Jul 27/24
12:02 pm

LAC Co-ed Softball



LAC, Salem County





1. Each team will be designated a color.  All players for each team must have the same color shirt with numbers.  All players must wear their teams color by the second week.  It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure extra shirts are available if team players does not have one.


2. Metal cleats are NOT allowed.


3. Rosters and fees are due by date stated at the meeting.  Team fees will be decided each year.


4. A team must have at least 14 players on the roster, 7 males and 7 females and a maximum of 20.


  1. Ages for players:  18 and up; players 16 and 17 years of age must have parental consent form filled out.
  2. No kids under 16 will be allowed on the field at any time during the games.
  3. Any woman that is pregnant will NOT be permitted to play in the league.


5. Each team must have at least 5 males and 5 females on the field at all times.  4 outfield (2 males and 2 females), 4 infield (2 males and 2 females) and 1 cater and pitcher (1 being male and the other being a female).


6. A team can start with 9 players, with 4 of them being males or females and the 10th one being an OUT when their at bat comes up, unless a player comes later to fill that spot.


  1. Must have 9 on a team to finish, with 4 of them being male or female.  Any less constitutes a forfeit.
  2. If a team plays short-handed, with either 3 in the infield or 3 in the outfield, at least 1 of 3 must be male and at least one of the 3 must be female.


7. A team may pick up players to replace a player on the roster to prevent forfeiting, BUT you must message coach’s group text prior to adding player to a team.  No notice, they don’t play.  You still have a maximum 20 player roster limit.


8. There can be 10 players, plus Extra Hitters (EH’s) if desired.


  1. Can use same sex EH’s (up to 2) after using all available players in male/female batter order.
    1. Example:  10 male/female line up, male/female EH, additional 2 male EH
    2. Example:  10 male/female line up, 2 male EH (no girls sitting bench)


9. If an outfield player is standing in the infield, or if an infield player is standing in the outfield while a batter is up, all runners advance one base and a ball is called to the batter.  Umpires discretion.



10. The batting order must be male/female rotation, except if using the additional EH’s in compliance with the rule.


  1. EH’s may play the field.
  2. If EH’s are in the line-up, you have no extra player and player gets injured, or has to leave early, an EH can play that position, but must keep his or her own batting position, and an out must be taken for the player that had to leave or was injured.
  3. If one of the EH’s has to leave, the team must take an out for the EH that had to leave or was injured.


11. Name and number of each player must be in the scorebook.


12. Teams may use the Re-Entry Rule:  Must remain in the same batting order and must play entire inning before substitution is made. 


  1. Must report a substitute to opposing scorekeeper prior to entry into game.  Re-entry must go to the field first for an entire inning.


13. WAIVERS RULE:  If a player is dropped from a team during the course of the season, he/she may play for another team, BUT must go through waivers to do so, beginning with the lowest seeded team and so on, until player is picked up. 


  1. Player must play in a TOTAL of half of the games during the course of the regular season to be eligible for playoffs.  Example:  6 of 12 total games for the season.
  3. Team order for waivers will be determined from previous year’s regular season final standings.


14. Team are permitted 2 “Courtesy Runners” each game.  Once a player is designated to be run for, he/she will have a runner for the rest of the game.  Last player out will be courtesy runner.  Male for male and female for female.


15. Games will start sometime in the month of August


  1. Text Amy Franklin to schedule a practice at the field.


16. Each team will have 2 games a week when possible.


17. Starting time for games:  6:30pm and 8:00pm. 


  1. Time limit 2 hour games
  2. Teams may complete an inning started, but cannot start a new inning after 8:30pm.
  3. 8:00 games may run to 10:50pm, park lights have to be off by 11:00pm – NO IFS, ANDS or BUTS!


18. Once schedule is set, NO GAMES WILL BE CHANGED!


19. 15 minute rule before a forfeit.  Start on time with 9 players (not allowing 15 minutes for 10th player).


20. 15 run rule after 5 innings.  (Includes playoffs).


21. All regular season tie games beyond 5 innings shall continue the next time said teams play.  Games NOT reaching 5 innings shall be replayed.


22. A game called by an umpire shall be regulation if 5 or more complete innings have been played, or if the team second at bat has scored more runs in 4 or more innings than the other team has scored in 5 or more innings. 


  1. Playoff games must go into completion with 15 run rule in affect.


23. RAIN DATES:  Games rained out Monday will be played that Friday.  Games rained out Tuesday & Wednesday will be played that week’s Sunday.  Thursday and Friday games go to the following Sunday.


