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Posted Feb 23/11 - By-Laws of Keystone Stingers

By-Laws of Keystone Stingers

A Non-Profit Organization

Article 1:  Purpose

This organization was formed for the following purpose:

1.  To provide an advanced organization to promote softball with the formation of uniform

     rule and structure.

2.  To provide incentives for team participation and to provide an instructional forum for

     teamwork and good sportsmanship.

Article II:  Location

The organizations principal office shall be located at 430 Bedford Street, Claysburg, in the

county of Blair, and the state of Pennsylvania.

Article III:  Members

1.  The first members of the organization shall consist of the members of the original Board

     of Directors of the organization.  Thereafter, the eligibility and qualifications for membership

     shall be formulated by the Board of Directors.

Ariticle IV:  Meeting of Members of Keystone Stingers

1.  MEETINGS:  Meetings shall be held year round. Coaches and Board members should


2.  VOTING ELIGIBILITY:  A member must attend (4) meetings within a year to be eligible to

      vote for officers. The election of the members shall be called by the president.

3.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS:  Notice of meetings will be made by telephone. Such notice shall

     contain the place, date, and time of meeting.

4.  VOTING:  At all meetings, except for the election of officers, the membership will vote by

     a showing of hands.

Article V:  Board of Directors

1.  GENERAL POWERS:  The affairs of the organization shall be managed by the Board

     of Directors. The Board of Directors must authorize an expenditure of $1,000.00 or


2.  BOARD MEMBERS:  There are (7) seven Board members.  These members consist of

     a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and (3) three Trustees.

3.  SPECIAL MEETINGS:  The President or any board member may call for special meetings

     of the board and fix the time and place for said meeting.

4.  QUORUM:  A majority of the board must be present in order to condut business.

5.  VACANCIES:  Any vacancy on the board may be filled by affirmative vote of the remaining

     board members.

6.  REMOVAL:  The board may remove any office or coach if, in its judgment, the best interest

     of the organization would be better served thereby.  If an officer or a coach is to be removed,

     a replacement will be appointed by the board to serve the remainder of term.

Article VI:  Officers

1.  OFFICERS:  The officers of the organization shall be as follows:  President, Vice-President,

     Secretary, and Treasurer.  Any obligation or contract of the organization must be signed by

     the secretary and any other officer(s).

2.  TERM:  Officers shall be elected annually by the membership at the January meeting.  Each

     officer shall remain in office until his or her successor is elected, subject to early termination

     or resignation.

3.  PRESIDENT:  The President shall be the principal officer of the organization shall supervise

     and control all of the business and affairs of the organization.  He or she shall have all such

     powers as may reasonably by constructed as belongings to the chief executive of a non-

     profit organization.

4.  VICE PRESIDENT:  The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the president in the

     absence of the President or in the event of the President's inability or refusal to act.

5.  SECRETARY:  The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the organization in

     appropriate books, keep a list of all members and their mailing addresses, and, in

     general, perform all duties as may be assigned by the President.

6.  TREASURER:  The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for

     all funds and securities of the organization, and, in general, perform all duties as may be

     assigned by the President.

Article VIII:  Amendments

These amendments may be an affirmative vote of at least (51%) of these present at a meeting

of the membership called for the purpose of acting upon such amendment.

Ariticle VIII:  Amendment I

1.  All new board members may be added or removed by majority vote of existing board.

Article VIII:  Amendment II

1.  There will be a maximum of (9) board members. These members may consist of a President,

     Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and no more than (5) trustees.


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