Jul 16/24
7:29 pm

HYB - Mustang





Posted Jun 4/10 - Playoff Schedule
Here is our Playoff Schedule.. this schedule is effective immediately. Our regular game for Saturday 6/5 has been cancelled an our 1st playoff game will be played instead.

6/5 11:00am on Field 5

6/7 5:15pm

6/9 5:15pm

6/12 8:30am

This is single elimination so if we lose any of those games, our season ends.. no matter what the outcome, I think we had a fantastic season!

Please get the kids to the fields 30 minutes early at the very least.. 45 is preferred. If you CAN'T make it, please let me know early.. 951-315-9540 is my number.. we can have only 2 kids missing in any given game for us not to forfeit, so please try to pencil in these dates, just in case we make it all the way!



Posted May 31/10 - Practice Tuesday

Remember, we have practice on Tuesday at HYB in the fields across from Pinto Fields 3 & 4. I will be there about 4pm. Practice will be light, just some batting and throwing to get us warmed up for Thursday's rematch against the 1st place Red Sox!



Posted May 15/10 - Practice and game

Please attend practice on Monday as we will try to come up with a game plan for Thursday. As I stated, we will be very undermanned on Thursday, to the point where we may have to forfeit the game if somebody doesn't show up to the game. It would be a bummer to lose a game like that on the heels of such a great team win like we had today. Same things goes for next Saturday as we will be playing the Nationals once again, but we will be down a couple kids and will have our work cut out for us as I'm sure they will be looking to get even with us!

Thanks for your support, we have a great group of kids that can, if they will it, beat just about anybody.. they should be proud of themselves!




Posted May 7/10 - Practice today!

We will be having practice today at the Park Hill field from 4:00pm to about 5:30... please try and come as it will be our last practce for a while! Next week we may be making up that missed game on Friday, which would give us 3 games next week!  Monday, Friday and Saturday.. all 3 of those games are against the top teams in the league, so we need to try and get to games early, and realy put out our best effort!  Please let me know well in advance if you can't make one of these games!

The Friday game has not yet been verified, but is a 'probable'.  I will update this site and let you know at the next game once I have set schedule. 

Thank you!

PS... PLEASE try to get your kids to the games at least 30 minutes early.. it really helps the coaches and the kids get warmed up and ready to play on time.


Posted Apr 26/10 - Game today - Monday!

A rare Monday game will be played tonight, and no, it isn't expected to rain!  As usual, please arrive by 4:45 at the latest and please give me a call at 951-315-9540 if you will be missing the game or late.

Thank you!



Posted Apr 14/10 - Practice this Friday, 4-16

Great game.. a close game!  It is frustrating to watch teams that refuse to try and hit, preferring to take walks, over and over.. that isn't how I coach or how I hope our kids play, so I was happy to see us trying to hit and successfully on a number of occasions!  There may not have been a lot of action, but we are trying to keep the kids that get the chance to run and take that chance that opportunity!  I saw a lot of things done right, but there is always room for improvement, so I was happy to hear the kids request an extra practice!  SO.. as there looks to be no rain until early next week, we are good for Friday at 4pm!  I'll try to get in 1.5 hours and get some of those little kinks worked out.

See you Friday at 4, if you can't make it, we have our next game Saturday, so we'll see you there!


Posted Apr 12/10 - No Practice Today (Monday)

Well, we tried, but Mother Nature wins this time (as she usually does!). The field is just too wet and would just be a proble for us if we send any time on it today. The sun just won't have time to dry it out before 5:30.  Sooooo......

We'll hopefully see everybody Wednesday for our next game.  It should be a good one! Try to be there by 4:45 so I can get our lineup all figured out.  Thanks!

-Coach Robert



Posted Apr 9/10 - NO PRACTICE Friday 4/9

Unfortunately we are having to cancel practice for today, Friday, April 9th. We have had too many cancellations and not enough coaches to be able to do a full practice, so we have gone ahead and cancelled or today. Our game tomorrow is still at 11:00am on Field 6. We are visitors and will be on the 1st base side. Coach Clint will be doing batting practice tomorrow in the park area at Hemet Youth Baseball beginning at 9:30. If possible, please attend this as our kids need that extra work with the bats. As you have seen, or pitching and defense has been pretty solid, and even our bats are starting to get better as the kids start getting more confident. We really want to see those bats swinging harder and with even more confidence in the weeks to come.

Thank you and see you tomorrow!



Posted Apr 3/10 - Monday Game

Try to be at the ballpark by 4:45 on Monday. The games WILL NOT be cancelled unless the fields get really bad, so please assume the game is going to happen. I will contact everbody if, for some reason, they do decide to cancel, but at this time, it is still goin to be played! We have 8 players that I've been told will be playing, this is the exact minimum we need to play, any less will result in a forfeit, so PLEASE make sure you get to the game on time tonight!

