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2012 Canadian
Little League Championship




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Posted May 10/12 - First Look at the New Diamond at John Fry Park

The 2012 Canadian Little League Championships Organizing Committee (2012 CLLCOC) had their first opportunity to visit the newly rebuilt diamond at John Fry Park. Among those in attendance was President Wendy Berdahl. Vice President Vanessa French, Edmonton District Administrator and Tournament Director Wayne Sperling, 2012 Secretary Neil Riley and Umpire in Chief John Mitchell. Also in attendance were City of Edmonton officials and a representative of the contractor who was in charge of construction.

It was the first chance for those who undertook the task of putting together the 2012 Canadian Championships to see first-hand where the tournament will take place in August. First impressions from those in attendance were extremely positive, and allowed a hands-on experience of actually seeing the park. Up until this day, the organizers could only imagine what the park would look like and where all the different planning strategies and events would go.

It was also an opportunity for the 2012 CLLCOC and the City of Edmonton and its contractor to go over any changes and modifications that needed to be made and to ensure that the facility has everything in place for the first game in August.

Without exception, the 2012 CLLCOC was very impressed with the job the City of Edmonton and its contractor had done, and was invigorated by what they had seen. It was terrific to see the results of the work of many people over many months come to fruition. Along with a look at the diamond and the knowledge that the Canadian Championships were less than 3 months away, the 2012 CLLCOC took comfort in knowing that the tournament will be held at a facility that is second to none in the nation and that will leave a lasting legacy.

The 2012 CLLOC would like to thank all those from the City of Edmonton and its contractors for the excellent work they have done to date, and with the knowledge that their efforts are truly appreciated.

To see more pictures of the diamond at John Fry Park, go to the “Photos” tab, and click on “First Look at John Fry Park”.



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