Aug 31/24
11:44 pm

Michigan Thunder





Posted Jul 23/14 - Pending Games - Week of 7/21/14

Dearborn Tournament: Note that we have a game Friday the 25th at 12pm at Dearborn High School  (show-up time is 11:15am. Looks like we will just barely make it with enough players for Friday 12:00pm so far!


Posted Jul 22/14 - Tuesday, July 22nd Game

Next Game: Plymouth Wildcats at the Plymouth High School Varsity Field


Posted Jul 18/14 - Romeo Tournament - July 19th and July 20th!!

Romeo this weekend: Note the correction regarding Sunday game times!


Posted Jul 15/14 - Thursday July 17th - Game On in St Clair Shores!

We won! Good job team!! Game result was 5-to-2. Excellent pitching by Tyler Younes (ND) and Seth Padgett (the win). The team's James May and sub Christian Fallon turned a crucial double-play. We are seeing batting improvements, and we appreciate players showing early for batting work.


Posted Jul 15/14 - Canada Tonight!

Tuesday, July 15th - 9-inning game at Walker Homesites Park in Canada; 6pm start with a 5:15 show. Go Thunder!


Posted Jul 10/14 - Palomino Tournament - Dearborn High School

Palomino Tournament - Dearborn High School; Finals are at the Inter-City Field (directions will follow when necessary)


Posted Jul 9/14 - Practice Tonight - Wednesday, July 9

Practice on our Middle School field on 12 Mile and Schoenherr at 6:30pm. Hydrate, and be prepared for practice everyone.


Posted Jul 3/14 - 7-11/13 Palomino

Gret News, the schedule is out and to prevent repeat issues the Rochestor Rockets are in a different division. Also we get to play at Dearborn HS which is a far better field.  Game times are Friday at 430 and Saturday 1115 and 130. Championship is Sunday 10am at Inner City Baptist.   As always show time is 45 minutes before game. Mariana and I have room for riders.   Have a great 4th of July weekend.


Posted Jul 2/14 - Colts Reschedule to Wednesday July 9th

Chesterfield Colts re-schedule - 7-inning game on Wednesday, July 9th at 6pm at L'Anse Creuse N Field behind the HS located on 21 mile east of North Ave. Show time is 5:15 pm.


Posted Jun 21/14 - Allen Park

This weekends tourney was a fiasco at best. First the original tourney directors father passed and the fill in director was uninformed as to the rules.   We had rules for a 12 and under game aplied to our game. On a technicality pitching Adam O 4 innings got him and the coach tossed. My first tossing ever. The net result was a forfiet despite a game we were still in as we were down to 7 players after the ejections.   I would like to thank our fans for their support and the team for keeping their composure. Adam O I saw the walk you had to take to let it go when you were pitching so well.  To the other players who were moving around a lot to keep us competitive my hats off to you.   You kept your heads up against another team that did not want to play baseball but wanted to back into the playoffs.   Hopefully the Hurricanes will take care of business tomorrow and send the Rockets home with the tail between their legs.   I think some of the players on that team were upset also as they just wanted to play ball as well.   Baseball is a game and I leave it to you guys to play as that is how it is supposed to be. Not adults out argueing over a kids game.  


Posted Jun 16/14 - 6-16 Coming up

Please check the schedule as we have games this week n Tuesday Wednesday and playing in Allen Park Tourney this weekend.   Additionally next week we have games Tuesday and just today added 2 5 inning  Wednesday games with the Colts at Lanse Cruese North   located on 21 East of North Rd.....If anyone is wondering why 5 inning games it's because there is not enough time before darkness for 2 7 inning games and 10 innings of baseball is better then 7. Plans for 5 inning games is if possible for pitcher to go at least 4 innings if not the whole way.  As always Coach Mariana and myself have room to take others along with us to Allen Park.   Coach Tim's favorite and best pizza place in Detroit Metro Area is not far from the games this weekend and will offer to take team there after games on Saturday.  Any questions feel free to call or text. Thanks, Coach Tim 586 362 9544


