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Winsted Wildcats




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Posted Oct 28/11 - Jack Prehn As Snow White: Trick or Treat?

Winsted Wildcats player and current Jacksonville Jaguars intern Jake Prehn "celebrated" Halloween today at a Jaguars practice. Prehn sported a "Snow White" costume for all to view, including the NFL Network.

A link to the video can be found here: Prehn Video (Scroll to the 3:15 mark in the video for segment).

According to an associated press release, Prehn stated he was "forced" to wear the costume by the Jaguars. Our reporters attempted to get a comment out of Jake's father at his residence in Lester Prairie, but things turned sour immediately (reporters were sprayed with liquid fertilizer until they left). Other residents in the Cedar Drive neighborhood were questioned and had a few things to say. Neighbor and "sometimes" member of the Winsted Wildcats, Matt Klitzke: "I've seen him wear that costume before...But only at night...In fact, I saw him wear it a couple of weeks ago when he was back in Minnesota. He was pumping gas with it on at Big Don's. Makes me doubt the Jaguars forced him to wear it."

Wildcats Manager Aaron Schultz was reached by phone today and asked to comment on the recent Prehn developments. Schultz initially refused to comment, but then embarked on a profanity-laced tirade that would have made Jerry Burns blush. Schultz said "I warned him about that outfit!"

Attempts to reach Jake Prehn by phone went unanswered. Sidenote: Prehn's voicemail greeting was the "Snow White" theme song.

***DISCLAIMER***  Story may or may not be true, but it's likely a "yarn," spinning for your reading entertainment.





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