Jul 17/24
9:16 am

Waconia Lakers




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Posted Aug 25/12 - Lakers down Morris Eagles 21-3

When it's all working it's tough to stop. Everyone contributed to the 21-3 downing  of the Morris Eagles from the first pitch to the last out. From Ben Smothers lead off on base by an error and then steals of 2nd and 3rd, to Justin Klingelhutz 2 lay out flat diving grabs in center field and come back in the final inning to Smothers drilling a grand slam to finish the game. The Lakers scored in every inning and everyone on the roster who could hit (the 3 draftee pitchers are not allowed to hit), either had a hit or had an RBI.

Chris Bullis pitched the first 5 innings followed Brian Groupmann, the draftee from Plato, and Pat Tschida, the draftee from Watertown. Excellent results from all 3 of them.

Next up are the Lastrup Lakers on Saturday on September 1, at 5 pm again on Faber Field in St Cloud. Lastrup and Waconia have been ranked in the top 10 in CLass C ranking through most of the season, often switching up on the number 1 spot. It should be a heck of a game.


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