Jul 27/24
7:28 am

Kennedy Little League





2011 Umpire Application to be Posted soon! Check back for application!





Umpires are expected to be at Kennedy Little League and ready to start 10-15 minutes prior to game time.
Umpires are expected to have all required equipment with them at each game, which includes Umpire shirt, game balls, clickers, watch to record start time and keep track of the game. Plate umpires should also have shin guards, chest protector, face mask and a plate brush.

Umpires are expected to fill out an Umpire Report for each game they umpire and have both coaches sign your report, this has to be done in order to get paid.

Exception: If a Kennedy team is playing a team from a different Little League the signature of the Kennedy coach is sufficient.

Umpires for Federal, Major, Junior and Senior Baseball are expected to complete the Pitch Count Report on their Umpire Game Report and have the coaches confirm pitchers and counts at the end of each game.

If weather is questionable for play, please check the website for cancellations. Make up games will be posted on the Rainouts page of the Kennedy Little League website and on the umpire assignments page.
It IS the responsibility of the umpires who have been rained out to confirm with me by email, or by phone whether or not you will be able umpire the games at the new date and time. If a scheduled umpire is unable to umpire a rain out game I will repost the game and give all umpires the chance to sign up.



Kennedy Little League has developed an online umpire assignment page where umpires sign up for games and see the schedule posted throughout the season. This game schedule will also allow coaches to know who is responsible for umpiring their game and who they should contact to reschedule a rain out.
Umpires should go to the Kennedy Little League web page at and select the Umpire Schedule/Sign up link.

The umpire assignment page will load and you will be presented with the entire league schedule. All games highlighted in red and say "open" are available for umpires to sign up. Umpires should select the game (s) they would like to umpire and e-mail to for the corresponding games requested.

If you do not have access to email you can call Jesse Benisch and leave a message including your first and last name, contact phone number, the date, league and time of the game you would like to sign up for and any addition comments.

NOTE TO UMPIRES: You should only sign up for games in the leagues you have been approved to umpire. Please check the umpire contact page on the Kennedy website for your approved levels.

Adult, WIAA and Little League Certified Umpires will be given first priority to sign up for games. They will be allowed to sign up for games one week prior to everyone else, after that time has past all open games will be available to the remaining umpires. Games will still be assigned to these individual umpires on a first come basis within reason and will be posted on the web page upon approval.

All other umpires will have games assigned on a first come basis within reason and will be posted on the web page upon approval.

You will be notified of the dates by email once they have been set.


WITHIN 72 HOURS OF GAME TIME: If you are unable to make a game you signed up to umpire and it is within 72 hours of the game time it is your responsibility to find a replacement umpire and notify Kennedy of the change by sending and email to or calling me. OUTSIDE OF 72 HOURS OF GAME TIME: If you are unable to make a game you signed up to umpire and it is outside of 72 hours of the game time you can find a replacement or notify Kennedy that you are no longer able to umpire the game by sending and email to or calling me. The game will then be posted on the Umpire sign up page.

NOTE TO UMPIRES: If you are signed up to umpire a game and you do not show up and no one shows up in your place, we will evaluate suspending you from umpiring at our league for the duration of the season.


Umpires will be paid Every Other Monday by picking up their check at the concession stand. All checks will remain in the concession stand until picked up. The checks will be for all games umpired during the preceding two weeks.

Pay Period

Pay Day

4/24/2010 – 5/7/2010


5/8/2010 – 5/21/2010


5/22/2010 – 6/4/2010


6/5/2010 – 6/18/2010


6/19/2010 – 7/1/2010


7/2/2010 – 7/11/2010

7/19/2010 (End of Season)

Pay Rate:


Pay Per Game

Minor Baseball


Federal Baseball

$15.00 (16 yrs old or over $20.00)

Major Baseball


Junior Baseball


Senior Baseball


U10 Softball


U12 Softball


U14 Softball


U16 Softball


At the completion of umpring you can also report to the concession stand for a food item and a drink. Umpires are welcome to unlimited water while umpiring on those hot days.

Umpire Game Reports can be found in the umpire shed, located in the lower level of the press box behind the big diamond. Game reports are required for all levels; they must be legible, include the first and last name of umpires, the coach’s name, league, team number and start time.

Umpire Game Report

If you do not complete your game report and return it to the umpire shed, you will not be paid for the game.

Pitch Count Report: Pitch Count Reports are located on the bottom of the game reports and must be completed for Federal Baseball, Major Baseball, Junior Baseball and Senior Baseball. Coaches are expected to notify you of all pitching changes and keep track of the number of pitches per inning. At the completion of each half inning you should record the number of pitches per pitcher in the correct inning.

Team _____1________

Pitcher Name (first & last)

Inning 1

Inning 2

Inning 3

Inning 4

Inning 5

Inning 6

Total number of pitches

John Smith








Tim Roberts








Mike Nelson
























Team _____2________

Pitcher Name (first & last)

Inning 1

Inning 2

Inning 3

Inning 4

Inning 5

Inning 6

Total number of pitches

Jack Johnson








Paul Jones
































The league pitching restrictions are listed below. If you are umpiring a game a notice that a pitcher has reached the maximum number of allowed pitches per day, notify the coach that they must make a pitching changed. Pitchers are allowed to finish the current batter if they reach the maximum pitches in the middle of a batter. An umpire notifying the coaches of pitchers reaching the limit is a courtesy; it is ultimately the coach’s responsibility to keep track of the pitch totals. Any coach that has a pitcher exceed the pitch limit or does not follow the required days rest will be suspended from coaching for one game. Where they will be expected to come to the game and sit in the stands. This was a new rule last year and was enforced, so make sure you are checking the pitch totals per half inning with the coaches.

The table below gives an overview of the number of pitches that will be allowed per day for each age group during the regular season in 2010.


Pitches allowed per day

Junior & Senior






The rest periods required during the 2010 regular season are listed below.

Pitchers league ages 7 through 16 must adhere to the following rest requirements:

• If a player pitches 61 or more pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
• If a player pitches 41 - 60 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
• If a player pitches 21 - 40 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar day of rest must be observed.
• If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no calendar day of rest is required before pitching again.

All Umpire Equipment can be found in the umpire shed, located in the lower level of the press box behind the big diamond. You should find umpire shirt, game balls, clickers, shin guards, chest protectors, face masks and a plate brushes. Umpires may take one shirt; if you have yours from last year and it still fits you can use it again this year.

You may take your umpire shirt home, but do NOT take the clickers, plate brushes, umpire belts or ball bags home. Last year we purchased over 30 clickers and 25 plate brushes and at the end of the season there were days we had to search for equipment.

Game Balls are also stored in the shed and should be restocked daily by the grounds crew. For Junior, Senior and Legion B games you should take 3-4 balls for each game, all other levels should take 2 balls for each game.

If for some reason there are no game balls in the shed you will need to get the keys for the equipment garage, located near right field of the big diamond, from the concession stand. Balls will be stored upstairs near the stairs.

Adult Umpires: If you are umpiring Junior or Legion B games it is encouraged that you purchase your own umpire pants and shirts. This not required, however it is more professional and we will have teams coming from different area leagues. It will also be asked that if you are umpiring tournament games for 13 or 14 year olds that you have them.

If you have complaints, concerns, positive or negative feedback regarding other umpires or coaches please send me an email. In the email please send the date the event happened, persons name and a detailed description of what happened.

Questions: Please feel free to email me at or call me.


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