Posted Jun 9/14 - Day after WoodBat Tourney

First of all I want to Thank Ethan, Jeremy, Dillon, and Max for filling in for us this weekend.   We were short players due to graduations and other activities and them stepping up and filling in for us really helped us out.....A special Kudos to Tyler who stuck around both Friday and Saturday evenings to help clean up and to Brandon and Adam O who did it Friday night as well as all the other p[layers who grabbed rakes and brroms and helped keep the field up for the weekends activities.  We won 1 game out of 4 on Seths great pitching against the eventual tourney champion Livonia Bulldogs.   Both Adams Derek and Tyler pitched well as well.   I know we need a practice but as only three of our players Mike, Brandon, And Tyler have graduated (Congrats)   the others have finals this week and I will not interfere with that.   Another thanks to Mariana who despite missing first two games for Brandons graduation was out there helping out whatever way she could.  This week we have the double header Thursday night in Essex and I know we will be short players again as Derek and James will not be making the trip.   Hopefully after this weekend {Happy Fathers Day) We can get a practice in and build on what we started this weekend.   The Windsor team Walker Homesites enjoyed the tourney so much they invited us over to play them on July 15th at 6 pm and I have added the game to the schedule.  I am still looking to fill out the roster with 2 more players.   Ethan will be joining us when we are short and will be practicing with us.  Both Jeremy and him played up a level or 3 to help us out this weekend. Ethan got his first look at what an 80 MPH fastball looks like.   Please check out the photos that Brenda took of the weekends action.   Thanks again who helped make this tourney a success. We host anothe but smaller one on June 28-29 at Tower middle school and the big season ender July 31 until August 2nd.    Also I am asking that team players put aside4 hours on July 7th to come out to Tower middle school and help whatever way needed with the fixing of the field. This is the day the 50 tons of infield material is delivered to the field and help will be needed along the fence lines and behind home plate. Tower schools will supplying the heavy equipment to spread and grade the field.  Community service letters will be given to anyone that puts time in for helping.   The schools is writing a blanket one for the team and I will follow up with a team letter for the player.  So next up is the Essex Yellowjackets.   Plans are for Adam F to start the first game and Seth the second.   Adam O and Tyler will be relief.   I already know Derek and James will not be making the trip so once again scramble to make sure we have enough.   Coach Mariana and myself both have room in our vehicles and I know some people are meeting her at her house and then we will depart from Tower Middle School at 4 and convoy over together as it is easier to clear customs as a baseball team then individually. If you have any questions feel free to call.  Thanks Coach Tim  586-362-9544


Posted Jun 4/14 - Tourney #7 Booked

I have locked us into a 4 team tourney we will be hosting at the Warren Tower Middle School on June 28-29.   Each team will play each other once then a consolation and championship game.   2 games each day.   The summer schedule continues to fill in. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Jun 3/14 - Game 6-3

Wow we won the game 7 to 2.    We had 7 players from the summer team and 2 last minute pickups.   Players changed positions a lot and pretty much coached themselves as i pulled a back muscle right before the game and was out of it.  This weekend looks rough as we will have several players missing at one time or another and have made some calls to pick up some extras.   My condolences go out to Jeff May for the passing of his grand mother as well as to Derek Reynolds who  had his Grandmother pass today.  We are short and struggling but foint well. I look forward to the day when everyone is there.    Great job tonight guys. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted May 30/14 - Players Needed

We are still looking for two more players for the summer season. The shortage of players has me scrambling to field a team for Wood bat Saturday.   Mike has a prior commitment and will miss afternoon and evening game and Brandon has HS Graduation will miss afternoon and possibly morning game.   That leaves us at 8  for afternoon game and have asked Max back for the day but sure would like another 1 or 2 to give players a break.   If you know of a ballplayer that may be interested talk to him and  lets set up a tryout.   First game is Tuesday.   Thanks, Coach Tim 586 362-9544


Posted May 29/14 - 6th Tourney Scheduled

I have booked us a 6th tourney for the weekend of July 19 and 20th in Romeo.   They have a JV and Varsity field so games will go fast. It is a 4 team tourney with 2 teams switching fields and last game on Sunday being best two and Consolation game running at the same time.   Might take a little travel to get there but the games are back to back both days. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted May 27/14 - Woodbat Tourney

Summer team please check the schedule. The games are up for the woodbat tourney.   It looks like we play 3 on Saturday and if successful 1 for sure possibly 2 on Sunday. You will also see a warm up game for us scheduled for June 3rd that will hopefully bring us together as a team before going into the tourney. Please check back as games are being added to the schedule as i firm them up with the other teams. really looking forward to taking our 8 and 4 record from spring over to the summer.   Also a shout out to Brenda our team photographer,   and Mariana our scorekeeper and my stand in if I ever get tossed.   Both put a lot of time in making this site what it is. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted May 18/14 - 5-18 against Dearborn

