Jun 17/24
12:13 pm

Pony League Red Sox




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Posted Jun 6/14 - Cardinals grounded

   The Red Sox defeated the Cardinals 14-1 in Pony league action on Thursday night. Starting pitcher Dustin Reck threw 5 innings giving up just 1 unearned run while striking out 10. Though Reck admitted afterwards that he had a hard time getting to maximum velocity with his fastball, that didnt stop him from allowing just 4 hits and not issuing a single walk. Offensively was where the surprise was. Mark Wood started for the Cards and he has always been a Red Sox killer, limiting them to just 3 hits in 13 innings last season. Wood threw 2 hitless innings to begin the game, then got touched up for 7 runs over the next 2. The Red Sox plated 7 more against the Cardinals young bullpen. The hit parade was lead by a few usual suspects as well as a couple of break out performances. Reck reached all 5 times recording 3 hits (2 doubles) and 2 walks by driving in 5 runs. Andrew Malek reached 4 times as well. The breakouts were Brandon Traner and Sam Cartegna who each tallied 3 hits a piece. The first 3 hit game in the Pony League for either player.

  The Sox are back in action Tuesday night against the Astros.


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