Jun 30/24
1:21 pm

2012 Canadian
Little League Championship




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Posted Jun 22/12 - Little League Loses Long Time Supporter

It is with great sadness that the local baseball community learned of the passing of long-time volunteer, Glen Gregory this past Friday. Glen was a fixture with Confederation Park Little League as a coach and member of their executive, but his efforts and influence extended far beyond that.

He was also active as a member of the executive with Edmonton District 2 Little League for many years, and made a significant contribution of his time and efforts in helping the 2012 Canadian Little League Championship organizing committee secure funding and partners for that event. He was especially proud of introducing Challenger division baseball to Edmonton.

The Challenger Division was established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League to enable boys and girls with special needs to enjoy the game of baseball along with the millions of other children who participate in this sport worldwide. Today, more than 30,000 children participate in more than 900 Challenger Divisions worldwide. Glenn was the driving force in ensuring that the 2012 Canadian Little League Championship will feature a Challenger game, which will be played immediately before the Championship final on the same field as the national finalists.

To say Glen will be missed is an understatement. His contribution to the game of baseball and the youth who played it cannot be measured, much as his love of the game. If we can extend one sentiment about Glen at this difficult time, it is a heartfelt “Thank You”. We all extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends, and we share in your loss.


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