Time to Roll with the Diesel!
Our basketball teams are gearing-up for the summer tours and tournaments.
The Dallas Diesel is a 501c Non-Profit organization and needs your help to compete with the scheduled AAU and WBCBL teams.
Your Donations will make it possible to cover the necessary travel arrangements for the Diesel.
Travel expenses per day trip :
· Van Rental - $125/day
· Fuel - $100/day
· Team Meal - $75/meal
Each donor will receive all of the following:
· A custom-fit Dallas Diesel T-Shirt
· An Autograph Card & Photo
· Special Acknowledgement of Thanks on Dallas Diesel website
Please click below to support the Dallas Diesel,
Donation Link: https://ipn.intuit.com/pay/DallasDieselBasketballClub
Thank You!