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Outlaws Baseball




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Posted Aug 26/12 - Bisek and Berger End Careers On Top By Dealing Outlaws Complete Game Defeat

Al Bisek delivers a pitch to Dirk Berger during State Tournament action vs. the Outlaws on August 26th.  Both Players retired from baseball after the game.  Congrats fellas on a great baseball career!!  

Outlaws-2 / Veseli -3

The experience, knowledge and pure skill of veterans Al Bisek and Dirk Berger proved to be too much for the Outlaws to handle as the Veseli Vulcans defeated the Southwest Outlaws 3 to 2.  The game would be the final in a long and great career of baseball for Bisek and Berger, but what a way to finish things up. 

The Outlaws once again charged out of the gate in the top of the first.  With one out Robb Larson and Ryan Meyer singled.  Magic Mike Roth then slammed a 2 RBI double to left center and the Outlaws jumped out to a 2-0 lead.  One out later Jeff Appel lined a single to left center but a quick outfield relay prevented Roth from scoring on the play.  Bisek then ended the rally by gathering the last out with runners on first and third.  Sam "Bammy" Baumgartner took the ball for the Outlaws and climbed up on the hill.  

The Vulcans immediately answered back with one run of their own in the home half.  Unfortunately the Outlaws book is completely messed up so I can't explain who did what to make it happen.  

I do know that Bisek settled in after the first inning and was dominate the remainder of the game.  Mike Ringnell singled to lead of the 2nd inning, but Al would not give up another hit over the next 6 innings.  This included retiring the Outlaws in order in the third and fourth innings.  The Outlaws did get a couple of base runners in the 5th inning with Sean Mangan and Pat Nelson reaching on a walk.  The Vulcans then executed a double play on an infield fly rule to end the threat.  

The Vulcans looked as if they would tie the game in the home half of the third with a single to right field with a runner on second.  It was not to be however as Jeff Appel pegged a one hopper to the plate and Mangan put the tag on the runner.  Sammy then retired the next two hitters in order.  

The Vulcans battled back to tie the game in the bottom of the 4th by scoring one run.  The defensive play of the year then happened with the bases loaded.  With two outs and the bases juiced a Vulcans hitter lifted a duck fart behind first base.  Ryan "Ryno" Meyer turned his back to the infield and sprinted down the line into shallow right.  At the last minute Ryno looked over his shoulder and slid with the ball falling harmlessly into his big mitt to secure the final out of the inning.  Ryan made the play look easy, but by far it was the coolest flash of leather I've witnessed in a long time, maybe ever!!!  A gold glove type play for sure!

The Vulcans would not be denied though as they took the lead in the bottom of the 5th.  With one out a single and a passed ball put the go ahead run on second.  A single to center then scored the go ahead run.  Sammy retired the next 5 hitters in order to finish up the contest. 

Bisek proved to be too much for the Outlaws as he held on to the 3-2 lead and led the Vulcans to victory.  Al B. finished up the day with four strikeouts in his complete game effort.  He gave up only 4 hits, with the 4th hit  being the lead off single to start the second inning.  A very nice day on the mound.

Sam Baumgartner once again pitched a great game in his complete game effort for the Outlaws.  I'm not sure what it is, but the Outlaws just can't muster much offense when Sammy is pitching.  Sam finished the day with 5 strikeouts and gave up 5 hits over 6 innings of work.

Tid Bits

With the loss the Outlaws finished the year splitting every single weekend they played two games, with exception to one in St. Peter early in the summer.  Kind of crazy when you consider all of the double headers the Outlaws played over the course of the summer.  

It's hard to sit here and think about how fast this summer flew by.  Season one is in the books and the Outlaws are already looking to next summer.  Jesse "Muff" Teerink has agreed to join in 2013 along with Paul Olerich.  Both will add much needed speed to the outfield and lots of power at the plate.  Paul is also able to bolster the Outlaw's pitching rotation.  We quickly found out how limited we were with arms during the 2012 campaign.  It is also rumored that the Outlaws may be adding another very good pitcher.  This would be very exciting news, but he is unable to commit just yet due to the fact he is still very effective in Class C ball back home.  We will patiently play the wait and see approach on that one.  There are many roster questions that won't be answered until next spring.  There are other names in the mix, but we will see who actually climbs off the couch and straps it up when the weather warms up next year.  

One bonus to the off season is the fact guys can recover and get healthy.  Cory VanBriesen was the first to crawl onto the injury bus in 2012 with his massive shoulder surgery.  Sean Mangan and Chris Nelson also tore labrums in their non throwing shoulders, but opted to not have surgery and let things heal on their own.  Sean even returned and played the last weekend.  Sam "Bammy" Baumgartner battled a groin pull for 3/4 of the season and now has time to rest and heal.  Otherwise for the most part the Outlaws made it through the year limping but upright.  An even more amazing fact is that not one hamstring faltered in 2012.  hahaahah!  I like to take credit for this due to the fact I said "Hamstring" 45,000 times during the first couple weekends of play.  

Finally....thanks to all our sponsors in 2012!  Without your help we wouldn't be out on the field enjoying this kids game.  We look forward to 2013 and can't wait for this winter to pass by.  


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