2023 FALL Baseball Rockland Royals
"A life isn't significant except for its impact on other lives."

"Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.

Friendship is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble.  

2024 SUMMER SEASON in the works...New Team Jersey's ...             


"Rockland Royals 17/18u Summer 2024
vrand27179@aol.com for information.





A Tribute to the Rockland Royals
I stepped into the world of Rockland Royals baseball again today and was reminded what a gift it is to the Rockland sports community. At a time with such misguided emphasis on playing travel ball for regional teams, the Royals remain focused on helping Rockland boys achieve their dreams of playing varsity and college ball. It’s such a top-notch program that teaches the right way to play baseball while creating many memories along the way. This year marks the program’s 20th season and founder Vinnie Randazzo and his son Jared deserve so much credit. In a world where recognition often comes too little or too late, Randazzo’s Royals are a true Rockland treasure. A Rockland program committed to developing Rockland athletes and playing baseball at a high level with passion and dignity. Congratulations to Vin, Jared and the entire Rockland Royals Nation on an amazing 20 years!!

It's all about the players!!   

Don't be fooled into spending a ridiculous amount of money on unnecessary programs with those so called "experts". Just because someone played in the Minors or had a cup of coffee in the Majors doesn't mean they can teach the game of baseball, or have your best interest in mind.  Summer Travel baseball "Games" are important in the development of each player. "IN GAME" reps and instruction will prepare each player for that next step, not costly 6 month (Spring to Summer) programs that attach so many unnecessary mandates where you end up wasting thousands of dollars.  Every player and family should be able to decide where and when they want to go for lessons and added instruction. Every player and family should have the right to decide when and how they want to approach the recruiting phase. None of this should be mandated or attached financially to a program, you should only have the "OPTION" to choose for yourself. Infield reps, swings in the cage, outfield work and bullpens are all important, however what good does it do for you if it isn't being translated "In Game". .......Get as many "IN GAME" reps and instruction as you can and increase your baseball IQ, strategically add lessons when "you" want, not when you are mandated to. This will be more beneficial and cost effective for every player, it should be about the players, and only the players.  The best interest of each player should be at the heart of everyone working with them, not how much money that organization can squeeze you for!

ROYALS POWER 2024!!....


                       (Email vrand27179@aol.com or vinnie@reviseclothing.com)                                                                 


The Royals staff  IS NOW preparing for 6-7 Tournaments and local games for our 2024 season... .....and we "Care".....it doesn't get any better than that!!....Royals Baseball!! 

17/18U Royals 


College Head coach (Mid west)  I am just giving by honest opinion, on this as I have been asked several times. I do not wish to put my view on you, only voicing my opinion, for whatever that is worth. I think that they are expensive and most of the kids that attend are not going to receive scholarship money. It is a pipe dream for the parents, (and a money maker for the directors), who continue to hand over there hard earned money for these showcases. If your kid is good they will find him. Don't worry there are very few diamonds in the rough out there. Please parents save your money, play summer travel ball, fall ball, send films to schools of interest, that will do a lot more then what you think.


I am not saying that you shouldn't attend a showcase, but why repeatedly. If you just want the experience ( that is why you are there) why waste the money on multiples. For everyone that comes away with a scholarship from these, there are very many that don't. I have seen too many kids go to these camps and come away with nothing. Then turn around and go again the next week.


I think that all kids can play at some level, and that's what they should spend there time on, finding a place to play. Not trying to impress some D1 scout that is looking for his 25 and 26 signing this year. Please don't take this the wrong way I am in it because I love the game and I do not like to see the kids get hurt. In addition, I do not believe that high schools coaches are losing credibility, As a college coach I talk to them all the time.


I do value their opinions.


Coach Johnson-





The Rockland Royals 18u Summer Baseball program is offering oustanding on field instruction , as well as 
an opportunity to broaden your baseball knowledge and IQ.  This strategy has been used and proven over the 
past 22 years, with success both coaching, and playing.  Players will develop necessary skills and gain the  
knowledge and understanding of every baseball situation.  This will allow for the overall growth, and   
development,  allowing for more focus on the importance of the game.        
Performing with "IN GAME" situations gives a true understanding of how to attack, grow and advance  
your skills. Tournaments tend to have scouts and College coaches in attendance  at random times, as well as 
local colleges sending scouts to games on their own.            
The Royals will only hold a few basic practices before the Tournament schedule starts.    
We will then compete in 6-7 Tournaments (TBA) from June through early August, giving players the freedom
to enjoy their summer and take lessons while still learning valuable on the field skills.    
*****  Pending Local weekday games will be added to the Summer schedule…..      
Please view our web-site for up to date information  for the 2021 Summer season, and our 20 year history.
                              TEAM FEE     ( Which Includes)        
* UNIFORMS (Custom Jersey's, game pants, belt,hat, shorts and warmup shirt)      
* INSURANCE                  
* BASEBALLS                  
*Umpire fees                  
* Does not include Transportation, Hotel fees and food for overnight stay at Tournaments.(TBA)  

"A life isn't significant except for its impact on other lives."
"Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.

Friendship is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble.

























  • 2024 season in the works....
  • 18U
  • 6-7 TOURNAMENTS, local games with incredible IN GAME instruction.
  • ALL TIME 22 SEASONS With over 600 WINS with multiple Tournament Championships. Hundreds of players have gone on to play successful college baseball.
Upcoming Games

There are no upcoming games to display.


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