Member of the W S B L


# Name  POS
11 Jordan Armstrong OF
22 Andrew Blocker IF OF
90 Owen Blocker OF
68 Dominic Bogusky OF
23 Cole Cassie 1B
7 Rees Ewonchuk OF
72 Aidan Fanshaw OF
48 Matt Gnutel OF
29 Trevor Gray Util
19 Josh Ireland OF
53 Ryan Kostynuik OF
2 Clay Kotschorek P IF
30 Devan Lambert IF
91 Kenny Lavallee IF P
94 Donovan Lowe P
8 Tim Malazdrewich C
57 Matt Osborne OF
99 Boomer Palidwor P
6 Dylan Partridge IF
45 Jeremy Voth OF
51 James Walker OF P
10 Joel Warkentin IF
27 Ty Zebinski 1B


# Name  POS Primary Ph # Sec Ph # Email
29 Trevor Gray Util 2049552311
99 Boomer Palidwor GM 2049958227
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Winnipeg Weather

8th February, 2025
Wind: 3.13 meter/sec

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