Aug 31/24
6:23 pm

Sin City Titans



Las Vegas

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Posted Mar 16/14 - Titan's bit by Scorpions for second time!

The Titan's (2-2) Chris Gschwender pitched a one hit shut-out for 6 innings Sunday and lead 4-0 going into the 7th inning. Then a funny thing happen on the way to 8th inning. Chris got the first two batters in the 7th, but then fatgue set in and he started getting his pitches up and the Scorpions took advantage of the tiring left-hander. Before the Titans could get Chris some releif the game was tied  4-4.  Alex Murphy came in relief and had a whole different problem, "The Titan Defence!" Alex gave up 6 runs, 3 of them un-earned runs, which put the game out of reach. Jason Fronczak came in and restored order, but the damage was done. The Titans came back with 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th, but it was too little to late and lost 12-7.  On a positive note Garrett Blair coming off a rocky preseason pitching performance vs these same Scorpions pitched very well in the 9th inning showing great comand stirking out two giving up just one earned run. For the offence it was Chris Gschwender picking up two hits, one a 375 foot double to left center. And in his first game of the season Gabe Douglas went two for two with two walks. The Titan's need to put this one behind them and remember this "It's an easy game, you throw the ball, you catch the ball, you hit the ball!" %#$&*


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