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Outlaws Baseball




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Posted Oct 18/11 - HEEEERE'S LINDY!!!
Here is a guy any ball club would want in their dugout!  We all hope to see you in an Outlaws uniform this summer Lindy.

Wife/Girlfriend (name): Natalie Portman
Kids: 0, Natalie's baby isn't mine
# of siblings 2, plus 2 in-laws, including Greg Scheitel!
Where did you grow up? North of Worthington, somewhere between The Shop and Fulda
 How old were you when you first began playing baseball?  Explain the situation.
1st organized ball was YMCA peewee, about age 8. I played on the Cubs and we won it all. I'm a winner. 
What has been your favorite memory playing baseball?
 Probably setting the record with 11 HBPs during the District Championship VFW season of '92
Name the top 5 baseball stadiums you have played in
1. Metrodome  2. Butts Probst Field 3.Dick Putz Field  4.Hadley Hellhole Field  5.Buss Fields
What is your most prized possession?
My extensive collection of exotic underwear. Actually, it's normal underwear.
What was your first purchase when you graduated from college and started making money (legally)
We'll see.
Besides baseball, what other sports did you play growing up?  Were you any good?
All SW Conference football with the Trojans, ironman style, not too shabby, got snubbed by the Globe for all-area though. Jerks. Cracked some skulls on the rugby pitch at U of Minnesota.
If you could trade places with one person, who would you choose?
Mark Sanchez 
Movies, TV or books?  Name some of your favorites from the category you select.
Movies easy.  Top 3 all-time in descending order...Pulp Fiction, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Better off Dead. 
Favorite food/beer
 Yes, beer is my favorite food. Chadweiser or Leinie Original if I can get it. I also like pot roast.

Can you sing?
I'd let the karoake fans of America be the judge of that once they get over having their faces rocked off.  
What was the worst thing you did as a child? 
I squirted ketchup in Chris DeGroot's hair in the cafeteria in 2nd grade.
What is your best prediction for the Outlaws in 2012?
World Domination, nWo style.
How many cases of beer do you think the Outlaws will go through over the summer?  
Tell me one thing, no too many people know about you?
I have very lucid dreams every night and they affect me greatly in my waking life. Sometimes I wish they would all go away.


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