volunteers to assist in parking and traffic control.

Q: If I cannot come to a game, is there a way for me to get real time or up to date results?

A:  Yes, we will have Poinstreak Real time Stats for every game, and up to date results will be posted on the 2012 web site throughout and after the game.

Q: Where can I buy 2012 Championship merchandise?

A:  United Cycle is the official supplier of 2012 Canadian Little League Championship merchandise, and they will have this merchandise for sale every day at John Fry Park as well as their main retail location on Gateway Blvd.


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