
Subject: RAMP notes for the 2025 Baseball MB Season
For Coach Registration - Last year we made the NCCP # mandatory when coaches register in RAMP.  At the time we did that we were not aware that the Rule of Two was going to be required for ALL Coaches and Managers, so we were allowing some generic numbers to be entered.  This will not be the case in 2025.  Everyone must take the Rule of Two which will assign them an NCCP number they can enter when registering.  Generic numbers will not be accepted.  To get to the Rule of Two they would need to log into “The Locker” with Coaching Canada.  https://thelocker.coach.ca/account/login   If they don’t already have an account, they will need to create one.  Once they have logged in, they would click on “eLearning”.  Under the second column labelled “Available” scroll all the way to the bottom to “Understanding the Rule of Two”
Respect in Sport is mandatory as well.  If a coach doesn’t know their number a link is available for them to look it up.  It does not accept the “Hockey Parent” number.  It needs to be the one for “Activity Leaders” and MUST BE current.  As well, if a coach completed it through another sport and their RIS is not accepting in RAMP, as long as it is current it is still valid, but they will need to log back into their RIS account and update their Profile to include Baseball.  Here are the instructions for what they need to do.

Link to Respect in Sport - https://sportmanitoba.respectgroupinc.com/koala_final/start.jsp

On the right you will see where you can put in your username and Password

Once you are logged in click on “Profile” at the top.

Under where is says Profile Information you will see two tabs – “Account Information” and “Associations”.  Click on Associations and you will see a list of all sports.

Check off Baseball and then scroll all the way to the bottom and click “Save Now”

You should then be able to register for Baseball with that RIS number.


Please refer to our website to check Certification and Screening requirements - https://www.baseballmanitoba.ca/content/Coaching-RequirementsNew for 2025 – 12U Girls League – For 2025 we are attempting to run an all girls 12U League (ages 10, 11 and 12).  These players would be allowed to play on both a mixed team as well as an all girls teams.  Each Club needs to create a new Package for 2025 called “12U Girls”.  It is up to the individual Club to decide on the fee.  If girls decide to play on both mixed and girls teams, they only pay the fee once.  (The fee to Baseball MB will be the same as 11U).  All players would register as they normally do through their Club/League and chose the 12U Girls package.  If they are playing on the mixed team as well as the 12U Girls team, then they would be assigned to the mixed team first.  I am in the process of creating a new Club in each League called 12U Girls that they can be “Temporary Transferred” to after that.  As many teams as needed can be created in the 12U Girls Club so that these Temp Transferred in players can be assigned to a team there as well.  For further information/questions (not pertaining to RAMP)  on this program you can email Dan Cox for Zone 1  - dlcox31@gmail.com  and for Zone 2  - either James Zamko - baseball.zamko@sportmantioba.ca  or Terri Williamson - tdawilliamson@gmail.com

Camps - Just a reminder to everyone to not create any camps or clinics registration using the “2025 Baseball Season (Baseball Manitoba)”.  You can still use RAMP for these, but you would need to create your own New Season to put them in.  This way it won’t affect my registration numbers by adding them to my Season.

I think that is it for now.  I will be sending this email to all the RAMP Administrators as well but please make sure that everyone that needs to know about these items is made aware.  If you have any questions, let me know

Have a great season!!



Pembina Hills is still looking for AAA Head Coach for the  U18 age groups.  If interested please contact AAA Director Anthony Friesen (Darrick Jones).