First ot all I would like to apologise for the confusion on game times today......just to be clear next week we play at 2 and 4 against USA......Also my apologies to Adam F who blew them away in the 5th of game 2, I thought it was the 6th, you more then deserved another inning....Derek another outstanding outing pitching and Max for an outfield assist the 1st inning set the tone for the day.   Max daring them to run on him had them thinking twice the rest of the day.  Eric took over the team lead for doubles.  and pitched for the first time in a year and a half.   His bat bailed us out all day.   AdamO on base 6 times and pitching us out after the tying run had reached 2nd in the top of the 6th.   Brandon and Joe both caught complete games with Joe providing the big hit to break open a one run game in the 6th of game 2.  I am enjoying the versatility and the speed on this team and the willingness of all the players to play any positions that are asked of you.   The solid play at the different positions shows your knowledge and adaptability to the game.....I am greatly enjoying the players coaching the bases as it seems you are more into the game and aware of gametime situations.   Baseball is a team sport and I am in awe of the performance you are putting on....Hopefully this carries over to USA next week.....We will be missing Ben and Max but Tyler will be back for us.  AdamO said striking Tyler out in game 2 was more fun then beaning him. Plans now are for Derek to start game one and AdamO, Game 2.    Bob AdamF and Grant will back them up if needed. A reminder to those of you who will be leaving us after next weeks spring final to turn your jersey and hoodie after the game.   If you want the jersey it is $20 and the Hoodie is $35.....Congrats on a job well done. 7 and 3 is a nice record going into the final week of the season. Weather is supposed to be wet again this week so am hoping  to get in some cage time.  Perhaps on Wed evening.    Will Email when I have confirmed reservation.   Once again Well Done Thunder. Coach Tim


Posted May 17/14 - Games 7 & 8 Scores Posted!

The team played (and won!) two great games last Sunday. Great pitching, hitting and team work. Great job


Posted May 12/14 - Sunday vs Vengence

As a coach I am still in awe of what I saw on Sunday and I am sure when Mariana post stats so will all of you.  This was a team that played extremely well in both games. Yes we had a few errors but hats off to all three pichers who threw very well. Ben and Bob for going deep.   So many people had good hitting days.  Both catchers played the whole game they caught.   Base running was good.   All outfielders did a great job making some great catches and holding the other team to very few extra bases.   I was impressed with the way people were backing each other up.   Dereks stop at 3rd was a thing of beauty.   Job well done team. Keep up the good work. Coach Tim


Posted May 5/14 - May 5/14

All game results/stats have been posted!


Posted May 3/14 - Thunder Shows Spirit/Has Tough Showing

Check out the Stats page!  Third Spring Ball game stats complete; 4th game stats pending.


Posted Apr 28/14 - 4-27 Sunday

Yesterday was a tought day on all our pitchers and our team as a whole. We were simply overwhelmed by a very good team.  We were being squeezed on the low strike in the first game and the other team was hitting the cover off the ball.   The second game we made some changes and I think played a lot better as a team.  Ben was real busy in centerfield.  We will shrug it off and and prepare for our next games next Sunday.   Was able to get Bishop Gahlager Field off of Utica north of Moravian for practice Wed from 415 to 615.   Another team is coming on the field at 630 and we need to be done by then.  I feel for the Cardinals who we beatthe 1st weekend and has to play the team that crushed us yesterday for the next 2 weekends.  Just keep working together as a team and stay positive and we will hope for better days ahead. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Apr 16/14 - Thunder wins first two games of season!

Check out the Stats page!


Posted Apr 11/14 - Questions and answers

To date I only have a schedule for this weekends games.   I understand there is a managers meeting before this weekends games where the information for rest of season will be provided. At that time I will post it here and try to email everyone who I have Email for.  Great practice today, I believe we are ready for this weekends games. After this we will only be practicing on Wednesdays as I know a lot of the guys work. Below is the rainout line for the Chesterfield Spring ball league. I do not know at this time if concessions will be open so you may want to bring something to eat between games.   Please I have my own issues with the quality of umpiring at times but lets be the bigger individuals and remember throwing of equipment in anger is not tolerated.


Posted Apr 9/14 - Essex Ontario

I have scheduled our away doubleheader under the lights at Essex Ontario on June 12th. I know it is a pain crossing the border but this should be a good chance to play a quality team. If you know for sure you are not going please let me know ASAP so I can try to locate a replacement player to fill in. You must have either an enhanced driving license or a passport to make this trip. Yes I have room to take some players that wish to car pool and perhaps some others will as well. This is an exciting addition to our season schedule.


