Jun 3/24
1:28 am





Team Ticker:
  • Congratulations - RCBA Tigers - Silver Medal finishers 2009 Mosquito Season!!!!
  • Congratulations - RCBA Tigers - Silver Medal finishers 2009 Mosquito Season!!!!
  • Congratulations - RCBA Tigers - Silver Medal finishers 2009 Mosquito Season!!!!
Countdown to 2010 Season!
(Apr 1/10)

Welcome to the Tigers New Home Page.

This page is the portal for all information regarding the Richmond City Baseball team Tigers.

We are a team playing in the Mosquito division under the regulations of BC Minor Baseball.

Our season will run from April to June.


**** - June 22, 2009 -

The RCBA Tigers finish 2nd overall in the 2009 Mosquito Season!!!

With a roster of 13 players, consisting of 4 - 2nd year and 9 - 1st year players, of which 4 were new to baseball, this team has done exceptionally well.   Our record was 12 wins - 1 tie - 10 losses.  We scored 249 runs and allowed 201.

A huge thank you to all those involved with this team....truly a community effort.  Special thanks to Grant Moffat, Colin Klimovich and Steve Scarrow - co- coaches.  Leila Or - dug out manager, Brian Watson - announcer, Sonja Watson - Concession manager, Victor Baldwin & Leo Watson & Jim Dowling - field crews.  Anita & Benita - score keepers and pitch counters.

Thank you to everyone and good luck in all your baseball futures!

- Coach Terry -


Stats to follow.


Sunday - Happy Fathers Day all Dads!  The playoff schedule is as follows:

Dodgers vs Tigers @ 1:00pm at Gibbons (Tigers home team by seed)

 Championship game will be at 6:00pm at Gibbons



June 21, 2009 - 6 pm 2009 Mosquito Final.  Versus the Hitmen.    After 22 games, and half as many practices, the season would culminate with the Tigers battling the Hitmen for the championship.   Both teams were struggling with pitch counts, but the boys stepped up and played their hearts out.   Again, the score would bounce around, back and forth throughout the innings.   After 3 inning, it was the Hitmen up 7 to 12....but we would battle back and score 4 runs in the 5th.     Despite this exciting play, the Hitmen came back with a strong pitching performance in the 6th, getting an out at 2nd, a fly out and a ground out, stranding one runner.   We recorded 9 hits, only 2 KL's and 10 stolen bases.  Final score Hitmen 12  - Tigers 11.


June 21, 2009.   Semi-Final game versus the Dodgers.  After a long hard battle to make it into the semi final round, the Tigers were excited and ready to play.   Each team would battle back and forth, getting the lead then tying the game.   At the top of the 6th, the Dodgers took the lead 12-11, and brought out their top pitcher -  Adam Humphries to shut us down.    Matthew would be hit by the 2nd pitch and get to first.  Noah Watston would be walked on a full count, both stealing to get into scoring position.  Then a bit of a nail bitter, the next two batters were struck out....With Wilford up to bat, Matthew would steam home on a passed ball to tie the game!   This seemed to rattle the pitcher a bit, who walked Wilford.   Then with two strikes and no balls, Jordan Allan would line a hard hit ball thru the pitcher to score Wilford for the winning run!!!  Despite earning only 5 hits the entire game, and 5 KL's, the boys pulled out the win with timely plays.  We stole 24 bases, including home 3 times.   Final Score, Tigers 13 - Dodgers 12!


June 20th, 2009.  3rd Playoff game versus Thunderhawks.  This was an early 9 am game, and one against the team we had not beaten all season.    It was a game to watch!    We recorded only 3 KL's and 0 KS's....we stole 23 bases (including home 3 times!).  We also had 12 hits including a triple for Connor!  Final score Tigers 18 and Thunderhawks 13...on to the semi finals!!!


June 19th, 2009.  2nd Playoff game versus Rivercats.   Another evening game on a friday night.   Both teams were geared up for the game and came to play baseball.   We went back and forth, trading runs and outs.   We had 1 KS, and 4 KL's.   We stole 9 bases and recorded 4 hits.   Final score was Tigers 5 and Rivercats 5.


June 17, 2009. 1st Playoff game versus Titans.  Great night for baseball.  Clear, warm and not too windy!   The game was a sight to see.  Our team was solid, and strong.  We supported each other and played smart baseball.    We recorded only 2 KS's and 0 KL's!!!!  We had 9 hits, including 2 doubles (Kyle and Connor).  We had 14 stolen bases.  Final score was Tigers 19 - Titans 7.  See you at Game 2 - Friday night.


