Jun 3/24
8:37 am

Manitoba Provincial Midget Team





Here is some information that we received from the Coaches over the Weekend.

Monsieur Perron is putting together a tourist package for Quebec City. He is looking at a history type tour, Old Quebec and a Night Life tour for us younger crowd.

Player Meals in Quebec:

The cost of meals at Laval University is $32.50 per day. With our schedule we would be missing too many meals during the week to make this a good deal for the team. It has been decided to do the meals ourselves. Breakfest would be Fruit, muffins, breakfast bars etc. being purchased and kept in Coaches room with the players coming and getting what they want to eat each morning. Lunch - on some days would be likely at the ball park. Supper - arrangements will be made for the team to go to a restaurant for at least one meal per day. This will make for a much better arrangement and all meals are still covered by our fees.


Team flies into Montreal and the original plan was to take a bus to Quebec City and back after the cup. The cost of this was going to be in the $2400 range. It has therefore been decided that the team would rent 4 vans. The cost is less than the cost of the bus and has the following advantages:
- The team has the vans all week
- The team can make their own schedule for coming and going
- The team will be able to go out to eat, ball park, show or whatever they want whenever they want
- They will have a min. of 1 full free day which they can take the vans and see the area or whatever seems the best option for the players.

Overall, vans only make sense.

Schedule - Cup and leading up to Cup

The "boot Camp" info is just an estimate as coaches will send out a finalized report as everying is finalized.

Aug 4 ---- Boot Camp starts - begin later in afternoon at Whittier Park - hopefully a game under the lights that evening.

Aug 5 ---- Boot Camp Continues - beginning early approx 8:00 AM. Hoping for a game or two during the day.

Aug. 6 --- Boot Camp Continues - beginning early again and finishing off in good time so players can get cloths washed and ready for the trip to Quebec.

Aug. 7 ---- Fly out to Montreal - 10:00 AM. Probably need to be at the airport by 8:30.

Aug 8-13 --- Quebec City

Aug 14 --- Fly out of Montreal @ 2:00 PM (1:00 Mb time)


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