Jun 23/24
3:10 pm

2012 Ellisville Bulldogs




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Posted Jul 23/12 - Bulldogs Fall Ball update

Hi all,


Hope the summer is going well for everyone. I’ve had a number of you wanting to know what we are doing in regards to fall ball this year so I wanted to get a message out to all.


We’ve had about half commit to play and the other half unable to play due to conflicts with other sports. In addition, only three other teams so far have registered to play fall ball (all of which played in higher divisions) so I have not yet committed to fielding a team. I do however realize the importance of keeping the boys active with baseball, so I’m actually leaning towards maintaining a Sunday practice time so that we can work on improving everyone’s skill level in the off season.


This seems to be the direction I’m headed. If so practice would start around end of Aug and run thru October. I’d also work on setting up practice games so the boys could see some competition. There would not be a cost, rather just the time to practice. I’m sure all would benefit, and would like to believe those interested in playing again next year would be able to make it.


More detail will be sent out later- I just wanted to get a quick message out to update all.


Take care,

Your bulldog coaches


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