It may be a bit stormy so please make sure your player brings a light jacket and try to layer a tee-shirt or underarmor, or both, under their uniforms in case it gets cold again.

Make sure you keep checking your snack schedule.. I tried to highlight the appropriate person on each game on your schedule I handed out a couple weeks back.



Posted Apr 2/10 - No Practice!

Remember there is NO Practice today, April 2nd as we have a game tomorrow, Saturday 4/3 at 11:00am. Please arrive 30 minutes early so we can get properly warmed up and I get enough time to get the roster and defensive assignments done.  Also please check your snack schedules and mark your Calendars so the kids are covered after every game.

I'm still working on the Jackets, and trying to get pricing. Anybody that can donate or find donations towards this end, please let me know so I can work that donation into the cost per jacket.

Thank you and see you Saturday morning!


Posted Mar 29/10 - Game and Practice

Well, our 1st game of the season is coming this Wednesday!!  Believe it or not, there is a chance of rain that afternoon/evening, so we will be watching that closely. If the game gets cancelled I will try to post it here and also call everybody and let them know. The best method is to call the Hemet Youth Baseball Hotline, as that is the source of any cancellation. That number is  (951) 658-1955. 

Also note there will be NO PRACTICE this Friday, April 2nd.  Practices now are not guaranteed on Mondays and Fridays as we have games on some of those days and on some weeks where we have multiple games, like this week, I may cancel a practice just to give everybody a break. 

Please check your snack schedule too. All snacks need to be paid for before our game starts so that they can have it prepared by the time our game ends. I (Cameron's Dad) have snacks on Wednesday, beyond that please refer to the schedule.  Thank you!



Posted Mar 23/10 - Photos and Opening Day

Photos and Opening Day ceremonies will be this Saturday, March 27th!  Please arrive at the Hemet Youth Baseball Facility no later than 8:15am so that we can get in line, get our monies sorted out and get in and out as fast as possible.  We can't take our picture until the whole team arrives, so please don't be late! 

ALSO.. PLEASE bring your yellow Hit-A-Thon form with any pledge money you may have earned. I have written down the number of hits each player completed and will tell you where that should be written on that yellow form. We will be turning that in immediately after the pictures are taken and those players that raised more than $75, I believe, will get their prize T-Shirts that day!

I will have Pants for those players that don't get them from me at Friday's practice, so once again, I ask you come as early as possible so that we can all be in uniform and on time (Hats, jerseys, gray pants, red socks and cleats.. don't bring bats or gloves as they won't be needed).

So.. Bring you player in uniform, your picture form and your hit-a-thon form.. and we should be out of there by about 9:15am at the latest! For those Parents that are coming to the Opening ceremonies at noonish, I'd also suggest some type of chair or blanket to sit on.



Posted Mar 21/10 - Great Scrimmage

While I don't know what the final score was, I'm sure we did a good job in scoring runs and feel, at the end, we had a few more than did the Tigers.. so Great job everybody!  Thanks to everybody for coming out, and for the amount of teamwork I saw.  Not once did a coach have to go into the dugout, not once did a player miss a sign while on base.. very solid game!  Hopefully everybody now has a sense of the speed of the game, and we can see a bit of what we still need to work on while the season progresses.  We will win some, we will lose some, but we will get better every week!  Great Job!

Parents: I don't have the team pants yet as HYB ran out!!!  They tell me they will have them on Tuesday, so I will bring them to practice on Friday, or even Saturday for opening day if need be.  We need to be in full uniform for pictures, Hat, Shirt, Pants, Socks and cleats.  I have a pair of socks for every player already, and will hand those out tomorrow, the 22nd, at practice.

See you there!


Posted Jun 7/10 - Wednesday

The semi-final game is this Wednesday June 9th at 5:15. It is vital that every player shows up for this game as we have only 8 players available that day! A single absense from this point on will cause a forfeit of the game. I am so proud of these kids and how well they have played, I really hope they can play games until there are no games left to play!

Please try to be at the ballpark by 4:30 on Wednesday.

Thank you!


Posted May 24/10 - The Finish Line

With only a couple games left before the playoffs we are starting to try and tighten down the team and their roles on and off the field.. batting order and positions will become more locked as we go into the last couple games. The playoffs are a 'One and Done' type system where you are out if you lose even one game, so we will be working to fine tune a couple things here before the post-season begins.

We may throw a practice next week one day ahead of the Red Sox game to try prepare for a tough fight against the 1st place Sox.  We played them tough the first time around and I expect it to be close this time as well.. Keep watching this page for any news about a possible practice.  I will call everybody in the event we put together a practice, just in case you don't see this page often enough..

