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Tampa Bay Patriots




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Posted Dec 26/13 - Please Read!!

As most of you may know we have a non-profit adult minor league football team. What you don’t know is why we do it! Yes, partly because we love this game but more importantly how it helps our young adults and youth.
The Tampa Bay Patriots was formed in hopes to help young adults who have gone to college on Athletic Scholarships and for one reason or another was unable to stay in school academically or got home sick. We also bring out the athletes who want to go to college and have the athletic ability to do so, but does not have the academic standards.  While keeping up their skills and going to a local college they are able to get football film and maintain academic excellence for scouts, Universities, Colleges, Jr. Colleges, etc.
In addition to the above my main goal is to reach out to underprivileged kids and help them fit in with their peers. 
We have grown fond of the kids of The Police Athletic League of Tampa. This past year we were able to provide several volunteer coaches for their Inaugural football season. Raised money for their fields, donated uniforms, equipment, etc to the organization.
This past year with PAL has been very uplifting! We have kids, Hundreds of them from all different races, gender, social status, etc. It was so amazing to see these kids all work together and bond with one another.
To share one of my experiences. On the first day of practice I have these 2 young men who are very well mannered. They say Coach Gene may we have a word with you in private. I did and from that point my life changed. These two young men wanted to let me know that sometimes they will be late to practice, sometimes they will need a ride to the games, and sometimes not be able to make it at all. Before I could say why the older brother said coach we are homeless but we really want to play football like all the other boys. Homeless I asked, they said yes coach. It is just us and our mother, sometimes we have to leave the shelter and sleep in the car. My mom works really hard trying to save money so that we can get a house one day. We will not be able to pay but we promise we will give it our all. Words cannot express the emotions inside me on this day!
The next day I showed up to practice with 15 pairs of cleats and 2 large bags of clothes and needless to say everything was handed out. It turned out that we had a lot of children that had nothing and needed something. From that day forward I have done everything I could for the young athletes. I would pick up a van load for game day or practices throughout the week. Have them sleep over with my son go fishing, skating, airheads, monster truck jam, USF football games, Storm games etc.
It takes a lot of money to keep these programs going! I am asking you, my family, my friends, my friends friends, my facebook friends, The Tampa Bay Patriots, fans and family to help raise as much money as we can for this season. My goal is to have at least 70 scholarships for football this year. Again, we need your help! Spread the word. We can do advertising, sponsorships, and donations.
All monies can be sent to 12802 Cedar Forest Dr #101 Tampa, Fl. 33625 or pay by credit card through PayPal at
I need your help! Lets make this a special place for all of us!


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