Posted Apr 7/14 - Spring Kickoff

They are still working out the season schedule but at least they have this coming weekends games figured out. Pollard park game times Sunday 10 AM and Noon. Show time is 915. Late showers will be moved to the bottom of the lineup if the lineup has been started. We will be playing Coach Jim's Cardinals both games. Wednesday at practice (530 at Warren Tower Middle School, 12 and Schoenherr) we will determine our starting pitchers for Sunday. There is also a practice Friday at same place and time. Please bring a friend to help make for a better more real practice. HS players are invited to come out and coach the bases and or to practice with us. No word yet on concessions being open or not. Best to have a snack to eat between games. A thermos of cocoa might be nice as well. Parents it will be cold so blankets to stay warm are in order. They have bleachers and picnic tables but you may be more comfortable in your own chairs. Younger siblings are welcome as they are great at chasing foul balls. Players your hoodies can be worn during the games. Bring gloves or mittens to keep hands warm when in dugout. Any questions please feel free to contact me and ask. Thanks, Coach Tim 586 362-9544


Posted Mar 28/14 - Summer Tourney Schedule

Please check the calender for summer tourney schedule.   I would love to schedule one more but at this time 5 is all that fit in our budget.   More sponsors means more games.  Keep up the good work guys summer will one day get here. Coach Tim


Posted Mar 17/14 - New players

Welcome to  the players that have joined us for spring ball.  We are picking up a large contingent of Stevenson players.  Player fees are 100. Please make a check for 100 out to Michigan Thunder and mail to 30065 Blossom, Roseville Mi 48066.   I am eagerly awaiting the field melting and drying out so we can get some practices in.   Please when you get a chance to bat stretch or throw take advantage of it.   Still needing 2 more players for spring ball and one  to two for the summer team.   If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thanks Coach Tim 586 3629544


Posted Feb 19/14 - Keeping up

Tonight practice, show time 815. We will be handing out bags and helmets. Tonight also is handout for March Madness squares. Please come with an ideal of how many you can help the team sell.   Team sponsors are trickling (Thanks Seth).  Please continue to work on this I would like to get the information together by May 1st so we can get the banner printed for the summer season.    To date 1 other team has registered for the woodbat  tourney and 4 others for the 1st weekend of August tourney.  We are taking both 16U and 17U teams for these tourneys.  Next week is our  late practice with practice starting at 915 and running until 1050 (field only). Please continue to do arm exercises. Still looking for 2 players. If you know someone please bring them out.


Posted Jan 25/14 - Reminders

First of all practice next week is from 915 to 1045 on Wed evening. Field practice only. Players please wear cups to all practices and games


Posted Jan 8/14 - Practices

All practices are 815 to 1030 on Wednesdays with the exception of January 29th and Febuary 28th when we will just have the field.   Those nights will be a 915 show and should be done at 1050.  Please remember to do arm exercises as they really help with velocity.  Also still  looking for 3 players to fill out the roster. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Jan 7/14 - Baseball is back

First Practice will be  January 8th at Macomb Batting cages  Located on Kelly Court of of Kelly Road between 14 mile and Groesbeck.   Call 586 362 9544 if you need directions.  Show time is 815 with us un the batting cages at 830 and on practice field at 930. Hope to see everyone there. Coach Tim


Posted Nov 3/13 - 11=3 update

Hi All. Trying to keep you up on changes going on with the team. First of all Coach Gary is going to go and coach his nephews 13U team and Coach Tim will take over the 17U.


Posted Oct 14/13 - Oct 14/13

Congrats on a good fall season. We finished with a win and a loss.   I liked that we did not quit and eventually broke up the no hitter then the shutout.   The first pitcher was over 18 and throwing heat.   We were one of the youngest teams in our division and played our schedule tough.


