Sep 1/24
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Red Sox




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Posted Jun 21/13 - A Win Not in the Cards

The game against the Cardinals was a good measuring stick for the Red Sox. A win would have confirmed the progress our kids have made this year. A blow out loss would have put us in the same company as most of the Cardinals oppenents this year. We fell some where in the middle. While we did not fold to them, we did not roll over either. We kept the game close most of the way. The Red Sox didn't lose because we gave up a big inning to the Cardinals. We came up short because we lost focus at times. The good news is as soon as we would have a breakdown the player would recognize their mistake. Another positive from the game was the growth in our offense. Yes, we only scored one run and need to keep improving with our baserunning. But we saw some better approaches at the plate. For the first time this year every player put the ball in play. Better yet, every kid reached base except for one, and he (Eddie) was robbed of a hit by a terrible call by the umpire. Eddie has been working hard, hitting the cages, and it shows. If we all keep putting in the extra work, dealing us a better hand, a win WILL be in the Cards.

Next up; Phillies on Monday 7;45 @ Ball Park #2. See you all at practice on Sunday.





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