June 14, 2009. The Sandlot Game.   I think I speak for all of the parents, when I say that we were nervous to have the sandlot - where the kids ran the game without coaches!  But our team did a wonderful job!!!   They took charge and coached the bases, ran the dug out and played their positions.   And secured a win 16 - 8...well done!


June 2, 2009

Last night was a great night for baseball.   The weather was warm and the sun was shining.   Our boys were coming off a good showing at the tournament and were ready to play.  We started out strong, holding the Dodgers at zero runs in the first two innings but by the end of the 4th, they were back into the game having scored 5. However, we would keep to our game plan and chip away every inning to gain more of alead.   We recorded 5 hits, 15 stolen bases, 4 KL's and 3 KS's.   Final score, Dodgers 8, Tigers 13.


Mosquito Tournament

The Mosquito tournament is going well.  We have had great weather and the attendee's are seeing some fine baseball.

In our first Game:  Vs Titans.  We battled hard and worked our way through the innings.    We recorded 7 hits,  only 5 KL's, 1 KS and 29 stolen bases!   Final score Tigers 14, Titans 4.   The player of the game was Taiki with huge hits, solid fielding and teamwork.

In our second game: Vs Eagles.  We played some great baseball leading into the 5th, when the score was 11-9 for us.   Unfortunately we did not slam the door on the struggling Eagles.   We recorded 6 hits,  only 4 KL's, 5 KS and 14 stolen bases!   Final score Tigers 11, Eagles 18.  This game we had trouble due to pitch count limits.   The Player of the Game was Omeid with two singles, great fielding and pitching.

Our Third game saw us play the Port Moody Cardinals: This game went back and forth from inning to inning.    We recorded 11 hits!!,  only 2 KL's, 0 KS!! and 25 stolen bases!   Final score Tigers 15, Cardinals 12.  Great recovery from last game!  The Player of the Game was jordan Moffat with a great hit (double) and some fine fielding and pitching.

Our last game on Sunday, vs. the Eagles.  We played a great game today, using all the lessons we learned in the first three games and battled hard.   We recorded 3 hits, 3 KL's and 3 KS's.  We stole 14 bases.  The Player of the Game was Connor.  He recorded a single and closed out a difficult inning on the mound.

Well done Tigers!  A great tournament with every one contributing.  A special thanks to Taiki who joined the team to help out this weekend.   Thanks a bunch Taiki.

On the pitching side; Here is how the weekend broke down....this is great!  Everyone got to pitch!!!

Tourny pitching   Max Left
  5/29/2009 5/30/2009 5/30/2009 5/31/2009 Total pitched    
Kyle 24     19 43 80 37
Jordan M 22   32 0 54 80 26
Connor 20 27 0 31 78 80 2
Ryder 21 29 0 22 72 80 8
Omeid 9 19 8   36 80 44
Andrew   15 16 0 31 80 49
Matt   21 8   29 80 51
Noah O   26 0 29 55 80 25
Wilford   29 0   29 80 51
Noah W   18 10   28 80 52
Jordan A     53 0 53 80 27
Max       14 14 80 66
Lucas     25   25 80 55
Score W 14-5 L 18-11 W 15-12 L 8 - 6      



May 21, 2009

Today's game was a rematch of our earlier 12-6 loss against the Eagles.   The game went back and forth for the first few innings, being 9 to 8 at the end of the 5th inning.  However, we would go on a run and score 5 runs in the 6th, before the game was called on account of darkness.   We recorded only 2 hits, 6 stolen bases, 2 KL's and 3 KS's.   Final score, Eagles 8, Tigers 14.


May 14, 2009

Today's game saw us battle the Hitmen for the first time this season.    Although the game started out close, we never lost our lead.   We recorded 9 hits (our most this season), 11 stolen bases, only 4 KL's and 1 KS's.   Final score, Hitmen 6, Tigers 17.


Tonight, we sent home booklets of tickets for the upcoming Mosquito Tournament.   These are the "entry fee" for the tournamet.   A schedule will be forth coming.  Please make every attempt to sell the booklet, there are great prizes and the tournamant will be great fun for everyone.


EXCEL Training:  Starting Monday, May 4th, the division will host the Excel training program. This will begin at 6:00pm and be run by the majority of coaches in the division. The purpose of the program is to provide advanced training and a "rep ball" experience for players wishing to take their game to a higher level. The practices will be fast-paced station drills taught UP to challenge the most advanced players. Please talk to your coach if you are interested in participating. There will be a $40.00 fee associated with this, payable to RCBA and will go toward the summer programs.

