Mar 23/25
3:09 am

Danvers Falcons
B Team





Team Ticker:
  • Welcome to the new home of the Danvers Falcon B Team
  • 2008 Walsh Division Champions
Countdown to SuperBowl Championship
(Nov 9/09)
WOOT WOOT. It's here!

Division Champions

Welcome to the C Team New Home Page.

The link to the pictures has been repaired. Click on the Photos menu to the left.


Monday, November 3 - Practice, 5:30 - 7:30 @ Danvers High School
Tuesday, November 4 - Pizza and film prep, 5:30 - 7:30, Polish Club (12 Cheever St)   <-----Added!!
Wednesday, November 5 - Practice, 5:30 - 7:30 @ Danvers High School
Thursday, November 6 - Practice, 5:30 - 7:30 @ Danvers High School
Friday, November 7 - Practice, 5:30 - 7:30 @ Danvers High School
Saturday, November 8 - Practice, 9:00 - 10:30 @ Plains Park
Sunday, November 9 - C division Championship game, 1:00 @ North Andover High School, Opponent TBD (Lynnfield or North Reading)
Wednesday, November 12 - DYF Banquet, 6:00 @ Danversport Yacht club
Team party -
Thank you to everyone that helped out in the snack bar this weekend.  Snack bar revenue keeps the registration fee as low as possible


Thank you to all of contributed to the following

Filming of all Games               Coley Rybicki
Articles                                 Mark Rizzo
1st Down Marker holder      Chris Geanoulis
Down Marker holder               Need Volunteers
Pictures                                   Tracie Salvo

Sliced Oranges
1 Kay Martin
2 Tracie Salvo
3 Mark DellaCroce
4 Joanne Koen
5 Michelle Rybicki
6 Laurie McCannon
7 Sally Moulton
Nancy Martino 
Ann Behen 
10 Kacey Desmond

If you wish to sign up for any of the open slots please go to the contact page
and email Rich McCannon and Keith Lucy

Check out the Danvers Youth Football page for Apparel and league info.


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