and took home third place out of twenty in league play.
Thanks to all for making the year a success.
We'll see everyone at the year-end party.
Countdown to Year-End Party Time TBA (May 24/08)
WOOT WOOT. It's here!
Welcome to the Strathcona B4 Warriors Home Page.
Home Page updated June 03, 2008 at 10:30
Well our season has come to an end. Thanks to all that have helped throughout the year. It really was a rewarding one for myself and hopefully for the players.
Thanks to all for the great day paintballing and to those that could make it over for the party. We have a couple of left over items, so if you are missing something, please give Marilyn a call.
The final budget has been sent out.
Thanks so much to all of our sponsors this year. Special thanks goes out to the Twombly's, McCaskill's, Rivard's, Wollbaum's, and the Chalifoux's. Feel free to hug these people at any time. We would not be able to provide all that we do for the boys without great people like these. Thanks again.
If you need to get a hold of me at any time, please click on the letter icon on the left hand side and send me an email.