May 23/24
7:27 pm






Dear Parent:


Welcome to the 2009 Mosquito Baseball Season.   My name is Terry Dowle and I will be the head coach of your son’s baseball team this season.




I have been a head coach in Richmond Baseball for the past 10 years.  I have coached every level of baseball from Blast Ball through to Bantam AA ball.    In addition, in the past I have coached Tadpole All Star, Mosquito All Star, Pee Wee All Star and Bantam AA Single season  (All Star) teams.   Although I am no longer playing, I have 12 years of experience in playing baseball.


In addition to baseball, I have been a soccer coach in Richmond for the past 10 years, working with both the RYSA and RGSA.




I am currently a level 2 certified baseball coach.   My NCCP # is 953189 and my transcript can be viewed at  Furthermore, I have been certified as a Community Coach under BC Soccer with the CCC and CCY certificates.


Coaching Philosophy:


This year, my intention is to teach the boys more specific skills associated with baseball play.  For those of you whose children are moving up to Mosquito from Tadpole, you will notice a number of changes immediately.  Most obvious is the move from pitching machines to live pitchers.  With the addition of live pitchers comes a number of important changes in the game.  These include base stealing, back-catching and play-making.


There will be some challenges; most notably is the new induction of pitch count rules.   At this age group, the numbers are quite low (21 pitches = 2 nights rest).


My intention is to rotate the players in all positions, and try to keep the substitutions and game time equal.  If you are ever unhappy with my coaching or feel that your son requires something more than I am providing, please come and talk to me or one of the other coaches in private.  The players are at an impressionable age and we must try to keep any criticism constructive and to the betterment of all involved. 


Parents Role:


I ask, in order to create a team environment and maintain player focus, that the parents and spectators do not attempt to “coach” their children during practices.  In addition, parents and spectators are asked not to enter the diamond during game play.  The games will have official umpires who are in charge of the game.   Parents are asked to respect the umpires, as most are young players themselves.  Any parent or spectator berating an umpire will be asked to leave the park immediately.  If that parent does not comply, their son will be removed from the game.


We encourage parental involvement and hope parents will attend games and encourage their children and children’s teammates from the stands.  The players usually respond very well when their parents are at the games.


Coaching Staff:


Although I am the head coach, the success of the team will depend on many things, most notably the ability to have good fundamental skills.  I have found the development of these skills is best when practices are divided into stations with smaller groups.   To this end, I will be looking to a number of parents to run “stations”.  Do not worry about any lack of skill or baseball knowledge on your most cases the job of the assistant is to make sure the players rotate through the drills and don’t get hurt.




This year, there is much to be done to keep the season running along, happy and fun.  There are many jobs which a team needs to have done.  To this end, I will be looking for parents to assist with these jobs.  I already have a number of helpers, but need more.  The two that are paramount (and most thankless!) are Concession Manager and Field Prep.  Everyone on every team is expected to take their turns at manning the concession stand (at Gibbons, you can watch the game from inside).  The concession is vitally important to Richmond Baseball as it helps to keep our fees low.  The other important job is Field Crew....basically it means setting up bases, raking the baselines, chalking the batter box/base lines and coaches box, and then razing the field (home team sets up, visiting team razes).  Usually two or three people can get this done during the teams warm up time.


Terry Dowle - head coach

Collin Klimovich - co-coach

Grant Moffat - co-coach

Steve Scarrow - co-coach

Leila Or - Manager

Anita/Benita - Scorekeeper/pitch counters

Concession Manager - Open

Fields Prep - Open

Announcer (when we play at Gibbons park) - Open


Practices and Games:


Please try to have your child at the practices and games on time and dressed appropriately.  Remember to bring water and always have you child wear their athletic support (including cup), cleats and ball cap.  Uniforms are only to be worn during game days.   However, players MUST wear pants to practices...I would suggest getting a second pair of baseball pants for practice (these can be bought at the Opening Day Ceremonies for a few bucks if you don’t have any)...otherwise wear track pants.


We will be given an “official practice day” for the Mosquito diamond at Whiteside Park.  However, I will be looking to have a second practice date as well.   Although I have no control over the “official day” I will try to accommodate the majority of players on the second practice.   This second practice day may change, but we are limited to Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.    Games are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.


The coaches will remain at the field for 15 minutes after the game or practice for parents to return.   We will not leave any player alone at the field, if you will be late, please call one of us on our cell phone. We are not authorized to take your player home with us, and have been told that if a parent does not show up, we are to contact the Authorities to have them wait with the player.




The best way to contact me is via follows me everywhere!   I will be contacting you via e-mail only; except in cases of emergency.   In addition I will be setting up a team web site which will have much more information on it regularly.  If you don’t have an e-mail address, I suggest you create a gmail or hotmail account, as this will keep you up-to-date with all our teams’ activities.




The schedule is out...subject to some minor changes.  For the most part our games are Tuesday’s, Thursdays and Sundays.   Most games are at 6 pm, but we have one at 5:30 pm and one at 12:30 pm (both on Sunday).  We will be playing 14 games plus one tournament (TBA), and then play offs.


Here’s to a great, fun and exciting year.



Terry Dowle     





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