  1. Monday rain out game times will remain the same on that Friday.
  2. Sundays - First game to be rained out is at 8pm then next game at 6pm, then 4pm and 2pm.
  3. No games prior to 2pm on Sundays
  4. In the event a team has more than one make-up game on a Sunday, we will try to rearrange them to be back to back games.


24. Pitches – 6ft arc from the ground while not exceeding a maximum height of 12ft from the ground.  Umpire shall YELL “ILLEGAL PITCH” if a pitch is lower than 6ft or higher than 12ft.  If an illegal pitch is called, a ball shall be called on the batter.  If a batter swings at or contact any illegal pitch it is mollified and all plays stand.


25. A rectangle mat will be used for balls and strikes.  Strike Zone will be the full plate and mat.


26. No bunts, steals or leads.


27. No advance on missed/dropped 3rd strike.


28. Slide or Veer Rule:  You MUST slide or veer off on close plays.  Umpires discretion.


29. Any walk to a male batter will result in a 2 base award.  Runners advance only if forced.  The next female batter will bat.  EXCEPTION – with 2 outs, the female batter has the option to walk or bat.


30. If male batters have 2 strikes and hit a foul ball, they are out.  Female batters get 1 courtesy foul.


31. Throwing a glove at a batter ball is a three base award.



32. Runners on 1st and 3rd base may opt to “step-off” when teammate is batting.


  1. Runners may be a couple feet off of base path in foul territory, but MUST re-touch the base when ball is put in play before advancing to the next base.


33. There is a second home plate for safety.


  1. Runner MUST touch the SAFETY plate before defense catches the ball while touching their home plate.
  2. If you touch home plate and NOT the SAFETY plate, it is an out.
  3. There is a Commitment Line that umpire will put down each game.  Once you cross this line heading home, you CANNOT return to 3rd base.


34. No outfielder may throw any hitter out at 1st base on a clean hit to outfield.  Umpire’s discretion.  (Example:  If a pop fly lands in grass just behind 2nd base or an error is made, ball then hits grass, the hitter may still be thrown out.)  This rule is to keep outfielders from throwing to first on a clean base hit. 


  1. If this does happen in a game, the runner will be automatically awarded second base.


35. When a homerun is hit, the batter needs only to touch 1st base and any other players on base shall advance and touch the next base, then return to their bench side.  (Players do NOT need to round ALL bases).


36. Homerun limit for a game is 7 homeruns.  Every homerun after 7 is an out.


  1. An in-the-park homerun does NOT count towards a team’s total of 7.




  1. First series is best out of 3.
  2. Second Series is best out of 3.
  3. Finals will be best out of 5 game series.


38. 8 teams will make playoffs


  1. First Round will be 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, and 4 vs 5.
  2. The #1 seed will get the lowest remaining seed left from first round in semi-finals.


39. (Concerning Play-Offs)  If two teams end up with a tie record and their head-to-head games are split, then a one game playoff will be played to decide who gets the spot. 


40. Play-Offs:  Players must play at least half of the games during the season to be eligible for playoffs.


  1. In the case of odd number games, use the lower number of games.  Example:  13 games, player must play in 6 of the regular season games to be eligible for playoffs.


41. If a team forfeits 3 or more games during the regular season, they are automatically disqualified from the playoffs.


42. Once playoffs are set, if you cannot field a team, you will forfeit.


43. BATS!


  1. ASA Bats ONLY.  (If found with an illegal bat, player may be banned from league for life).
  2. All bats must be compression tested.  A sticker will be provided for each bat that passes and may be used.
  3. If you bat does NOT have a sticker, you will NOT be able to use it in our league.
  4. Umpires will check bats before game.  If it is noticed that a bat is brought into play that was NOT approved by the umpire, player and bat will be removed from game.  Player will also be suspended for next game and fined $50.00.  a 2nd offense and the player is banned from the league for life.


44. Umpire’s decision is FINAL.  (This is for fun!).  There will be fines imposed for foul language and misconduct.  (Umpire’s discretion)


  1. 1st Offense - $25.00 fine
  2. 2nd Offense - $25.00 fine and 1 game suspension
  3. 3rd Offense – You are finished for the season


45. If a player is ejected from a game, that player will automatically be suspended from their next scheduled game played.  If team of player in question, forfeits a game, that does NOT count for suspension.


46. Control for team and coaches is a team responsibility.  (This is for FUN!)



If something comes up and no rule is in place, a decision will be made by Officers at that time.


Any questions, please contact:


Amy Franklin – President/Treasurer  (856) 777-3430

Tommy Robinson – Vice President  (856) 457-2714

Tammy Hoyle – Secretary  (856) 982-6203







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