Jul 16/24
11:51 pm

Tampa Bay Tigers 2




Countdown to Game Time
(Mar 20/10)

This page is a temporary fix for a temporary problem. This in no way shape or form will replace or supersede any current standing Tampa Bay Tiger web addresses. This is merely for educational purposes!

Any faction that might be ruffled and or disturbed by our proactive approach to this issue can address your concerns with coach Effler. His e-mail address is listed and is accessed daily.

Practice dates and times will remain the same. Gentlemen preparation is the key to success. When you go to your girlfriends house, don't you bring a condom? So don't slack on my practice times and dates. This is something that you as PLAYERS asked for, I promise you gentlemen we have a long and rugged road ahead.

From this point on you as Gentlemen. I call you gentlemen because you are all refined men, someone just needs to challenge you to be the man this Tigers organization needs you to be. We don't meet the standard we set the standard, fight for everything and give nothing and we will make our tracks in the sand.  


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