Posted Sep 22/13 - 9-22

Todays games were played in a cold wind. Hoodies came in handy.   We dropped the first game 1-0 on an unearned run. Congrats Adam OB on 6 innings pitched and no earned runs. Jason made play after play in centerfield hauling in everything hit his way.   We loaded bases in the last inning before they got the final out.   Thanks Ryan and both Grants for giving us enough bodies for todays games. The 2nd game we dropped 6-2, One big hit by the other team did us in.  Tyler and Dave pitched great in relief.   Hitting was a problem all day.  Next practice is Wednesday at 515 Rinke. We will try to get our work in before dark. Please do arm strenthing exercises. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Sep 22/13 - 9-22 games

Todays games were played in a cold wind. Hoodies came in handy.   We dropped the first game 1-0 on an unearned run. Congrats Adam OB on 6 innings pitched and no earned runs. Jason made play after play in centerfield hauling in everything hit his way.   We loaded bases in the last inning before they got the final out.   Thanks Ryan and both Grants for giving us enough bodies for todays games. The 2nd game we dropped 6-2, One big hit by the other team did us in.  Tyler and Dave pitched great in relief.   Hitting was a problem all day.  Next practice is Wednesday at 515 Rinke. We will try to get our work in before dark. Please do arm strenthing exercises. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Sep 14/13 - Septemnber 14

Congrats Adam F on playing all 9 positions.    Derek shattered a bat, we turned a nice double play. 7 pitchers got some work in today.   Hitting was waking up in the 2nd game and we left a lot of people on base.   We will continue to stress hitting at practice and hope for better results.   Practice Monday 530 at Middle School and Wednesday at Rinke 530. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Sep 9/13 - Todays Practice canceled

due to wet field conditions todays practice is canceled. See everyone Wednesday. Thanks, Coach Tim


Posted Sep 7/13 - September 7th

We dropped 2 games to a good team.   4-2 and 3-2....Triple play scored 84514 or Adam F to Mike to Adam O to Jason back to Mike.   Well Done. Keep playing heads up ball and we will hope for better results in the future. Next practice is Monday at 530 Warren woods Middle School


Posted Aug 29/13 - Scrimmage

We have scheduled a scrimmage Tuesday September 3rd at 6pm at Warren Mott. Please show at 515 so the game can start on time.


Posted Aug 24/13 - Congratulations

Michigan Thunder is off to a great start sweeping the Macomb Spirit in the first weekend of play.  Players played together as a team and the results showed.   Next practice is Wednesday at 530 at Rinke (Off of Martin between Hoover and Van Dyke. Please be there on time. It would be nice to have as many players as possible there to work on a few things. Photos of the game have been posted  and Stats are in the process of getting posted. Thanks to the people who take the time to make this available for everyone.  Once again my hats off to all of the Thunder players. Coach Tim 



Check schedule and calendar for change in Bandits game and rainout vs Bay Area Bulls.  Those games are scheduled for July 16 and 17 at 6:30 at Centerline.  Also, we have added 3 players to our roster because we are constantly short of players.  Gary tried to keep the roster smaller to allow maximum playing time but it seems that we are missing 2 to 3 boys almost every game.  If everybody shows we will now have 14 players which is what we should have carried in the first place.  This will mean less playing time for some boys but we cannot risk forfeiting games or spend anymore time hunting down last minute fill in players.


Posted Jun 28/13 - Kyte Monroe Tourney

Schedule is out for the games, they will be;


Posted Jun 26/13 - scrimmage added to schedule

A scrimmage DH has been added this Sunday  with a noon and 230 start verse the Macomb Hurricanes.   Please let coach Gary know if you will not be there. Show time for games is 1115.  Additionally the game on 7-17 verse the Macomb Bandits has been rescheduled at their request to 7-23 at 630 with a 545 show.


Posted May 6/13 - PARENTS/FANS

Before it becomes a cronic problem we are going to address the issue of parent/fans interjecting themselves into coaching decisions.  At no time should a parent/fan be near the dugout during the game.  If you need to talk to a player catch them between innings outside the dugout etc.  Coaching suggestions or criticism is not wanted and will not be tolerated.  If someone has a constructive suggestion and it can be expressed in a respectful manner we are willing to listen but NOT during or immediately after a game.


Posted Apr 7/13 - Finding Complete Schedule

When clicking on schedule on the left side of the home page our MABF schedule with game scores and leauge record will be displayed.  For complete schedule click on calendar and choose the month you wish to display.  All MABF , tournament and scrimage games will be posted on the calendar.  Make-up games, practices and any scheduling changes will be posted and updated on the calendar.  Stats and pictures/video will be posted once the regular season begins.



Frequently check this website for info regarding our team.  Our schedule is posted along with tournaments practices and scrimages.  Once the season has started stats, pictures and video can be posted.  There is also a team store where you can customize Thunder gear like t-shirts, hoodies, jackets, jerseys etc.  Any changes or additions to our schedule will be updated on this website.  Coaches comments and advice will also be posted throughout the season.  Practice with a purpose and look forward to a successful season.


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