Jun 30/24
1:30 pm

2012 Canadian
Little League Championship




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Posted Jun 27/12 - Mill Woods White Sox Clinch Host Tournament Title

The game that was suspended Tuesday night because of rain between the Mill Woods White Sox and Confederation Park Cubs resumed tonight at Kirkness Park. The Cubs had a 3-1 lead when played stopped. When the game resumed at Kirkness Park on Wednesday, Mill Woods scored one on the third inning to make it 3-2. The score remained 3-2 until the last inning when the Sox scored a run in the sixth inning to send it to extra innings. Both teams hit the ball well and made outstanding defensive plays in the extra frames. That is until Sox catcher Levi Muth slid safe into home in the bottom of the eighth after the Cubs catcher could not make the tag from the throw the second baseman made off a sharply hit ground ball to end a very exciting and well played game.

That win moved Mill Woods to 4 wins and no losses, and would ensure them of a least a tie for first place in the tournament. Confederation Park went to a 2-2 win/loss record.

However, Mill Woods played Community Park Angels in the regularly scheduled game, and clinched the Host Tournament title with a very convincing 18-1 win. This now makes the Mill Woods White Sox the official Host Team for the 2012 Canadian Little League Championships to be held in Edmonton starting August 4th.

In the other game of the evening, Confederation Park came back from the tough loss to Mill Woods to soundly defeat the East Park A’s 10-3.

All four teams will close out the tournament Thursday evening back at Kirkness Park with their final games beginning at 6:30 pm

Confederation Park, Community Park and East Park all have another chance at making it to the Canadian Championships. They will all play in the Edmonton District 2 tournament in the coming weeks to determine the district representative at the Prairie Championships in Lethbridge. If the team who wins the Edmonton District 2 tournament goes on to win the Prairie Championships, they could find themselves back in Edmonton representing the Prairie Region, and that would mean two teams from Edmonton would compete in the Canadian Championships.


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