McT hosted summer physicals July 23rd
Posted July 5, 2024

Summer physcial hosted by McT:
July 23rd, 2-4 pm in the agora/cafeteria
Cost: 30$
Instructions for DragonFly Max for AHSAA: McGill-Toolen Catholic High School
2024-2025 School Year
You will create your account on the web by visiting OR download the
DragonFly Max App (hurricane black/red logo)
1. Click on “Login/Sign Up” in the top right corner of the screen (skip for App)
2. Click “Sign Up for Free” OR “Get started” in the App
3. Complete the sign up form as the parent with your information (You will add
your child later.)
First Name
Last Name
Email address/Mobile number
Create a password
Check “I’m not a robot”
Click “submit”
4. Once you click submit, you will be sent a verification code. This code will arrive in one
of two way:
Text message (if you entered mobile #)
Email (you used to sign up)
5. After entering the verification code, your account is created
6. Create you User Profile
Select Role: PARENT
Connect to your school: 889VCG OR START TYPING MCGILL TOOLEN
7. Add Athlete
Enter child’s first and last name
Accept the terms of use
Choose your sport **Current athletes @ McT- Click all that apply. **New
athletes click “Tryout 2024”
1. Click on “Submit Paperwork” OR tap child’s name in the app
(look for “tap here to fill out schools paperwork”) for 2024-2025.
2. Update Medical & Demographic info
3. Medical Information form (not a physical)
4. Consent to the Disclosure & Use of Personal Health Information
5. Concussion Form
6. Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (1 st page-questionnaire)
7. Physical Examination (2 nd page- Dr signature page)
8. Birth Certificate
9. NFHS Sportsmanship Certificate:
10. McT Consent— check ALL boxes for accuracy
11. Travel form 2023-2024
****Physicals are only good for 1 calendar year. A new one must be completed each year
and done on the AHSAA revised 2018 form. McGill school physicals are JULY 23,2024
***Have more than 1 child playing sports?? “Add a Child” on the DragonFly Max website