Even if you missed the first Monday, you can attend the session Monday May 11th.


May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day to all the baseball Mom's out there.   Today's afternoon game was an interesting one.   The umpires were very green, and this created some problems for both teams.   We recorded 5 hits, 13 stolen bases (including stealing home twice), only 3 KL's and 2 KS's.  Much better effort on this side of our game.  


May 7, 2009

The game started out very well tonight.   The teams were well balanced and lots of back and forth went on.   We finished with 5 hits (same as the River Cats).  We had 12 stolen bases, 5 KL's and 5 KS's.  


April 30, 2009

Today was a great evening for baseball.  Warm, sunny and lots of fans.    The team played much better tonight, with teamwork and support from everyone.  We had 5 hits tonight, 12 stolen bases, only 2 KL's! and 3 KS's....much better effort from everyone...well done!


April 29, 2009

Tough game last night Tigers.  Although we lost the game 12-6, we recorded 4 hits.    We sufferred 6 KL's and 1 KS, and we had 10 stolen bases.    Just didn't play with confidence.  


April 28, 2009

Practice dates have been added to the calender.


April 23, 2009

Team Picture Day:  Team photo's will be on May 9th at Blundell Field (same place as opening day ceramonies).  Our exact time is to be determined (between 10:35 and 11:10).


April 23, 2009

Leila has forward an e-mail to you regarding the Mariners Seattle trip.  If you are interested in attending, please send me a note ASAP. The dates are May 23rd and 24th.  Cost is $11 usd per person and payment must be in US Cash by April 30th...this does not include hotel or travel costs.


April 22, 2009

Good work last night Tigers.  We got our 2nd win, and although we started out a bit slower, I was happy with the finish the boys had.  We still only scored 3 hits on the night, and sufferred 5 KL's and 3 ks's, but we had 15 stolen bases!


April 21, 2009

Opening Day Ceramonies.  You should have two sheets of paper from Sunday's game.   The Toonie Toss pledge forms were included. This is a great fundraiser for RCBA (which helps keep registration fees low), and there are some fantastic prizes.  Please do you best to be part of this event.


April 19, 2009

Good 3rd Game everyone.  Thank you to the parents who helped prep the field and run the concession.   The game was a challenge...we were playing a team with a lot of seasoned players, and I thought that we played well.  The rain was a bit of a downer, the kids the troupers.  We were lighter on our hits, registering only 3, 15 stolen bases and our pitchers recorded 5 strike outs.


April 17, 2009

Great 2nd Game everyone.   The team had a great battle from behind comeback....after being down 6 to 2 in the 4th inning, our boys rallied back with two 3 run innings....highlights included two doubles by Noah O and Connor, great catching by Jordan A (including two pick off throws!) 7 strike out pitches, 6 hits and 21 stolen bases.   Our pitchers did a great job, and everyone settled into a fine game of baseball.


April 10, 2009

New Baseball Schedule has been uploaded.  This is the final schedule.   Please update your calendars!

Check out the Concession tab, thanks to Sonja for creating this schedule, and thanks to all the parents who will be able to help out in the concession for us!


April 9, 2009

Great first game everyone.   We rotated everyone in all positions to see where we needed some extra practice.  The team played very well together.

Note:  Due to food distractions, we have decided there will be no concession food allowed in the dug out.   Spits and water will be allowed only.   If your player is starving, they can exit the dug out during their rest inning.  Thanks for your help in this issue.


April 1, 2009

Seattle Mariners Little League Weekend

It started with one team travelling south and last year it grew to 77 players from the Tadpole & Mosquito divisions heading down to play exhibition games against Seattle teams followed by a visit to Safeco Field along with 270 Richmond fans to cheer on the Mariners and walk on the field!

Please visit the web site if you are interested in attending.

The dates are May 23rd & 24th.


Please remember, game start times are listed.  Warm up is 45 minutes prior to the game time.


Dress Code:

For Practices: Please make sure the ball players are dressed with cleats, athletic support and jock, as well as a baseball glove and baseball hat, baseball pants or track pants....these are required dress for all practices.  We will be practicing sliding this year, so make sure the players are not wearing shorts!

For Games: Full Uniform, including eats, athletic support and jock.


RCBA Opening Day is April 26th, with times for the festivities to follow shortly. Remember to get started on the saving for the Toonie Toss. It's lots of fun!   Closest to the centre wins a great prize!

Also there will be tables set up for the Richmond Food Bank, and the RCBA is hoping to have a tremendous turnout to support this worthy cause.   The Player and Team who brings the most food (by weight) will be awarded prizes!




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