Thanks and Go Cardinals!



Posted May 15/10 - Practice and game

Wow.. what a game!  I told the boys before the game that the team that wants it the most and is willing to put in the effort, both at practice and in the game, will win.. we can beat the best of them.. if we put ourselves out there and give it our all.. they did, and we won!  Great job!

Hey, if at all possible I need as many as we can get to practice on Monday! I know the season is winding down, and we all have a million things to do, but please try to find time for practice if you can.  Also, I need to remind everybody that we need all the kids to come on Thursday's game as we will be VERY short handed and I'd hate to take a forfeit right after such a big win.. likewise we play the same Nationals next Saturday, so if you can please try to make those two games.  Thanks!!!

There will be no practice this upcoming Friday.



Posted Apr 26/10 - Practice on Friday!
Yes, we will have an actual practice this Friday, April 30th from 4-5:30 at the Park Hill baseball field. Please try to attend so we can get some extra hitting practice in! Thanks!


Posted Apr 22/10 - Game today!

Unless we get more rain, or I hear the fields have gotten too muddy, we are still scheduled to play today at 5:15pm on Field 5 as the home team (3rd base side) against the Nationals. This could be another great contest between two teams that are roughly the same level.. so, it could be a close and exciting game!  If possible, try to have your player arrive at about 4:15 for some extra warmup and maybe some batting practice. Coaches Ron and Clint should be there to help with that.  It will likely still be pretty chilly, so an extra layer under the uniform would also probably be a good idea!



Posted Apr 10/10 - Practice
Practice is still on for Monday 4/12 at the Minor fields.. unless it rains a whole lot on Monday.  If you don't hear from us, assume it is on.  See you there!


Posted Mar 16/10 - Hit-A-Thon & Scrimmage

UPDATED 3/18/2010

Please bring the yellow Hit-A-Thon Forms to practice this Friday, March 19th! If you have any sponsors for your child, please have that formed filled out so we can turn those in on Saturday and get our uniform pants and socks.  There are no belts with the uniforms, so please try to find a RED belt for the pants. Baseball belts can be found at Big 5, BJ's and probably even places like Wal-Mart or K-Mart. 

ALSO.. I will be calling parents on Thursday Evening to remind them of the Hit-a-thon and to also get a head count for our Scrimmage game on Sunday. If the Hit-A-Thon goes effeiciently we hope to be done with practice around 5pm, so please plan to be there to pickup your player by that time.

The Scrimmage game is now set for SUNDAY at 12:30 on Field 6! Please be there by 12:15 at the very latest so I can get the lineup set and go over last minute things with the team.

We have added a partial practice for Sunday, at 11:30am.  Please try to get there for this so we can get some extra work in before the game!  We will meet in the park that is just across the parking lot from Fields 3&4 at Hemet Youth Baseball's main facility. We will then walk as a team over to field 6 at about 12:15 to get setup for the game.


Thank you!



Posted Mar 14/10 - Schedule is up!
I just posted the 17 games and their times as well as which field they will be on .  Please look at the Schedule for game times and locations.  I will be handing out the snack list on Monday 3/15 at practice. I will also place a copy of the snack list and the game schedule into your folders, which I will also hand out tomorrow. Team hats and jerseys will also be handed out at practice on Monday.


Posted Mar 8/10 - Great Practice!

Sure was great to see you all at practice today. I was impressed with what I saw and think with some hard work and everybody continuing to pitch in and do their best, we'll have a very good year! Remember practice on this upcoming Friday is at 4:00pm. Make sure everybody brings water, and remember there are no bathrooms at the field.

Hemet Youth Baseball Clean-Up day is this Saturday. Please come between 8am and 9am, bring a trash bag or two and help clean up our fields! As Mustang players, we will be responsible for Fields 5 and 6.

Thank you and see you Friday!


Posted Mar 6/10 - Practice Begins on Monday March 8th!

Thank you to everybody that came to the 'Meet the Coaches' meeting today at HYB! It was great to see everybody and get things rolling. Our first practice is scheduled at 5:30 at the Park Hill field on Monday. This will be a short practice, so if you plan on dropping off you child, please be back by 6:00 as it will be getting dark by then. Daylight Savings begins NEXT Sunday, so practices the following week will have more daylight to work with on Mondays. See you there!


Posted Mar 1/10 - Skills and Draft Complete!
Neither rain nor Olympic Gold Metal Hockey kept the brave players and dedicated coaches and managers from both skilling and drafting the 2010 rosters this past weekend. Now comes the rush to secure practice facilities, meet parents, organize team mom/dad's, discuss schedule, practices and goals... wow, I'm tired already!


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